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Oil Pan Gasket Set

Posted By HazardTBird Last Year
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Last Active: 6 hours ago
Posts: 50, Visits: 1.2K
I have to replace the rear main seal in my 57 T Bird (in the car) and ordered an oil pan gasket set just in case. When I received it I recognized the oil pump inlet rubber/steel gasket and the copper gasket used at the inlet tube/oil pan join but don't know what the smaller rubber gasket is or where it goes. I also don't know what the other paper gaskets are either, but I assume that they are Ford Car (or truck) specific.
I do have a small leak at the inlet tube/oil pan join which I would like to fix as part of this work. When I installed this area originally I used a gasket on the inside of the oil pan and another on the outside of the oil pan. I remember reading in Ted's (or others) writings that you should just use the copper gasket on the inside of the oil pan only with no gasket on the outside of the pan; is this correct?

The small rubber gasket fits very nicely inside the copper gasket and its I.D. looks to be the same as the inlet tube O.D.; do you use that rubber gasket at the Tube/Oil pan join?

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