"Joe D. Form the begining when you said you had Carter carbs and spacers I assumed AFB's. By the photo of the engine in the truck and the other side view your carbs are Carter small base WCFB's off 55-56 Mercurys. They were used only with Loadmatic distributors which maybe part of your problem. Ted Eaton showed how to modify the teapot Holley to run with the later dist but no one I know has modified these carbs which were also used on Lincolns. I can tell by the vacuum system to open the secondaries. I have a few of these carbs also."
... hmm ...
THANX for the wake-up call ...
"Dual Quads (Carter) are off of a 1957 T -Bird I was told.."
The intake may be 57 BIRD but not the WCFB's.
If these are MERC WCFB carbs, they will be LOAD-O-MATIC modified (CARTER FACTORY) to use with a LOAD-O-MATIC distributor. Shown is a photo showing location of the SPARK CONTROL VALVE-

Do you see the SCV under the fuel inlet line? Do you see this valve on either of your carbs? Do you know if your distributor is LOM or 57/ Dual Advance?
May have stumbled across the reason for the shutdown between gears. I will explain once you determine what you have.
Curb idle @ 1000RPM? You either have some type of vacuum leak or one hell of a cam.