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Sorry about the multiple posts but I have difficulty with this forum format. The above excerpts are pertaining to the 56 MERC WCFB 2361S and SA. Whether it pertains to any other year or manufacturer usage (GM - CHRY) I have no idea. But this info is what a quality re-builder should know. I don't know if they are the source of the problem(s) but just posted the info for anyone in the future that may come across and need it. EDIT- Trying to master the KING'S ENGLISH
Joe D
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The vacuum line from the distributor is hook up to the rear carb port. This port down low on the front of the carb. Like I mentioned before, no matter what I do with the distributor vacuum hose it really does not effect engine performance and stalling issue.
Anyway a friend of mine has a computer box that runs the engine ignition and you can observe while driving what the vehicle is doing and see exactly what happens during a stalling event. He thinks there is some sort of ignition problem and would at least like to rule this out before trying other things.
I will keep you and any other interested Y-blockers updated. Thanks for your help!
Joe D (The Frig)
Joe D (The Frig) 1960 F-100 - 292 Y-Block Philly Burbs
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Distributor vacuum advance chamber working?
 Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)
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... a friend of mine has a computer box that runs the engine ignition and you can observe while driving what the vehicle is doing and see exactly what happens during a stalling event. He thinks there is some sort of ignition problem and would at least like to rule this out before trying other things.
Get me some info on that box he is talking about. Got me curious.
Years ago ... (yeah, I know) ,,, there was a spark tester that had a long lead and suction cup that you stuck to the WS and drove to see if the IGN was cutting out.
Joe D
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Ted, I had the cap off and pulled a vacuum by sucking on the hose attached to the distributor vacuum diaphragm. The plate moved smoothly and the diaphragm held vacuum. As vacuum was released it returned to its original position.
I have Pertronix electronic points and a pPertronix matching coil. Have you ever heard of a issue like this with these? The mechanic who is helping me said he saw them fail but the engine would not re start like mine does.
Thanks for your help!
Joe D
Joe D (The Frig) 1960 F-100 - 292 Y-Block Philly Burbs
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By any chance has anyone installed a PCV system on your engine? The reason I ask is in a photo on page 10 it looks like there is a hole drilled in the back of the manifold that doesn't belong there. with only the back carburetor supplying idle fuel that could be leaning out one of the idle ports leaving only one to supply fuel, if that. This was edited to correct spelling and add the last sentence.. It could be the source of the lean condition others suggested.
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Sandberg Posted-
By any chance has anyone installed a PCV system on your engine? The reason I ask is in a photo on page 10 it looks like there is a hole drilled in the back of the manifold that doesn't belong there. with only the back carburetor supplying idle fuel that could be leaning out one of the idle ports leaving only one to supply fuel, if that.

GOOD POINT! I had asked earlier if it was the VAC ADV SOURCE but got no replay.
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The vacuum line from the distributor is hook up to the rear carb port. This port down low on the front of the carb. Like I mentioned before, no matter what I do with the distributor vacuum hose it really does not effect engine performance and stalling issue.
Exactly what/where is the vacuum source for the DIST? Where does that long VAC ADV signal hose shown on the above photo go?
If the advance is direct manifold source, it will cause the high RPM curb idle and most likely the engine cutting off when the accelerator is completely released.
As for the PERTRONIX, there has been difficulty with the IGNITOR I, especially when coupled to an electronic TACH. That may be the source as it does not happen until normal operating temp is reached.
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Awful big hole for distributor vacuum. The original e setup took ported advance vacuum from the teapot carburetors. they didn't use manifold for advance. Kuhl, I didn't realize you pointed this out, each time I read this thread I get more confused. Right about now I would throw a 2 barrel w/ manifold on it and see what happens.
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Awful big hole for distributor vacuum. The original e setup took ported advance vacuum from the teapot carburetors. they didn't use manifold for advance.
Yes it is, but who knows who and how assembled the setup? Have no idea of carb source. Someone kitted them but without knowing the carb source how did he set them up? Just kitting one isn't going to solve many problems.