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 Fenton = 1.3925
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Thomas = 1.531
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Ok, tested the Ford rockers with Ford push rods and adjusters. Lo Ratio = 1.3263 Hi Ratio = 1.4721 This is on my engine with the setup I have, I will do one more test with my push rods and adjusters on the high ratio rockers   
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Done with this, the last test was with the Ford Hi Ratio rocker with my cup and ball setup 1.4589
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So far I have spent the whole morning measuring rocker arms to get a perfect matched set, went through 10 sets, now to try on the engine.
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Well after all my work, I installed these one at a time on the same valve and measured the lift, .020 difference from the high to the low, not good, so now I will check all numbers on the engine and not on the desk. Cliff
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No work this weekend went to the L.A. Roadster Show
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Here's the oil channel cut into the rocker to oil to the top ball, the oil flows around the adjuster to the hole in the side and to the top of the push rod ball.
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Yes Cliff : Years ago I tested all 16 ECG 6564 A2 1956 272 rocker arms taken from a 1956 ford sedan that was run into the ground and left to rust away in a patch of trees.Made a jig from a piece sawed off a ECG-C cylinder head and replaced the lifter with a micrometer head to accurately measure push rod travel. I offset the rocker arms side to side in order to test them on the unworn area of the valve pad to establish there true factory ratio.I started the tests with the factory adjusting screws set as high as possible.Used .250" push rod travel for all tests.Lowest ratio rocker arm tested at 1.552 to 1,highest ratio rocker arm tested at 1.592 to 1.After the first test I adjusted the rocker arm adjusters down exactly 5 turns[.250"],results of this test[all 16 rocker arms] valve lift was increased .002" to.003".I also did tests with older EAN rocker arms and discovered that changing the valve pad radius also changed the rocker arm ratio,so proper care is needed when re-surfacing valve pads.