Doc Frohmader wrote an article about porting Y-Block heads, and it's online at Egge's website
HERETowards the end of the article he talks about port matching the intake side to the intake gasket- not much work was needed there. But he also references the exhaust side, and talks about that corner that is blocked off. It's visible in this picture
HEREDoc says not to take that corner out as it's a low flow area, and removing it will drop exhaust velocity. But, I recently watched a YouTube video where Tim removes that corner to match the entire port to the exhaust gasket. That video is
HEREAt 3:06 mins into the video you can see that he has nicely matched the ports to the gasket, and has removed a large bit of metal that makes up that corner.
Any ideas as to what I should do? Right now, I've only matched the port to the gaskets on the outside edges of the port, and have completely left that blocked off corner alone.
Heber City, UT (15 mins outside of Park City- basically it's in the mountains)
55 Effie