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Priming rebuilt motor before initial startup

Posted By B-rad 3 Months Ago
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Posted 3 Months Ago
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I'm getting closer to starting my 317 for the first time since the rebuild. I'm trying to find out how to get it primed with oil before cranking it up. I did swap out the dizzy and oil pump for a newer setup so I can run a different carb. I read somewhere to fill it with oil and spin it around on the stand to get oil everywhere. I'm thinking that's all it will do, get oil everywhere. I know there's a way to spin the dizzy or oil pump somehow to move the oil from the pan thru everything. Just don't know how.
I just got the tranny back from the shop. They had it for almost 18 months but it's done. Should I hook the tranny and engine together before I prime it or doesn't that matter? Since it will still be a few weeks away, I should wait until just before starting it before priming it, right?

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