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Distributor suggestions for a 312 street build?

Posted By Blind Willie 7 Months Ago
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Blind Willie
Posted 7 Months Ago
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My 56 Thunderbird is a 312 with a manual transmission and overdrive.   The engine is stock.   It was rebuilt and I assume it was bored some amount (TBD).  I plan to update the top of the engine to 57 specs with ECZ-G or 113 heads.   I'm also in the queue for a pair of Mummert aluminum heads.   I have a current version of the Blue Thunder intake manifold with the machining for a larger distributor.  My goal is to build a street 312 with a 57+ camshaft that looks stock to the untrained eye.   I would paint the BT intake and Mummert heads red to match the engine.   John Mummert suggests using 59 and later distributors vs a 57.   Ideally, I would like to use a stock looking distributor that has a mechanical tach drive that connects to the Tbird tach.   But I'm open to anything.  Thoughts appreciated!

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Forum Post Distributor suggestions for a 312 street build? By Blind Willie ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post When I inherited my 55 Tbird, I discovered that the OEM 55 Teapot... By 55blacktie ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post Thanks for the feedback. I should have been more clear. The goal... By Blind Willie ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post If you put a Black cap on the CRT, it will look like new stock. I... By Joe-JDC ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post I just read Ted's article on " Modifying the Holley Teapot four barrel... By Blind Willie ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post You do know that the teapot will not fit the blue thunder manifold (or... By paul2748 ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post If you're thinking about using a Teapot carburetor with Mummert heads,... By 55blacktie ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post I get it. I've been down the rabbit holes at Mummert / Eaton, etc.,... By Blind Willie ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post Assuming you have the original axle ratio, I would ask John Mummert... By 55blacktie ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post I'm not sure what the rear end ratio is in the 56 Tbird yet. It was... By Blind Willie ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post Thanks Joe! A yellow 55 participated in the 1000 Miglia rally in... By Blind Willie ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post I'm assuming you have managed to overcome the biggest obstacle... By 55blacktie ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post Not really, but one can always hope. However, I do have Irish... By Blind Willie ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post Will a stock Ford distributor cap fit on a CRT distributor? By slumlord444 ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post [quote][b]slumlord444 (2/21/2024)[/b][hr] Will a stock Ford... By Ted ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post [quote][b]Blind Willie (2/20/2024)[/b][hr]... John Mummert suggests... By Ted ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post Here are a couple of pictures of a CRT/TSP distributor in a Y. Keep... By Ted ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post My 56 T-Bird arrived and I finally had a chance to give it a good look... By Blind Willie ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post If the camshaft in your engine is the OEM 56, or even 57 cam, the 57... By 55blacktie ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post You might verify whether you have the 56 1.43 ratio rocker arms or the... By 55blacktie ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post Thanks for the suggestions! I thought the 57 Holley carb might be... By Blind Willie ( 7 Months Ago )
Forum Post If needed, you might want to contact Sal Cicala about rebuilding the... By 55blacktie ( 7 Months Ago )

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