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Distributor suggestions for a 312 street build?

Posted By Blind Willie 7 Months Ago
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Blind Willie
Posted 7 Months Ago
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My 56 Thunderbird is a 312 with a manual transmission and overdrive.   The engine is stock.   It was rebuilt and I assume it was bored some amount (TBD).  I plan to update the top of the engine to 57 specs with ECZ-G or 113 heads.   I'm also in the queue for a pair of Mummert aluminum heads.   I have a current version of the Blue Thunder intake manifold with the machining for a larger distributor.  My goal is to build a street 312 with a 57+ camshaft that looks stock to the untrained eye.   I would paint the BT intake and Mummert heads red to match the engine.   John Mummert suggests using 59 and later distributors vs a 57.   Ideally, I would like to use a stock looking distributor that has a mechanical tach drive that connects to the Tbird tach.   But I'm open to anything.  Thoughts appreciated!
Posted 7 Months Ago
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When I inherited my 55 Tbird, I discovered that the OEM 55 Teapot carburetor and 57 tach-drive distributor were not compatible. Gil Baumgartner (CTCI Gil's Garage) recommended that I keep the 57 distributor and replace the carburetor; that was before I learned that the Teapot carburetors can be modified to work with the 57-up distributors. 

After reading about Ted Eaton's having tested the CRT electronic distributor with favorable results, I asked him whether he would choose the 57 distributor or the CRT. He chose the CRT. The CRT Thunderbird distributor has a mechanical tach drive. It also will accommodate an electric tach as well. The CRT distributor is $240, and shipping is free. Unless you live in MA, there will be no sales tax (unless you buy off eBay). 

An expert will know that your heads, intake, carburetor, and distributor are not correct for your 56 Tbird; they won't be fooled by painting the heads and intake. Non-experts won't know the difference. 
Blind Willie
Posted 7 Months Ago
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Thanks for the feedback.   I should have been more clear.   The goal is not to look like a stock 56 but rather to look like a 56 with 57 upgrades and options that were available "in the period".   I have this pipe dream to get an early Bird registered for the 1000 Miglia rally in Italy and participate someday.   Thunderbirds from 1955 through 1957 qualify.   So step one is complete,  I have a 56 Thunderbird.   Step two is to get it Registered (inspected) and pre-qualified for a future entry application.    Step three is to get lucky and be one the 400 or so cars selected and have the $$$ to do it.   A man and woman team finished the 1957 race as car # 434 in a 55 Tbird.    I think it would be a lot of fun to mix it up with cars that are one or two orders of magnitude more valuable than your own!
Posted 7 Months Ago
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If you put a Black cap on the CRT, it will look like new stock.  I have all three derivatives of the Thunderbird electronic distributors, the MSD, the CRT, and the TSP.  So far, they have worked just fine.

Blind Willie
Posted 7 Months Ago
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Thanks Joe!   A yellow 55 participated in the 1000 Miglia rally in 2013.  And other early Birds have more recently.   The yellow 55 later sold on Bringatrailer for under $25K.   The photo below is from that listing.   Suffice to say I think it is by far the least valuable car visible in the photo.   I can't imagine what the factory sponsored Mercedes 300 SL race car might be worth.
Posted 7 Months Ago
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I'm assuming you have managed to overcome the biggest obstacle (money), if you can afford the aluminum heads and shipping your car to Italy. 
Blind Willie
Posted 7 Months Ago
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Not really,  but one can always hope.   However, I do have Irish citizenship by descent since my grandparents were born in Ireland.  So I have an Irish / EU passport which allows us to live anywhere in the EU legally.   We've thought about trying to live over there before we get too old and decrepit.   If so, maybe the Thunderbird comes with us.
Blind Willie
Posted 7 Months Ago
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I just read Ted's article on " Modifying the Holley Teapot four barrel carb for late model distributors".   I thought I had read almost every one of his articles but not this one.   So now I'm wondering how a modified Teapot carb on top of the standard 56 intake would work with the CRT distributor?    Or the Teapot on top of the Blue Thunder?   Not sure I've seen that set up.   The Teapot is freshly rebuilt by The Carburetor Center in El Monte, CA.   And Ted's level of expertise never ceases to amaze me.   If I was younger I would offer to apprentice in his shop for free just to soak up all his knowledge.

Posted 7 Months Ago
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You do know that the teapot will not fit the blue thunder manifold (or Mummert's) w/o an  adapter

54 Victoria 312;  48 Ford Conv 302, 56 Bird 312
Forever Ford
Midland Park, NJ

Posted 7 Months Ago
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If you're thinking about using a Teapot carburetor with Mummert heads, how about two Teapots? B6A-9000-B/B6A-9600-B dual 4-barrel kits were offered over the counter by most Ford dealerships (not factory installed) for the 1956 Thunderbird. Whether using one or two, you shouldn't have a problem with an electronic distributor, as long as the carburetor(s) have been modified for the 57-up distributors. 1957 312 E-codes were factory-equipped with two Teapots. Personally, I would stick with a 57-up single 4-barrel carburetor, up to 600 cfm, with vacuum secondaries. 

You must be contemplating a complete engine rebuild; for what you're considering, you would not want to use the stock 56 camshaft, particularly with the aluminum heads. The stock cam will prevent the heads from reaching their full potential. 

Before you start parting with hard-earned dollars, you need to give this serious consideration. With the help of the members of this forum, hopefully you will get it right the first time. I've spent many hours trying to get it right, and I still bought parts that can't/won't be used for the final build. 

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