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Y block porn

Posted By famdoc3 Last Year
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Posted 4 Months Ago
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I'm planning on making the trip and will be parked in the show field. See you there. Don't miss Tom Drummond in the sales area. Chuck

Y's guys rule!
Looking for McCullouch VS57 brackets and parts. Also looking for 28 Chrysler series 72 parts. And early Hemi parts.

MoonShadow, 292 w/McCulloch, 28 Chrysler Roadster, 354 Hemi)
Manchester, New Hampshire
Posted 4 Months Ago
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I don’t know how many will make it to Fords Carlisle but if you go please stop by and say “Hello”. 

Mike, still lovin his 57 t'bird after 53 years!
Posted 4 Months Ago
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Here is some more... Anybody know this car?   Be nice if they showed for Shoot Out
Posted 4 Months Ago
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So I thought it was time for an update, it’s now running great! My carb guy had put 66’s in the carb initially, I moved up to 70’s on the primaries and it got somewhat better so if bigger made it a little better more might help even better so in went 72’s then 74’s and that’s where I’m at. Runs smoothly, pulls like a freight train and is runs cool. These old motors sure like a little extra fuel and initial timing is at 16 degrees. Overall really happy now. MIKE

Mike, still lovin his 57 t'bird after 53 years!
Posted 5 Months Ago
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Way to go, nice one, thanks for sharing..........

64F100 57FAIRLANE500
Posted 5 Months Ago
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So I was notified today that my car was accepted for display in the Y block tent at All Fords Carlisle. What an honor. Here’s the picture I submitted. Hope to see some of you there!

Mike, still lovin his 57 t'bird after 53 years!
Posted 5 Months Ago
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Careful there are some snap rings in the bottom of the Flamethrower that are a little hard to get to but are set in an aluminum groove. The break easily (a friend told me Smile) I often find the rotors are damaged or have voltage tracks on them. They have to be clean and good to work properly. Sounds like you were having a crossfire problem. I had Ted Eaton try one on my blower motor and he said it dropped about 20hp compared to the MSD. They do look neat and somewhat magneto like but I don't know if they are worth it in the long run. I saw online once that someone put 2 VW Pertronics kits in and had some success but that is beyond me. Anyway good luck.

Y's guys rule!
Looking for McCullouch VS57 brackets and parts. Also looking for 28 Chrysler series 72 parts. And early Hemi parts.

MoonShadow, 292 w/McCulloch, 28 Chrysler Roadster, 354 Hemi)
Manchester, New Hampshire
Posted 5 Months Ago
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Supercharged (424 reputation)Supercharged (424 reputation)Supercharged (424 reputation)Supercharged (424 reputation)Supercharged (424 reputation)Supercharged (424 reputation)Supercharged (424 reputation)Supercharged (424 reputation)Supercharged (424 reputation)

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Thought I would update. It took a couple of days to change out the Grant Flamethrower for the new distributor. I bought the whole kit- 60,000 volt coil, wires and distributor from CRP installed it today. Snap, crackle and pop are gone! Smoothly takes throttle and winds up tight. Then the rain started so only got to drive it in and out of the shop, but it now runs like a charm. Will be taking the flamethrower apart soon to see what I can learn but for now will take the win. MIKE

Mike, still lovin his 57 t'bird after 53 years!
Posted 5 Months Ago
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More than once I’ve found a spark problem by backing the car out in the dark and having a look. No lights around, it’s amazing how bright a spark is when it jumps someplace other than the spark plug. Cheap and easy. Couple good raps even pixxxxx’s the neighbors off.

55 bird, 32 cabrio F code
Kent, WA
Tucson, AZ
Posted 5 Months Ago
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Supercharged (424 reputation)Supercharged (424 reputation)Supercharged (424 reputation)Supercharged (424 reputation)Supercharged (424 reputation)Supercharged (424 reputation)Supercharged (424 reputation)Supercharged (424 reputation)Supercharged (424 reputation)

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Thanks Ted for your advice. I happen to be partnered with a friend and have a distributor machine so the points were set and timed on it. Ignition timing was initially quite advanced but has been set to 12 before top dead center. The engine starts and idles well. Before I give up on the Flamethrower I will try separating the wires, hopefully it will work. I’ll check back after the trial. Mike

Mike, still lovin his 57 t'bird after 53 years!

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