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The T5 is in!

Posted By charliemccraney 17 Years Ago
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The T5 is in!

Posted 17 Years Ago
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A Ford Racing Super-Duty T-5: 330ft/lbs capacity. Mustangs run 400hp through the stock 300ft/lb transmissions with no issues. This one should be enough for me... for a while.

I have to make a trip to Summit - Hopefully the last before Columbus - to pick up seat belts, a coolant catch can, and a shifter boot. I'll finish up the trans cross member this week and fill the hole for the other shifter. The cross member probably is not needed but the mount is there so I may as well use it. I may get a different shift handle - I'll see how this one fits with the bucket seats. I was thinking about getting an aftermarket shifter but the throw is so much shorter and the feel much more positive than that universal 3 speed deal I had - I'll put that off for a while. The drive shaft should be back by the end of next week.

There is still much more work to do. The floor pan still isn't finished. But I am one step closer to finished enough for the trip to columbus. I really hate working on the floor pan. Completing these smaller projects in between prevents me from burning out.

Does anyone know if there is a break in procedure? It had no instructions. I know it needs ATF for lubrication. I have not yet tried to contact Ford Racing.

Lawrenceville, GA
Posted 17 Years Ago
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I sure wish we had the same clearence in a car as you have in your truck transmisson tunnel.w00t

-Gary Burnette-

63 Red Stake Bed
Posted 17 Years Ago
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Looks great!  By the way, can you post some pics when the seat is in to show how much clearance?

Also, let us know what your cruising rpm ends up on the Highway, & how the cam & other combos tolerate pulling in  OD.

Posted 17 Years Ago
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Atta boy, Charlie.

71% of original size (was 711x19) - Click to enlarge  Dennis in Lititz PA
Posted 17 Years Ago
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63 Red Stake Bed (8/5/2008)
Looks great!  By the way, can you post some pics when the seat is in to show how much clearance?

Also, let us know what your cruising rpm ends up on the Highway, & how the cam & other combos tolerate pulling in  OD.

Will do!  I'll be using bucket seats but I'll throw the bench seat back in for some pics.

It should work out to something like 2250rpm at 70mph.  That should have it in the power band.  We'll see how it is in reality.  I like that the 1st gear will make it like putting a 4.11 in!

Lawrenceville, GA
Smile Posted 17 Years Ago
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          sure wish I could afford to put one in my truck. Any used ones I find out  here in Vegas are like $500.00 with no garrentee's. I'd just buy a new one if I'd do that anyway and then I know what I have. Thats a big step on your truck though, getting that put in. I'm sure they'll be quite a difference when you get done.



Sandy Valley, NV

Tom Compton
Posted 17 Years Ago
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bought my World Class T5 completely rebuilt w/ 90 day warranty for $600 a few years ago.  Think he is retired or slowing to retirement.  3.73 gears a djust over 2000 RPM @ 70.  TC

You gotta have the right tools and know how to use 'em.

TC - Austin, Texas

Posted 17 Years Ago
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I guess I'll talk some about the technical aspects of the install.

John Mummerts modifications to the truck bell housing worked flawlessly. I actually had more trouble getting the bell housing onto the engine than getting the transmission onto the bell housing.

I measured the length of the 3spd input shaft and found that the T5 needed to be shortened by about 3/32". I taped up the spline to prevent the grit from getting in there and cut the shaft a dremel. If you have a compressor and a real die grinder, even better.

I also ordered one of his throwout bearing reducer sleeves and an 11" clutch disc. The sleeve is just slightly smaller than the inner diameter of the bearing through most of its length. It steps about 1/4" larger at one end. The sleeve slides into the bearing from the front (engine side) and gets tack welded on the back side. The tacks need to be ground smooth so that the bearing can sit flush against the transmission. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures or measurements of this.

I marked the hole for the shifter while dry fitting the transmission. To do this I used a scribe and held it at one end so that it behaves like a plum-bob. When it was just touching the corner of the shifter mounting pad I made a mark on the floor pan. If you use this method you will probably have to find an additional way to mark the point; it's such an awkward position that it is difficult to make a mark that is easy to see. I also scribed a circle around the point so that I would not loose it once the transmission was back down. Once the transmission was back down I center punched the 4 marks and drilled a small hole. I think 9/64 is the smalles bit I had that my drill would hold. These holes can now be used as reference points from the top of the floor pan.

I then made a template of the shifter base with some poster board - for light duty work, poster board is excellent template material - and centered the template in the 4 holes, making sure to take note of the top and front of the template, then scribed the line and cut it out. Templates can be time consuming but I've learned that they are often less time consuming than the trial and error approach. So make templates whenever you can.

On a truck, a transmission cross member probably is not required. The transmission felt lighter than the 3 speed. But I am putting one on. Maybe it will add more stability. Maybe it will do nothing. But it will be there. I'm using 1 x 2 tubing with a .065 wall for the cross member and 12 gauge steel for the frame mounting brackets. I will add a little more about this when it is done.

So far it's been a very easy install. The transmission comes with a back up light switch and a neutral safety switch. I'll put both to use eventually.

One important thing to remember: The clutch fork goes in first! There does not seem to be enough room to get it in there once the clutch has been installed. That goes for the 3spd and T5. I've made that mistake twice now. Maybe I'll remember next time. It does not have to be on the pivot ball but it does need to be through the hole in the side of the bell housing before installing the clutch.

Lawrenceville, GA
y-block don
Posted 17 Years Ago
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looks good keep the pics coming BigGrin

y-block newbie
Posted 17 Years Ago
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While you're at it, do a one piece driveshaft. It is worth your while. I ended up going with a short throw also, B and M. Smoothed everything up quite a bit.

My name is Greg and I am addicted to Y's.

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