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Hi Mike- They are 48 IDF Chinese Weber knock offs. I was told yesterday that Weber replacement parts don't fit. We have decided to tune them the best we can, install the engine, and then find a reputable tune-up shop and hope they can fine tune. Our biggest issue is the stumble from idle to full throttle. The engine actually shuts down. Not sure if its lack of air, too much gas, or what.
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Any chance you can get a couple air fuel meters, one on each bank? If it’s on an engine dyno, it’s much easier to get close than it will be in the car and on a chassis dyno.
What little I remember about the Webers was the real key was having them shipped with the correct emulsion tubes. The jet changes, main and idle, were pretty easy for fine tuning. I was lucky, the ones I had (IDA’s on a flat 4 air cooled) were done by a CA company who did it all the time. Same with whatever my friend had on the 302 in the Cobra. Most of the work was syncing the linkage at idle and just off idle.
Hope it goes well for you, that’s quite the impressive set up.
miker 55 bird, 32 cabrio F code Kent, WA Tucson, AZ
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Our build has come to an end. One of the bronze guides wasn't fitted properly and bent a valve. After pulling the heads off we found some contamination in #3 cylinder. The whole engine needs to be rebuilt probably .30 over. We're not willing to spend another $2500. Anyone interested in 368 parts? LOL. Also, FYI, with the Bentson adapter to marry the 368 up to my Ford AOD tranny, it pushes the engine so far forward that I would either have to push everything back an inch or find a 2" radiator just to get the water pump to fit without the fan. We thought we had it measured correctly but we were an inch off in final length. It was hard to get exact measurements until we put the spare block in and discovered the issue. I might have tried to shoehorn it in with a custom 2 core radiator but when we discovered the internal damage, we decided to throw in the towel. Getting the Webers to work was also difficult, we were pouring gas into the engine like crazy with no end in sight unless we wanted to spend countless dollars in jets hoping they would fit these chinese knock-offs. No one wanted to admit what brand they are to get parts and fishing around for these jets could have been futile. Moral of the story: be happy with what you got if it's running fine. The 302 will be going back in.
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Very sorry to read this. You fellas poured in way too much effort to just walk away. That Lincoln Y is a super georgous and very unique engine that would make your car one of a kind. Maybe consider a more traditional build but with a mild custom cam and cruise-o-matic or???? I think there's still a lot of good there to work with. You have shown a lot of attention to detail so why not keep the 368?
64F100 57FAIRLANE500
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we're considering it but probably not. I need an exhaust valve. EGGE has one but they want $21 shipping for a $29 valve. I have a hard time with that. I was wondering if there were any other valves that I could use.
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Hey Ted, gotta extra exhaust valve you want to part with? Marty
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Got a valve and gaskets. We're going to try to put this back together with stock intake and see what the compression looks like.
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Everything put back together. The engine runs fine but we still have to do a compression check.
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