OK, ran a 1/2-13 coarse tap into the worn bushing and used a bolt to drive it out. It doesn't look like bronze but it takes threads nice. Easey Peasey. It looks to me there's a step in the distributor housing to set the bushing height, figured there had to be.
There is a typo (I think) in the '64 Shop manual, they specify .002" clearance when locating the collar (on a new shaft), the endplay spec is 0.022" - 0.032", and in later manuals for the same task on say a 302 or whatever, they use 0.022", this confused me for a while, but that's pretty easy to do.
The manual says that the distributor shaft and distributor gear are replaced as an assembly, e.g. one part should not be replaced without replacing the other. This deal is in keeping with many of my projects, a simple $7.00 points replacement ends up costing 200 bucks and about 12 hours of labor and scouring the intertubes for parts. Since I have two cores I might build another one up and keep it as a spare in case the Pertronix dies, or sell it and recoup some costs.
The distributor shaft is listed as B7A-12175-A , I see on eBay Mac's has this part available, as two different application/ vendor part #s under the same Ford part number. Both are listed for 1960-1962 ?? Seems to me the 14 tooth gear and shaft should work fine from 59-64?
For example:

Distributor Shaft & Cam Assembly - 292 & 312 V8 - Mercury
Part Number: 60-29513-1
Brand: Dennis Carpenter
Distributor Shaft & Cam Assembly - 292 & 312 V8 - Mercury
Can anyone shed some light on correct part numbers and availability? Is this another unicorn part??
It does appear that the business end where the reluctor rides and springs attach, this has a roll pin as well. So I guess parts could be swapped if required. I just want the shaft and bushing and everything on the same sheet of music. New gear, shaft, bushing should run true.
One of the cores the shaft is bent at the oil pump side. How the hell does that even happen? I don't know the history of that distributor, maybe the oil pump locked up somewhere back in time?