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1957 and up distributors

Posted By monarch 8 Years Ago
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Greetings to all: I installed a cam from a 64 distributor into my 57 tach drive distributor for reasons 57Ranchero stated.. It fit and works as advertised. I'm also running Pertronix 2. Hope this helps, JEFF.................

64F100 57FAIRLANE500
Posted 7 Years Ago
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FORD DEARBORN (8/15/2018)
Greetings to all: I installed a cam from a 64 distributor into my 57 tach drive distributor for reasons 57Ranchero stated.. It fit and works as advertised. I'm also running Pertronix 2. Hope this helps, JEFF.................
Thank you for confirming that.
Ted, I would grab that 59 piece, I own three Ford V8's, Y, FE, 302 and in all my travels to different sites and suppliers I have never seen that part for sale..

Posted 7 Years Ago
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57RancheroJim (8/15/2018)
It's just my personal choice, I like more initial timing, I use 12 + the 24 mechanical for a total of 36.
B9AF-12210-A That appears to be a 59 part number and would only have 24 degrees.

We'll see what shows up, went ahead ordered one, along with some other goodies. They call it a '57 anyway.

The difference back then, everything wasn't worn out! Thanks to everyone who responded, since it crosses to '64 IRL, even on a tach drive strib should be golden.
Posted 7 Years Ago
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57RancheroJim (8/15/2018)
FORD DEARBORN (8/15/2018)
Greetings to all: I installed a cam from a 64 distributor into my 57 tach drive distributor for reasons 57Ranchero stated.. It fit and works as advertised. I'm also running Pertronix 2. Hope this helps, JEFF.................
Thank you for confirming that.
Ted, I would grab that 59 piece, I own three Ford V8's, Y, FE, 302 and in all my travels to different sites and suppliers I have never seen that part for sale..

Yeah, first question right outta the box, they asked me what year T-Bird I had. (I have an F100) for a second I wondered if maybe, they might not sell it to me. Better tell 'em I have a '57!

They should have 4 left. type in 12210 and it should pop. $50 bucks, they have some other Y related stuff too.

If anybody needs the flyweights, DC supposedly has 250 on hand. Nobody else does, except for a single lonely weight on the 'bay.
Posted 7 Years Ago
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Tedster (8/15/2018)
57RancheroJim (8/15/2018)
FORD DEARBORN (8/15/2018)
Greetings to all: I installed a cam from a 64 distributor into my 57 tach drive distributor for reasons 57Ranchero stated.. It fit and works as advertised. I'm also running Pertronix 2. Hope this helps, JEFF.................
Thank you for confirming that.
Ted, I would grab that 59 piece, I own three Ford V8's, Y, FE, 302 and in all my travels to different sites and suppliers I have never seen that part for sale..

Yeah, first question right outta the box, they asked me what year T-Bird I had. (I have an F100) for a second I wondered if maybe, they might not sell it to me. Better tell 'em I have a '57!

They should have 4 left. type in 12210 and it should pop. $50 bucks, they have some other Y related stuff too.

If anybody needs the flyweights, DC supposedly has 250 on hand. Nobody else does, except for a single lonely weight on the 'bay.
Good find, never thought to look at the Bird sites. It looks like the right one. Good luck and let us know when you receive it..
They list it as 57-59, Whats funny is I don't think Tbirds had Y blocks after 57, they all had FE or 430 Lincoln engines and it maybe the same part used in an FE???

Posted 7 Years Ago
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OK, ran a 1/2-13 coarse tap into the worn bushing and used a bolt to drive it out. It doesn't look like bronze but it takes threads nice. Easey Peasey. It looks to me there's a step in the distributor housing to set the bushing height, figured there had to be.

There is a typo (I think) in the '64 Shop manual, they specify .002" clearance when locating the collar (on a new shaft), the endplay spec is 0.022" - 0.032", and in later manuals for the same task on say a 302 or whatever, they use 0.022", this confused me for a while, but that's pretty easy to do.

The manual says that the distributor shaft and distributor gear are replaced as an assembly, e.g. one part should not be replaced without replacing the other. This deal is in keeping with many of my projects, a simple $7.00 points replacement ends up costing 200 bucks and about 12 hours of labor and scouring the intertubes for parts. Since I have two cores I might build another one up and keep it as a spare in case the Pertronix dies, or sell it and recoup some costs.

The distributor shaft is listed as B7A-12175-A , I see on eBay Mac's has this part available, as two different application/ vendor part #s under the same Ford part number. Both are listed for 1960-1962 ?? Seems to me the 14 tooth gear and shaft should work fine from 59-64?


For example:

Distributor Shaft & Cam Assembly - 292 & 312 V8 - Mercury

Part Number: 60-29513-1

Brand: Dennis Carpenter

Distributor Shaft & Cam Assembly - 292 & 312 V8 - Mercury

Can anyone shed some light on correct part numbers and availability? Is this another unicorn part??

It does appear that the business end where the reluctor rides and springs attach, this has a roll pin as well. So I guess parts could be swapped if required. I just want the shaft and bushing and everything on the same sheet of music. New gear, shaft, bushing should run true.

One of the cores the shaft is bent at the oil pump side. How the hell does that even happen? I don't know the history of that distributor, maybe the oil pump locked up somewhere back in time?
Posted 7 Years Ago
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That must be an error in the shop manual, see those all the time. When revisions and corrections are made the dealers get a service bulletin, we don't..
Yes the bushing goes down to a lip, if my old camera will cooperate today I'll try to take a picture of the housing my friend and I cut in half.
Were did you find the new bushing?
MACs listing for many parts are screwy at best...
I'm only guessing but I would think the 60-64 would be the same, and I only say that because I have a 59 that is different. The plate that the springs attach to is three pieces riveted together, of course I can't guarantee that is 100% original. Also it doesn't use the 3 little nylon buttons for the breaker plate to slide on, it has brass screws..

Posted 7 Years Ago
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This distributor is a C3TF (truck) it has just the single bushing. I drove the spring or roll pin out of the upper part of the shaft that secures the springs and weights, seeing if it can be broken down further but it wouldn't budge. Trying some penetrating oil.

The bushing # is (I think) B8HQ-12120-A one thing, Dennis Carpenter buys a lot of obsolete inventory from dealerships or whatever. They have these, I guess, (and does too) ; DC keeps a lot of NOS parts that are not listed on their website. They show up on RearCounter though. The bushing itself should cross to a common part any supply house should have. The spec for wear is max ID of 0.4690"; shaft is 0.4675"; distributor body has an oil passageway into the bushing area. But the bushing itself, it doesn't look like oilite? I dunno. Always thought oilite was the brass colored stuff.

Cleaned the breaker plate up. It has the three nylon buttons, but not the plastic dingus on the bottom, nor the stop. It looks like it's all there though.
Posted 7 Years Ago
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A lot of the time REAR COUNTER tells me some one has XXXX but when you contract them they tell me they don't..
Good luck I hope you get the bushing.
This is the one I salvaged the shaft from and then cut it up trying to figure out how that oil hole lubes a solid steel bushing, it doesn't. I'm guessing they just cast thousands of them before they changed the bushing design.
Posted 7 Years Ago
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Well I guess you were determined to get thing outta there /jk

Yup, there was just sludge in the cavity seemed like. Bushing did take threads like butter though, maybe it's some kind of steely oilite ??

Tbirdhq has it listed as a 57/66 bushing under 12120, think it has a hole in the side?

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