A number of years ago I remember that at the Charlotte CVA meet there was the Curtis Turner replica. I can remember looking at a couple of the 55/56 Ford race cars (can't remember they might have both been 56's) and noticing what looked to be a dual-shock setup? Does anyone out there have any specs on this or how this was accomplished? I assume that everything was completely fabricated at the race shop like the photo below? I tried to find a photo of what I am trying to explain but just came up with this. I don't think this convertible 56 has the setup I am speaking of...looks like this photo was taken when the heads and intake were off the block?
any of these gents in the photo still alive and kickin'? Is the above photo of Depaolo's shop?
Flat out awesome race car right there!
Daniel JessupLancaster, California
aka "The Hot Rod Reverend"
check out the 1955 Ford Fairlane build at www.hotrodreverend.com