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1956 Ford Oil Bath Conversion

Posted By Danny 11 Years Ago
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QuestionMark Posted 11 Years Ago
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Most of my 1956 Crown Victoria - 292 V-8 is original. I have a modern chrome air filter that sticks out like a sore thumb when I open the hood. I acquired an original 1956 ford oil bath that would be correct for my car. The housing is in great shape but the wire mesh cannister attached to the cover is not. I would like to convert this oil bath cleaner to accept a modern paper air filter. I think a K&N E-2870 with an OD=11.25" and ID=8.875" and HT=4.25" would fit.

I have a newer 4160 Holley 0-1848-1 465 cfm carb. I know that I will have to cut/grind some areas of the base so that the air cleaner sits level and flush on the carb. Do they have a gasket that fits between the carb and the air cleaner?

There are several articles on an oil bath conversion that says to cut the wire mesh cannnister off leaving a "lip" that would sit on the upper surface of the paper filter.

There is one article in particular that says on a 1956 Lincoln Mark II, you can remove the cannister with a hammer and chisel because it is only crimped to the outer edge of the cover. In other words the upper lip of the wire mesh cannister is not welded to the cover. It is only being held in place by the overlapping lip on the cover. Does anyone know it this is the case with the 1956 Ford oil bath air cleaner? This would be my preferred route to take.

Lastly, would I need to cut/drill holes in the bottom base outside of the paper filter to allow more air flow? If so how many and what size?

Any thoughts or tips on how to accomplish this would be appreciated.



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