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Here’s a call for dual quad intakes for a dyno test

Posted By Ted 13 Years Ago
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Posted 13 Years Ago
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Grizzly (12/7/2012)
Ted, ...... Whilst I'm too far away to loan you anything, I see that my 257 is allready represented, what are you looking for in terms of components or assistance in conducting this test. .....
Warren.  There’s typically always some extra hands available for these kinds of tests.  And most of those that help are ready to get their hands dirty as this is something out of the ordinary that doesn’t come along very often for most.  As far as parts and expenses, the forum members have been generous in throwing in extra bucks to cover gaskets, miscellaneous parts, shipping, and fuel.  And without the loan or donation of some of the various intakes and carbs in this kind of test, there would simply be too many unanswered questions.  For myself, there are always learnings out of these tests which are applied to future engine builds.  And these tests always generate great fodder for future magazine articles.

PF Arcand (12/19/2012)
Ted: I wonder if people like Jerry Christiansen, Bruce Young or Michael Henaults out in California might have a line to the intakes you are looking for??
Paul.  Did get in touch with Michael Henaults and the others and there are no different 2X4 intakes on their ends.

But to keep interest level high, here are a couple of pics of just a few of the dual quad setups being readied for this test.  Thanks to all thus far for carbs, intakes, and parts for this test.  It would not happen without help from all.



Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)

Posted 12 Years Ago
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What carbs do you plan on running in the test. From your photo's I see an assortment of holley teapots, early carters, edelbrocks, demon, I guess with adaptor any four barrel carb could be run but this will mean a lot of changing out.

If you don't run most of the common ones there will be people asking about the one's that weren't run?

Big test this one w00t


Warren Grizzly (Aussie Mainline)

Posted 12 Years Ago
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Grizzly (1/1/2013)
Ted,  What carbs do you plan on running in the test. From your photo's I see an assortment of holley teapots, early carters, edelbrocks, demon, I guess with adaptor any four barrel carb could be run but this will mean a lot of changing out.
Warren.  Not all the carbs will be tested on all the intakes.  But all the intakes will be tested with at least the same set(s) of carbs and as another test, one intake will be selected to test all the different carb pairs.  Well maybe two intakes depending upon how the Holley model 4160 carbs do.  Intake manifolds can be evaluated against each other this way while the carbs can also be compared to each other as a separate test while saving wear and tear on the engine and the guys doing the testing.

Right now there are original dual quad Teapots, a pair of Teapots modified per Karol Miller’s recommendations, Lincoln Teapots, Mercury WCFB’s, Buick/Olds WCFB’s, 450 cfm Holleys, 660 center squirter Holleys, Carter/Edelbrock 500’s, and Demon 625 Street Fighters.  Still working on a pair of Rochester 4V carbs but they are being problematic.  The key here is to run both old school and new technology carbs in this test.  There is a wide enough range in carbs at this point to at least get a feel for what cfm requirements are best either from a daily driver or racing standpoint.


And I have a known good pair of 780 Holleys set up for dual quads off of my 390 FE that I can use if at least one of the dual quad manifolds looks like it can stand to be overloaded and the carbs installed in the inline manner.  The model 4160 Holleys only install in an inline fashion on the wider spaced dual quad intakes.  The Edelbrock 257’s and Ford manifolds have too close a carb spacing to use the model 4160 HoIleys without special offset carb adapters.  On the other hand, the Edmunds, Fenton, and Edelbrock FM255 intakes can take the Holleys as an inline setup without issue.


I did spend a couple of days just sorting out many of the carbs individually on a stock ‘B’ intake so it’s at least known that the carbs do run okay by themselves.  Gary Burnette stopped by and spent some time helping with some of that.

If you don't run most of the common ones there will be people asking about the one's that weren't run?
There’s going be enough variety in the carbs that are tested in both style and cfm where interpolation of the results is expected to give some kind of indication how carbs not tested will fare.

Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)

Y block Billy
Posted 12 Years Ago
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A pair of teapots modified to Karol Millers recomendations? Are these recent recomendations or from and old article? or is an article of the mods in the near future? I know Drylakes has been in touch with him, It would be great that our Hero come out and play!

How did Gary end up in your neck of the woods?

55 Vicky & customline

58 Rack Dump, 55 F350 yard truck, 57 F100

59 & 61 P 400's, 58 F100 custom cab, 69 F100, 79 F150, 82 F600 ramp truck, 90 mustang conv 7 up, 94 Mustang, Should I continue?

Posted 12 Years Ago
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Y block Billy (1/3/2013)
A pair of teapots modified to Karol Millers recomendations? Are these recent recomendations or from and old article? or is an article of the mods in the near future? I know Drylakes has been in touch with him, It would be great that our Hero come out and play!
Karol was by and saw what I was doing and pointed out some of the Teapot mods that he had performed on a dual quad setup for one of his record runs.  The pair of L1161-2 carbs that have been modified per his recommendation and then ran individually on the dyno mule have really strong lowend torque curves.  And the horsepower numbers equal those of the Lincoln Teapots even with the A/F numbers showing on the lean side with 50-73 jets.  I’ll not concern myself with jetting corrections until I have two of them running together.  Gut feel says the air fuel mixtures will fatten up some with two of them running as a pair.  And it will be interesting to see how those two carbs run in comparision to the pair of original List#1134 dual quad Teapots that are sitting here.

How did Gary end up in your neck of the woods?
Gary happened to be in San Antonio on personal business and made it a point to drop by.  The problem with dropping by is you’re likely going to be put to work if I’m doing something Y related.  Can’t understand why no one hangs around when Brand X engines are being worked on?????

Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)

Hoosier Hurricane
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The answer is obvious.  Quit working on the brand x stuff.

Years ago my brother-in-law and I had a general repair shop.  His Dad (my F.I.L.) was a toolmaker in a gm factory.  We began to relate how many more gm cars we worked on compared to Fords, and how more serious the problems with the gms.  He didn't believe us, so he started keeping a little notebook.  After a while he admitted that we were telling it like it was.  He hated to say so.  So, I guess if you still want to eat and feed your family, you'll have to keep working on the other kinds. 

John - "The Hoosier Hurricane"

Posted 12 Years Ago
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Believe me if I was ever able to get to Lorena Texas it would be an honour to be "put to work" (although at your peril).


1956 Mercury M100
1955 Ford Fairlane Club Sedan
Delta, British Columbia
Posted 12 Years Ago
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Ted (1/4/2013)
Y block Billy (1/3/2013)
A pair of teapots modified to Karol Millers recomendations? Are these recent recomendations or from and old article? or is an article of the mods in the near future? I know Drylakes has been in touch with him, It would be great that our Hero come out and play!
Karol was by and saw what I was doing and pointed out some of the Teapot mods that he had performed on a dual quad setup for one of his record runs.  The pair of L1161-2 carbs that have been modified per his recommendation and then ran individually on the dyno mule have really strong lowend torque curves.  And the horsepower numbers equal those of the Lincoln Teapots even with the A/F numbers showing on the lean side with 50-73 jets.  I’ll not concern myself with jetting corrections until I have two of them running together.  Gut feel says the air fuel mixtures will fatten up some with two of them running as a pair.  And it will be interesting to see how those two carbs run in comparision to the pair of original List#1134 dual quad Teapots that are sitting here.

How did Gary end up in your neck of the woods?
Gary happened to be in San Antonio on personal business and made it a point to drop by.  The problem with dropping by is you’re likely going to be put to work if I’m doing something Y related.  Can’t understand why no one hangs around when Brand X engines are being worked on?????

Ted, very gratifying to keep Kariol still involved in the y blocks and share some of his knowledge and storys, would love to meet the man, i would love to know what the mods are on the teapots mentioned, i,m sure once the tests are done that may be possible. As you know the lincoln teapots are hard to come by and if these mods equal them then theres HP to be gained. Thank you and best wishes for the new year.Smile

  AussieBill            YYYY    Forever Y Block     YYYY

 Down Under, Australia

Y block Billy
Posted 12 Years Ago
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Beleive me Ted it was a pleasure to do the same as Gary did when I worked in the area, also to see Chucks engine run on the dyno before he did!!! I still have to get him the videos of it.

Also Great that Karol could stop by, that must have been a blessing!

55 Vicky & customline

58 Rack Dump, 55 F350 yard truck, 57 F100

59 & 61 P 400's, 58 F100 custom cab, 69 F100, 79 F150, 82 F600 ramp truck, 90 mustang conv 7 up, 94 Mustang, Should I continue?

Posted 12 Years Ago
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If I can ever get motivated to drive to Maine! Chuck

Y's guys rule!
Looking for McCullouch VS57 brackets and parts. Also looking for 28 Chrysler series 72 parts. And early Hemi parts.

MoonShadow, 292 w/McCulloch, 28 Chrysler Roadster, 354 Hemi)
Manchester, New Hampshire

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