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A modern Auto Repair Shop, ca. 1935.

Posted By 46yblock 13 Years Ago
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Posted 13 Years Ago
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Last Active: 11 Years Ago
Posts: 1.2K, Visits: 7.8K
I thought this picture was interesting.  It was on the back of one of the really old mechanic's lessons recently acquired.


"HMMM.  Mam, your car is like new, and  I think what you have here is a bad muffler bearing."

Anyone ever seen or heard of a Bear Moto Lab?  And what is your best guess as to the year make of car pictured?

Mike, located in the Siskiyou mountains, Southern, OR 292 powered 1946 Ford 1/2 ton, '62 Mercury Meteor, '55 Country Squire (parting out), '64 Falcon, '54 Ford 600 tractor.

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