A modern Auto Repair Shop, ca. 1935.

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By 46yblock - 13 Years Ago
I thought this picture was interesting.  It was on the back of one of the really old mechanic's lessons recently acquired.


"HMMM.  Mam, your car is like new, and  I think what you have here is a bad muffler bearing."

Anyone ever seen or heard of a Bear Moto Lab?  And what is your best guess as to the year make of car pictured?

By PWH42 - 13 Years Ago
I don't know anything about the Bear Moto-lab,but I think the car is a Hudson.Probably a 37 or 38.
By 46yblock - 13 Years Ago
Paul, see what you think about this carnut link just found to a '36 Buick:


By PWH42 - 13 Years Ago
Looks as if I'm wrong again.That Buick hood is the same as your original picture.Hudsons also had a set of vents on the hood that looked a lot like the Buick's.