best laid plans... ha!
found a tranny mount that had the e-brake bracket intact by reaching out to the full size Galaxie forum guys (thanks, "DAZE"). Had the bracket cut off and then welded onto our frame piece, reinstalled it on the car, hooked up the ebrake cables. drained the auto tranny and cleaned the filter at the same time. now have it all buttoned up and ready to fill with ATF and adjust the ebrake and then off to get it inspected, then hopefully registered with the year-of-manufacture license plates. Seats hopefully found locally at a salvage yard, if they will deal with Daniel on the price.
hopefully, the next pic or two we'll post will be of Daniel behind the wheel on the road in his insured, titled, registered first car!
thanks for your continued interest and good will!
"God Bless Texas"location: Houston,TX