This popped up locally, and was too good a deal to pass. The '55 Country Sedan looks like it may have a '55 T-bird 292. Havent checked motor and head ID yet, as one hood hinge is hanging up and wont open all the way. The Y is a dual exhaust 4V, with the '55 Holley model 214, or maybe a 4000 as it was hard to see, on top. It even came with the giant original oil bath air filter, and the key was in the ignition. The glove box is weird. How does it open? No knob or pull point.
Initial exam looks like a good pre restoration car. All the glass (and there is a lot of it) is good except for the windshield.
Mike, located in the Siskiyou mountains, Southern, OR 292 powered 1946 Ford 1/2 ton, '62 Mercury Meteor, '55 Country Squire (parting out), '64 Falcon, '54 Ford 600 tractor.