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1962 Unibody LSR

Posted By mctim64 14 Years Ago
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Posted 13 Years Ago
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Finished honing the block and align honed the mains. Took very little off the caps so as not to raise the centerline. I will check all four corners with the pistons in place before final assembly.

I also had a chance to start on the balancing.

bla bla

__________________   God Bless. Smile  Tim                 

350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor  Visalia, California    Just west of the Sequoias

Posted 13 Years Ago
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It's great to read about all the work your doing on the new engine....but it seems your posts should have photos.  I do not see any photos....if you uploaded any?


1956 F100 Big Window 309ci Y-block,  1956 F100 small window 272ci Y-block

Greg.  Mountains of North Eastern CA

Posted 13 Years Ago
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Lots of photos Greg, lots.  Try refreshing your browser. Wink   God Bless. Smile  Tim                 

350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor  Visalia, California    Just west of the Sequoias

Posted 13 Years Ago
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I don't see any either.

Lawrenceville, GA
Glen Henderson
Posted 13 Years Ago
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I can see them just fine, and I am half blind.

Glen Henderson

Freedom is not Free

Letohatchee, AL
Posted 13 Years Ago
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I saw pictures yesterday, but today they're gone.  Dennis in Lititz PA
Posted 13 Years Ago
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Supercharged (109 reputation)Supercharged (109 reputation)Supercharged (109 reputation)Supercharged (109 reputation)Supercharged (109 reputation)Supercharged (109 reputation)Supercharged (109 reputation)Supercharged (109 reputation)Supercharged (109 reputation)

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I see them,looking good Tim.

"Only" 160 days to go..........................



its not how fast you go, its how you go fast.

Posted 13 Years Ago
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Supercharged (92 reputation)Supercharged (92 reputation)Supercharged (92 reputation)Supercharged (92 reputation)Supercharged (92 reputation)Supercharged (92 reputation)Supercharged (92 reputation)Supercharged (92 reputation)Supercharged (92 reputation)

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I still can't see them.  I refreshed the browser and even changed computers with an updated browser and nothing.  Seems I had this problem before earlier in this thread, then one day they just appeared...PFM.  Hopefully there will be some PFM soon so I can see your photos.


1956 F100 Big Window 309ci Y-block,  1956 F100 small window 272ci Y-block

Greg.  Mountains of North Eastern CA

Posted 13 Years Ago
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Ground the crank for Jake yesterday. I'm staying with the stock 3.3" stroke but need to cut the rod journals down from 2.188" to 2.0" to be able to use the the "H" beam rods I have (6.320" length). Since I have so much material to work with I figured I would "blueprint" it. Normally when you grind a crank you just copy the old jounal and take it down .010", .020" or whatever size it needs to go. Using a dial indicator mounted in the "steady rest" you rotate the crank in the machine and adjust the chucks accordingly.

So this time I set the stroke on the headstock and tailstock to exactly 3.3", centered on the #1 journal and as I moved to each other journal I just used the 90* index in the chucks. It was amazing to see just how far off the crank was from journal to journal, sometimes as much as .050" but since I had .188" to work with it was no problem to grind it true. I'm not sure if this is just sloppy production or if the crank has "twisted" a bit over the last 50 years of running but it seems a bit much although you would never see any real effect in a basic street engine.

After rough grinding I reset the crank and did the same thing, ground on the 90* index, and sure enough it came out right on.

I always dress the edge of each stone before grinding to get the proper radius in the journal, this is overlooked by many shops and is the reason for a lot of broken cranks.

292 crank in the 270 Van Norman

Rough grinding the throw.


Now finish grinding to 2"

After the crank was polished I took it home and mocked up the engine to check the cam timing, piston to deck height, and see hoe close the index was. I was very pleased to see that it all came out near perfect. Decks are exactly 90* from each other, decks are equal distance from the crank centerline, and pistons are .003" - .005" from the deck @ TDC in all holes.


But I was most pleased to see that when I found absolute TDC on #1 and checked the other three journals they were all at TDC exactly 90* from each other. This is pretty darn close to blueprint.

Here's a little video of my finding, I'm not the best at explaining things so I hope you can follow. At least I know what I'm saying.

bla bla bla
__________________   God Bless. Smile  Tim                 

350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor  Visalia, California    Just west of the Sequoias

Posted 13 Years Ago
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landspeedy (3/4/2012)
I see them,looking good Tim.

"Only" 160 days to go..........................



You got that right Keith! Even less to Elmo and I hope to do some shakedown runs before "Speedweek" Wink

I'm glad someone can see them, I know we had this problem before but I just don't know why some see them and others don't. w00t   God Bless. Smile  Tim                 

350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor  Visalia, California    Just west of the Sequoias

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