By Glen Henderson - 14 Years Ago
Tim and Todd, I've been following this project over on the other site and it's looking good. Some great ideas on lowering these trucks that could be applied to a street project. Keep us updated.
By Glen Henderson - 14 Years Ago
While you young people are on the subject of sunburn, please take the time too use sunscreen and wear a hat if you are going to be out in the elements. I am paying the price right now for 64 years of ignoring the sun and its effects. I have had two fairly major surgeries this year on the left side of my face and ear including skin grafts. Pretty painful and can lead to more serious problems.
By Glen Henderson - 14 Years Ago
Congrats Todd, your life just changed forever. BEAUTIFUL BABY!
By Glen Henderson - 14 Years Ago
Looking good!!
By Glen Henderson - 14 Years Ago
Good job Tim, looks like you were not the only one waiting to get pre-teched, is that a Henry J in the back ground. Love them J's, first project that I had at fourteen was a 51 Henry J. Never did finish it, but I had installed a 303 Olds and hydro. I traded it for a 55 scrub, sure wish I had that car back now.
By Glen Henderson - 14 Years Ago
Looking good Tim, amazing what a little paint will do.
By Glen Henderson - 13 Years Ago
I can see them just fine, and I am half blind.
By Glen Henderson - 13 Years Ago
I see them fine Charlie, but on another forum that I frequent, all the pictures vanished for everyone. The guru traced it back to a server problem in TX. As of this morning still working on a fix.
By Glen Henderson - 13 Years Ago
Wow Tim, 141.7 on dirt, that makes my pucker factor go up just thinking about it! Good job and glad to see you home safe and sound. By the way how about a update on the sedan.
By Glen Henderson - 13 Years Ago
Good luck Tim and be safe, keep us posted on results.
By Glen Henderson - 12 Years Ago
All I can say Tim is outstand job and congrats!!
By Glen Henderson - 12 Years Ago
Good Lord willing, we'll be there Chuck.
By Glen Henderson - 14 Years Ago
BUTT CRACK!!!! That is cool Tim, looks great. One of you computer geeks have got to teach me how to do videos. I have access to a camera, but I don't know about this "you tube stuff". Juess I need to get my 5yr old grandaughter to show me how.
By Glen Henderson - 14 Years Ago
Tim now you know why all NASCAR drivers weigh 130 lbs. I talked the wife into getting in the Falcon the other day to help bleed the brakes. I thought that I was going to have to rig a sling and use the engine hoist to get her out!
By Glen Henderson - 14 Years Ago
Hey Charlie, thats brillant, just like going to the windtunnel.
By Glen Henderson - 14 Years Ago
Good use of scrap metal Tim, I love it!
By Glen Henderson - 14 Years Ago
I know that it was not a record run, but 126 mph with a stock body slick and a warmed over y block is pretty damn awsome! Congrats Tim.
By Glen Henderson - 13 Years Ago
Well, you go on with your bad self!! I'll head to to bookstore ASAP.
By PWH42 - 14 Years Ago
Being an old roundy-round dirt track racer all my life,I've never been very interested in LSR,but,I think you guys have me hooked.That's the greatest looking pickup I've ever seen and like most everyone else on here,I can't hardly wait to see how you do on the salt.
Best of luck!!!!!!!!!
By Jim Rowe - 12 Years Ago
Good luck Tim! Remember God loves speed too.
By pegleg - 14 Years Ago
Greg, You could check with John Mummert. He sells a couple stroker kits. He uses Probes and they're a TON lighter than the TRW's. Hoosier runs them in the Hurricane.
By pegleg - 14 Years Ago
nice work todd.
By pegleg - 14 Years Ago
Tim, I agree with Gary's critique of the photo, awesome photo. However in the photo before, your colors clash man!!!
By pegleg - 14 Years Ago
Or if the latch let go at speed and the chains kinda held it at the right angle?
By pegleg - 14 Years Ago
charliemccraney (9/15/2011) I thought that I've read or heard somewhere that newer trucks are designed in such a way that it really doesn't make much difference whether the tailgate is up or down. This makes sense when the demanding economy requirements are considered. If this is true, then how applicable is it to a truck 40 or 50 years or older, when aerodynamics was of little concern? charlie, this is sheer guesswork on my part, but I suspect the results would be similar. The old trucks just had more frontal area. I think the relation ship to the bed would be about the same. Maybe less since the "stepside" style beds were smaller in relation to the size of the cab. Charlie and Tim could probably come close to an answer because their trucks represent two totally different styles. With known Hp and top speed you could calculate the (drag) cd.
By pegleg - 14 Years Ago
Charley, I think you will find the base of the windsheild is a high pressure area. We often use that area for intake air. But, it's probably not as high as the air under the hood. If you can run an air dam under the front bumper, that will create low pressure under the engine. Otherwise it's probably pretty high under there. That'd be the reason for "belly pans" which I'd bet you can't run. I'd guess Tim has the nose down to create some low pressure under the truck. Kills lift and helps the engine cooling.
By pegleg - 13 Years Ago
Tim, You will like the X pipe. I run one on my F code. Car runs the same ET'S and MPH with mufflers and the X pipe as it does with an old set of Hedmanns and 18" tubes. With the Headers I removed the entire exhaust system and left it in the garage, so the car was 75 (?) pounds lighter, and no faster than the muffled runs. Most of the benefits seem to be low to mid range, but there is some top end help as well. Maybe Ted has some idea why, I don't.
By pegleg - 13 Years Ago
Gorgeous sound, I could listen that all winter.
By pegleg - 12 Years Ago
Without troubles, you're going to be a lot quicker than the last two motors.
By pegleg - 12 Years Ago
aussiebill (7/21/2013)
slick56 (7/21/2013) I have seen these carbie pad lifting hooks advertised recently.
I thought that the weight of a Y-block would place a huge amount of strain on the carbie studs?Lifting V8 engines by this means has been going on for decades, the weight is distributed over wide area and not on 1stud, i believe you could lift one only connected to 2 opposite studs but wouldnt regard it as safe. The lifting plate is safe to use.
Might not want to try this with a plastic intake though.
By pegleg - 14 Years Ago
[quote]57FordPU (9/16/2011) Frank, One part of my brain knew that, and another part typed "low". Now if I could just introduce those two I know they would get along. There are so many thoughts rattling around in there it is amazing that I get things right from time to time. My problem is similar I'll get the right answer, but then I have to "correct" myself. Then I forget both answers and start all over again........... The truck's starting to look close to being ready. Should be one heck of a ride.
By pegleg - 13 Years Ago
Tim, Outstanding! you have about 50 "Proud Pappas" watching this. We've waited 50 years to be able to brag about Y's and you gave us the chance. Thanks
By pegleg - 13 Years Ago
Has the scrub owner recovered? Do we care........................? Congrats Timmy that's a major accomplishment.
By pegleg - 13 Years Ago
You would not get along well with Jerry C. would ya! I was not insulting the folks who run there, but we all use that term for GM's favorite product. Probably won't change much.
By pegleg - 13 Years Ago
Remember we Y block folks have been the butt of jokes for close to 50 years. All the magazines of the '50s and 60's ran down Fords and other brands, but particularily the Y blocks, in favor of the SB chev. It's a major change for us to come out on top and we like it. I race other brands in the pure stock catagory and have friends with all brands. But when i win, and I do, I let them know it. Trust me the same thing happens in reverse when I get beat. If you feel upset by that comment, I'm sorry, but it won't change. I'm fairly sure Tim feels the same, although he may be more "politically correct" about it than I have been!  We've been waiting and working for nigh onto 50 years for this.
By pegleg - 13 Years Ago
It would be interesting to see what would happen if Tim & Ted and John Mummert would collude on an Aluminum Headed 305" Y for this class. THAT would really be fun to see! Tim's running real well now for an Iron headed Y. 50+ year old heads against Dart parts, and he's competitive. The Dart stuff is good. I will agree with you on the Toyota thing, however it is what it is. I made parts for the big three for better than 35 years, I've seen foundries and a other auto parts manufacturing dissappear, to be replaced by Wal-Marts and "Service Sector" business's or worse. I am not a hater, but I'm not going to buy any Toyota's either.
By GREENBIRD56 - 14 Years Ago
In a previous thread - when Charlie B. was still working on his little merc - he said the front axle of the Yellow Brick was tipped back to 8° caster. What are you guys shooting for?
By GREENBIRD56 - 14 Years Ago
In the earlier photo of Tim's truck - is the nose down due to rake or air pressure? Seems to me you would be better off with a "level deck" and some dead weight in the back - than a wedge. I drove my old '95 F-150 about 120,000 miles on business trips in Wyo, Montana and No Dakota. Not 135 mph - but often over 90 for long periods - and after trying all sorts of variations, I just quit trying. A "5th wheel" style tool box (flush with the bed rails ) and tailgate up were as good as anything else for mileage - so I just filled the two tanks and drove it. Did the plenum air source work OK for the carb? I saw a picture with the carb hat on there and a duct.
By GREENBIRD56 - 12 Years Ago
Looks like some "top end" thinking has been going on................... 
Give'em a good look at the tailgate Tim
By GREENBIRD56 - 12 Years Ago
Reading through here in a hurry and suddenly woke up ..........Is Charlie about done with the yellow Jimmy? When is that one going on its maiden voyage?
I noticed the newer carb on yours Tim - is it a "Quick Fuel" set-up?
By MoonShadow - 14 Years Ago
Charlie, as I remember (?) the big trucks came with a hydraulic clutch. But you know how my memory works! Chuck in NH
By MoonShadow - 14 Years Ago
Gee I think I really like that idea. Barn find racing! An old scrub beater revived. Chuck in NH
By MoonShadow - 14 Years Ago
The Interceptor motors have a spacer behind the bottom pulley that might be about the correct length. How about spacing for the accessory pullies? I thought they could be a problem. Is that a Mummert double bottom pulley? Chuck in NH
By MoonShadow - 14 Years Ago
Are you going to name the LSR truck Jake? Chuck in NH 
By MoonShadow - 14 Years Ago
Geez, what don't you do? Now lets hear it full throat! Those header should sound great! Chuck, Jealous in NH
By MoonShadow - 14 Years Ago
When I bought my 56 Vicky in El Paso it was on a used car lot. The salesman told me the last owner traded it in on a BRAT! Talk about trading down. Chuck
By MoonShadow - 12 Years Ago
You know Tim sometimes you kind of scare me! With all you've built in the last couple of short years on top of the nice collection in your garage. You're already dreaming about the next "Wild Thing" to do. I wish I had about 20% of you energy. Love what you do and how you do it! Chuck
PS I did put the Salt Flats on my bucket list so I hope to shake your hand someday.
By MoonShadow - 12 Years Ago
Sometimes I feel like a voyeur watching these video's. Great work. What is the target speed or record you are reaching for? Chuck
By MoonShadow - 12 Years Ago
Did you show "red truck" pictures of the new "Yellow Brick"? Maybe we can get him into a Y yet! Chuck
By MoonShadow - 12 Years Ago
Hey Glen, are you coming to Columbus this year? Chuck
By MoonShadow - 12 Years Ago
Wow! What a nice writeup. And well deserved. You have done a great job on a good looking truck and engine. The quality is definately turning heads. Congratulations on a job well done. Maybe someday we'll see a feature on your entire Y-Block collection. That has to be unique especially after all these years. Chuck
By MoonShadow - 13 Years Ago
It's funny how life seems to make the right connections for us. Chuck
By MoonShadow - 13 Years Ago
Jeez, you get lunch too! Chuck
By MoonShadow - 13 Years Ago
Hey Tim, On the way watch for one of those old tyme gas stations. It would make a great setting for your rig with race car in tow. Definitely a flash back to the 60's. Black and white would be something. Enjoy the salt and keep us updated. Your cab is probably crowded with all of us that are living vicariously through you. Chuck
By MoonShadow - 13 Years Ago
What music do you listen to over 140MPH? Chuck
By MoonShadow - 12 Years Ago
Hum, a late model slick aero scrub mobile with a killer Y-block? That appeals to my dark (Y) side. It has yet to be seen what the Ford will do with your new mods. It is kind of like pushing a refrigerator up a steep hill. How about a later Ford or even a Ranger? Chuck
By MoonShadow - 12 Years Ago
I guess the hard thing is if you want to set a record in your specific class you gotta play by the rules. All of us Y's Guys would love to see you push your truck to a record. Every mile gained at this point is commonly the most expensive. Chuck
By MoonShadow - 14 Years Ago
Please stop! I'm too old for this. Talk about living the dream. I think I'm starting to live vicariously through your projects.Let us know when you are coming to New England. Maybe we could organize a meet with some of the Y's guys in this neck of the woods. Chuck in NH
By MoonShadow - 14 Years Ago
Those guys have been doing tech on the salt for a LONG time. Once they caught you with something "questionable" I'm sure tech would be a lot harder for you from that time forward. All "cheating" has to be done within the rules. What if the bed cover tapered down at the back until it was an inch or so below the tailgate? They did a low speed test on Mythbusters about tail gate up or down for better fuel mileage. As I recall they found no real difference. Might be the wrong end to start on. I know air flow into the engine compartment has been a problem on many LSR cars and trucks. I think I would look at some ducting there to smoothly funnel the air in and out of the engine area. I would think positive air pressure would build up under the hood and act like an air dam at speed. My thoughts. Chuck
By MoonShadow - 14 Years Ago
That was the show I mentioned. Didn't recall the part about the closed tailgate phenomenom. Maybe that pickups have a unseen advantage with that bubble. I'd like to see a wind tunnel test of that and also what would happen if you changed the attitude of the roof line higher or lower in the back. Or a rearward tilt in the windshield etc. Can you do any custom ducting underneath or around the engine compartment to maximize air flow? Subtle changes could be made there possibly to help. Too bad wind tunnel time is so limited and expensive. Of course you LSR guys are so quick maybe you could make a scale model of the trucks and experiment with a homemade wind tunnel. Its been done before! Chuck
By MoonShadow - 14 Years Ago
Darn I had forgotten about that issue. Yes you can have too much travel and overcenter the pressure plate fingers. I han't had a stick shift for so many years it had slipped my mind. Chuck
By MoonShadow - 13 Years Ago
Tim, You are enabling our addiction! We've been drag racing with Elwood and running Bonnevile with You and Jake. The only way to make it better is to do it ourselves and for most of us if we could we would. So that leaves us with folks like you, Charlie, Ted, et al to live our dreams. I'm only glad that I get to watch and occasionally contribute a bit to this magnificent undertaking. Someday I hope to be able to come and watch the Y's fly! Jealous in NH, Chuck
By MoonShadow - 13 Years Ago
Whats the deal on the coupe? I dont remember seeing it before. Is it your too? Looks great. Chuck
By MoonShadow - 14 Years Ago
Can't wait to see the final paint. Truck looks excellent. By the way, that old crash film made me think about a Mickey Rooney film from the late 40's. It was called "The Big Wheel". I believe its available online. Typical old movie but some good racing and race shop scenes. Chuck
By MoonShadow - 14 Years Ago
Keep rubbing it in! Beautiful truck, great work, nice collection and now perfect pin stripes! Chuck
By MoonShadow - 14 Years Ago
Tim, I hope you have Nomex underware to cover the gap between your jacket and pants! It looks like your back could be exposed in an emergency. One thing I just noticed although it might be left over tech from the 50's and 60's dirt tracks. We always welded ends or caps on the tubing in the cockpit so there were no open ends exposed (I noticed the ones behind your extingusher tanks). No matter how removed thay may be if you really get tossed around contact with an open pipe end can do some damage. The guys at the Salt Flats surely know a lot more about todays rules than I do. I really am not being critical, the truck is beautiful and watching the build has inspired me to get some work done on my own stuff. Can't wait to see the truck go! Chuck in NH
By MoonShadow - 14 Years Ago
I really didn't think those pipes would be a problem but couldn't tell if there were any others. I've seen some really solid looking cages that passed tech but had a serious design oversight or safety flaw in them. With the way you've the truck I think you've got it right but it's always good to have second and even third opinions. Once saw a guy on the dirt track, back when cages and real helmets didn't really exist. Showed up with a set of aircraft seat belts (thats what we had then). Everything looked super, great idea wow etc. He hit the wall headon. When they got to the car he was dead! Helmet had hit the front of his window bar. Turns out his new seat belts went over the seat and down to the seat mounting rail at the bottom. Instead of holding him down they allowed him to pitch forward and hit his head. That was in the late 50's. All of us in the Kansas City area learned a permanent lesson about where to fasten the sholder straps behind the driver. Now its policy and seems totaly logical. But someone had to die first before we saw it. Sorry to ramble. I'm sure your safe just making a point I guess. Chuck in NH
By MoonShadow - 14 Years Ago
Great film Tim. Glad to hear you made a straight, true run. When will you shake it down at a distance or is it Bonneville? Chuck
By MoonShadow - 14 Years Ago
Whats the thing that looks like a tow hitch sticking out the back? Chuck
By yfreak57 - 14 Years Ago
Looks very smooth. Nice stripes, too.
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
Tim and Tod I think you should leave the patina on the outside and paint some faded numbers and lettering for that "pulled out of the barn" look. With the Y-block, they would think its a vintage racer.
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
Tod Don't get me wrong, I love the picture, but you have to let me ramble. Geaser ville, makes old looking things more apealing to me. Its your vision, go for it.
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
Tod You have shown your FAB skills, so are you going to bend and weld the roll cage or use some sort of prebent kit? And will your wife let you bring the playpen out in the garage when its your turn to baby sit!!!!!!!! Congratulations and hope all goes well.
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
Tod Have you and your wife thought of names, how about "Y-netta."
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
It's starting to look "Racy" Great Job
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
I am impressed how solid that truck is, was it stored inside? Looks good.
By glrbird - 13 Years Ago
A set of johns ported heads might be what you need to set that record. Do you have use of a flow bench for the heads? Eather way great job, and I am sure you will go faster. Did the O2 censor help any?
By glrbird - 12 Years Ago
You have got alot of horsepower parts there, hope they make the effe go fast.
By glrbird - 12 Years Ago
Don't you just love that big lift, big compression sound. Remind me what the record is.
By glrbird - 12 Years Ago
Good luck Tim, I am sure everyone here is pulling for you.
By glrbird - 12 Years Ago
Well Tim, the next best thing to setting a record was being faster than that guy! So not the slowest D/PP
Great Job!
Oh yea, any day your on the right side of the grass, is a good.
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
Now thats a good story! Thanks for the explanation.
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
Tim Did I miss the part where you told us how fast you went? Gotta love the patina on the 102 car, has he raced it a long time?
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
With 5 passes were there different things you tried that worked or did not work to help the speed? What do you think of the dust patterns in the pictures?
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
Tim Your truck looked good in Y-Block mag. Looks better in color though.
By glrbird - 13 Years Ago
By glrbird - 13 Years Ago
Tim I think you are doing an outstanding job. You are building you own engines, I don't know who is doing the head work on your ports, you or someone else, but overall you are going fast because of your hard work. I have always liked this project from when it arrived at Todd's to now. Record or not you should be very proud of your project. Out running people with a bigger budget is icing on the cake. As far as drag racing, it is not as "laid back" as LSR but I met and made lots of friends doing it and they would all help you no matter what brand you were racing, in general "throttle jockey's" are great people.
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
That is a great picture with the weather and moutains in the background.
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
Anyone make a 150 mph rated studed snow tire? Seems I read about a guy trying to run 150 with a street camero and he found some and it helped with the traction problem.
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
Or if the latch was spring loaded to let the tailgate open at speed and close when stopped?
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
Tim and Charlie Has anyone tested the difference in under hood air preasures with and without the inner fender wells in front?
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
So are you saying that the front inner fender panel being removed (as in Tim's truck ) is better to let the air out and not trap it and maybe force it under the truck? Both of the trucks and the one you are building have been great to watch, I just was wondering.
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
Charlie I'm not trying to beat a dead horse, but both the trucks "have" the inner fenders in place? I was going by some pictures on the thread and i thought they were "removed".
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
That is my Dad on top, this was during the time some of the video was taking in "dying when I was young" Note all the safety equipment.
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
Tim Check out a movie called "Thunder in carolina" Late 50's stock car racing. had it. Lots of other good Hot Rod and Racing movies.
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
Your wife didn't get any shots of you crawling around trying to get all that tubing painted did she?
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
Looks showroom fresh, later you can cut the cage out and go cruising with the yellow brick.
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
Tim We used some old aluminum diving boards for ramps, they were long enough to keep the headers and suspension from hitting and still light enough to make them easy to lift. Just a thought.
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
I was one for leaving it as a "barn find" paint, but after seeing it on the salt I would say that would have been a mistake. Truck looks awsome!
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
Tim Things continue to look very good, can you elaborate on the "modified scrub " damper? What did you modify to make it fit the crank.
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
Thanks for the info, years ago a buddy had a FED similar to yours with a 292 sbc, flat tappet cam, and glide went 10.00 all the time, your's should run high 9's I would think. Can we expect video next week?
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
Congratulations Tod, we are expecting our first grandchild this August.
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
I guess that is one of the reasons Charlie is building an extended Cab this time!
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
Nothing wrong thinking the worst might happen, sometimes it does. So this passes for 200 mph? Looks good to me.
By glrbird - 14 Years Ago
Tim I see you did get yourself one of those nifty water pumps. Project is looking good. When is the first date for test run?
By speedpro56 - 14 Years Ago
All i can say is it looks KILLER !!!!!!!!!!
By speedpro56 - 14 Years Ago
Tim, that was a Great and Awesome Job with the Y in your Beautiful truck. Congratulations .
By speedpro56 - 14 Years Ago
A Great job to all of you who participated in putting the y-block back into the limelite, you really make us all PROUD!
By speedpro56 - 13 Years Ago
Good Luck!!
By speedpro56 - 12 Years Ago
Let her rip and be safe, we're pulling for you.
By pintoplumber - 14 Years Ago
It was if you have a left leg that doesn't bend too much.
By pintoplumber - 14 Years Ago
Good one Bill.
By pintoplumber - 13 Years Ago
I saw pictures yesterday, but today they're gone.
By pintoplumber - 13 Years Ago
I don't see anything except the videos.
By pintoplumber - 13 Years Ago
I can see them now, thanks.
By pintoplumber - 12 Years Ago
Tim, thanks for the videos. Next time could you stand up in the truck and pan around the pits. Show us what it looks like.
By pintoplumber - 12 Years Ago
Thanks Tim, I think I should watch Worlds Fastest Indian again tonight.
By suede57ford - 12 Years Ago
Tim, I am impressed on how much you accomplish on all these projects with amazing results!
The truck looks so smooth at those speeds. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing with all of us.
By Hollow Head - 14 Years Ago
They are hiding something from us .
By Hollow Head - 14 Years Ago
Tim "The Toolman" McMaster Ain't that series rolling on YouTube TV?
By Hollow Head - 14 Years Ago
Now, that will be a crowd pleaser . Looking really good! Some lettering and pinstripes and that's it....
By Hollow Head - 14 Years Ago
Tim, why only one hoop? If it breaks from the front, that seems to be ok, but if it breaks from the back, can it possibly hit the ground or do other interesting things? Just curios . Otherwise looking too good .I almost had to hit Jyrki to our dragster with a baseball bat and to take him out we had to spray some oil to his driving suit . Next time I will spray him first and to take him out I just set the fire under the seat... .
By Hollow Head - 14 Years Ago
It's good to know that sfi 3.2A/15 TPP value 60 gives you 30 seconds of protection against 2nd degree burns. Keep practicing, you have 5 seconds left now . How about if you are upside down and a little confused. Try that after six to ten beers and after half an hour waiting time... Sure would like to see that from youtube .
By Hollow Head - 14 Years Ago
Great Tim, now you have 15 seconds to hassle ! So if you'd be drunk as a man can be, you'd survive!Sfi 3.2A/20 is TTP 80 value and gives 40 seconds to survive without 2nd degree (Charlie) Burns .
By Hollow Head - 13 Years Ago
Tim, good work again and don't be sad... New records are waiting to show up next time. I know you are a big guy, but your driving position makes you look like a gorilla in the gage . And that sure don't help you to shift quicker .
By Hollow Head - 14 Years Ago
Quite a crew, have to say . Hope they will go along to Bonneville and make you as a crowd pleaser! Way to go!
By Hollow Head - 14 Years Ago
Never shoot at the shades... an old elephant hunters phrase . Or was it from Hot Rod Magazines "How to photograph your ride for a magazine" article?Otherwise excellent stuff, could well be used as a desktop wallpaper...
By Hollow Head - 14 Years Ago
Good luck and drive safe. And beat them all !
By Hollow Head - 14 Years Ago
Jeah... looks familiar to me . Have The Angels seen that yet?
By Hollow Head - 13 Years Ago
El Cheapo oil filler system? .
By Hollow Head - 13 Years Ago
Sweat, blood and beer. That's all it takes . And a little while... hope it breaks in good.
By bird55 - 12 Years Ago
great throttle response! Go gettem.
By LordMrFord - 13 Years Ago
By LordMrFord - 12 Years Ago
Hmmm... Finnish the most biggest American car related magazine had a short, few line topic about Jake in the random news section.
By Ketterbros - 14 Years Ago
Just the ruminations of a Ole 66 yr Drag racer, Pull my 31 Mod A after meeting all the safety requirements to the lights at Keystone Dragway, Pa., my team buckels me in, I look over across from me pulls up a bike,......? What the H*ll, No seat belts, no roll cage.. ?? Hmmm, Hypocrasey,, sorta like no seat belts in a school bus.. Hmmmmm..??? It should be too each his own...! I have with my brother been following this and others, a great Job, Brother told me not too post this... Just a pet peeve..
By Ketterbros - 14 Years Ago
Wonderful pictures, Great posts, thanks and congrats from the Ketter Bros..
By Ketterbros - 13 Years Ago
Great work.. Mesquite
By Doug T - 14 Years Ago
Tim The truck looks great the workmanship is beautiful. Just little things like the bends of the extinguisher tubes are a pleasure to see.
Glen The Falcon looks super too but I hope your wife doesn't read this thread. Engine hoist? thats what I call living dangerously!
By Doug T - 13 Years Ago
There is a great looking old time gas station near you. It is on North Van Ness Ave in Fresno about 3 blocks north of Vassar Ave. It is on the Nat Reg of historic buildings as the first gas station in Freno. It is still a working garage and they have pumps out front but they don't pump gas there any more 
By Doug T - 13 Years Ago
It would be interesting to see a computerized flow simulation of an X pipe. I will bet there is some kind of induction effect that has the flow from one engine leg pulling the exhaust from the other leg along with it. It might be that if the thing was truly designed using a good program the best solution might be a single pipe from the X to one big muffler or outlet, call it a Y pipe. A venturi down stream of the joint might make the effect stronger. Does the X pipe seem to be RPM dependent or does it add power across the RPM band?
By RB - 14 Years Ago
Tim that Y Block sounds healthy..and this is not even your "good engine".
Don't you just luv that old manual steering on straight axle trucks.. I enjoyed your turn around .. brought back memories. When my dad bought a 74 F-350 to replace the 66 and got power steering I thought I had everything
By RB - 14 Years Ago
Those exhaust ports look really nice Tim.
By RB - 13 Years Ago
Tim, I love the size of the bump on your pistons!
By RB - 13 Years Ago
Awesome Tim, Closed my eyes and listened to the sound. It could have been a Rousch Racing in car audio. That Y Block sounds like a NASCAR engine going up through the gears. X pipe really makes a difference. Do you think you hit on the correct rear gear?
By RB - 12 Years Ago
Tim I can't wait for the in-cab video with sound... I have stocked up on adult diapers
By RB - 12 Years Ago
Has anyone been in contact with Tim? I see he put up a 147 on Sat but did not see anything better since
By Ol Ford Guy - 12 Years Ago
Thanks for sharing your run, that will probably be as close as I will come to running at Bonneville.
By Daniel Jessup - 14 Years Ago
Todd - that is NICE! Gives me some motivation as I continue on my project. Still have a ways to go to be where you are at...but the fordor is almost completely down to the "nubs" and off will come the body. Its frame will be used as a dolly for the Sunliner body while I get the Sunliner frame completely prepped. How low are you going with your stance? dj
By Daniel Jessup - 14 Years Ago
Todd and Tim, and anyone else involved, all I can say is.... WOW! Bring on the Y block powered race truck baby! Something like this needs to be in one of the TV shows on cable/satellite. You know. The kind of show where a couple of guys are building something that everyone has seen before, it's so generic and run of the mill, there are 2 or 3 on your block, etc, etc. Hey! Not your truck - this thing is going to be awesome, man. NICE!
By Daniel Jessup - 14 Years Ago
A project like this one needs to be known and shared with the Y blockers on this site. Maybe it's time for a separate section for posting when on the general forum page. Maybe we could call it Projects and Rides or something? Ted, Jim, what y'all think?
By Daniel Jessup - 14 Years Ago
my boy EJ (8 years old) and I just watched this video - he is hooked on Ford Uni's! I think his favorite part is the tailgate - F - O - R - D.
By Daniel Jessup - 14 Years Ago
How do you guys get video posted,,,,, er,,,, embedded in the forum to where it will play in the box? Nice Tim...we love it out here on the East Coast!
By Daniel Jessup - 14 Years Ago
I will give it two thumbs up! Tim, how did it go out there today?
By Daniel Jessup - 14 Years Ago
Tim, If I ever got to drive that thing, I would soil my undies!!! Awesome. I know it's a race truck, but I would give good money to watch the looks on the faces of the Rice Burner Crowd when you passed them in the truck!!
By Daniel Jessup - 13 Years Ago
Tim, that's awesome! Guys like you are bringing the Y back into the spotlight, and of course those good looking Ford Truck body lines don't hurt either. Keep it up for those of us who lag behind.
By Daniel Jessup - 13 Years Ago
Tim, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Stay safe, my friend... NOW GO KICK SOME SCRUB BUTT! 
By Daniel Jessup - 13 Years Ago
Go get 'em man! Christmas is coming soon, lol!
By yalincoln - 14 Years Ago
what heads are you using and what all has been done to them, port wise and valve size, what size headers, what cam, thanks, wayne.
By yalincoln - 14 Years Ago
hi Tim, great engine info, that's what we like. i hope you can do the same with the head work. what are the cam spec.? i hope we get to hear it run when your done.
By yalincoln - 14 Years Ago
i love those headers! what size are they?
By yalincoln - 14 Years Ago
hey, where's your neet nascar steering wheel that just pops off for easy access ? HA!HA!
By yalincoln - 14 Years Ago
boy, a set of wings and i'll bet you could make it fly!!!
By Unibodyguy - 14 Years Ago
I absolutely Love this thread. I've also been following it on the HAMB as well. Would sure like to drive down for a look once she's put together and running. Michael
By Y block Billy - 14 Years Ago
Love the matching backing plates, sounds awesome. You are definately the talk of the neighborhood. Good thing that car that turned the corner behind you didn't have blues on it.
By Y block Billy - 14 Years Ago
I was wondering why the front dump exhaust and not rams horns or headers? is it just because of availability or you need to use those because of the rules??
By Y block Billy - 14 Years Ago
Wow! headers look great. one question though, did you just butt weld the joints? I have an expandable piece, (Can't say what it was originally designed for) but I take a tapered pin and just drive it in a to expand the outer edge and it slips over the other pipe 1/8" to 1/4" before I weld them. this prevents any weld from being inside the pipe and restrictinging any flow, works super.
By Y block Billy - 14 Years Ago
If you would like to ship that thing this way, I would help you break it in at the next Loring meet the weekend of Sept 16th.
By Y block Billy - 14 Years Ago
It may be the fastest internet, But Loring is the fastest asphalt on the planet at the moment, what a blast!
By Y block Billy - 14 Years Ago
Great job, You do make us all proud!
By Y block Billy - 12 Years Ago
Congrats Tim, Job well done and you have our support tenfold!
By Y block Billy - 13 Years Ago
Way cool and way to go Tim! We need better reading than all the scrub misinformation.
By Y block Billy - 13 Years Ago
anxiously awaiting updates!
By Y block Billy - 13 Years Ago
I'll double that outstanding!!! Outstanding!!!
By Y block Billy - 13 Years Ago
DryLake's, don't take it so seriously, all my nephews, brother in laws and good friends drive scrubs, I help them out every chance I get (and beleive me they ask for a lot of help) They tease me about being Ford man and I tease them about driving scrubs but it is all in good fun, we will still support and love each other no matter what, but I will still call them scrub lovin Bowtie Bumpkins.
By Y block Billy - 13 Years Ago
And I bet the Chevy has aftermarket shaft mounted roller rockers, "Like the Y came with Factory", and the LS aftermarket blocks are deep skirted, "like the Y came factory" (how it got its name) and Y when they want to build a stout scrub do they copy this 60 year old technology. GM's newest baddest crate racing motor's most highlighted feature was shaft mounted rockers. took them over 50 years to catch on.
By Y block Billy - 12 Years Ago
Go get em Tim! and may all have a safe weekend, don't need any repeats of Loring, God Bless!
By aussiebill - 14 Years Ago
mctim64 (7/21/2011)
charliemccraney (7/21/2011) Is that a fire extinguisher?Two of them, one for the driver and one for the engine. Yes, one for the driver and the other is NOS? thats for the engine isnt it, lol.
By aussiebill - 14 Years Ago
texasmark1 (7/25/2011)
bee-u-ti-full! question: what are the clips on visible on the outer edge of the valve covers? Mark They are normal gasket locating areas in cover, tim is using plain gaskets without the tabs.
By aussiebill - 14 Years Ago
pegleg (8/29/2011)
Tim, I agree with Gary's critique of the photo, awesome photo. However in the photo before, your colors clash man!!! Tim, the pic of the truck would make great poster, make a few $ for the racng fund.
By aussiebill - 12 Years Ago
slick56 (7/21/2013) I have seen these carbie pad lifting hooks advertised recently.
I thought that the weight of a Y-block would place a huge amount of strain on the carbie studs? Lifting V8 engines by this means has been going on for decades, the weight is distributed over wide area and not on 1stud, i believe you could lift one only connected to 2 opposite studs but wouldnt regard it as safe. The lifting plate is safe to use.
By aussiebill - 12 Years Ago
mctim64 (7/23/2013)
MoonShadow (7/23/2013) Hum, a late model slick aero scrub mobile with a killer Y-block?You may see something like this sooner than you think.  Hmmm, triumph herald with y block power, good one tim!!
By yehaabill - 14 Years Ago
Y-Guy Todd: I like the big that to keep an eye on "Scrubs" that might be gaining on you!!! Jokes aside, ya'lls project looks awesome...keep us informed. Bill
By yehaabill - 14 Years Ago
Y-Guy Greg: Glad to see you moved over to the "Light Side". Welcome, and by all means, fill us in on that "Y-'to" that kicked our butt's at Columbus! Bill
By yehaabill - 14 Years Ago
Is this the re-incarnation of "Charlie Mac's" seldom seen truck????
By yehaabill - 14 Years Ago
Tim: SOUNDS awesome....What RPM's in the traps? What rear gear and tire diameter?
By unibodyboy - 14 Years Ago
Looks like an awesome plan. Also love the color scheme.
Do have one question though, why the long wheel base? Don't get me wrong, I love the looks but I'd imagine you are gaining a few hundred pounds and some additional drag.
Happy New Year!
By unibodyboy - 14 Years Ago
That thing really (and I mean really!) needs grey/black spark plug wires and boots. Other than that, it looks good.
By texasmark1 - 14 Years Ago
hey, that hairline resembles mine! and... can you place an "adult beverage" that close to a grinding wheel in motion? just wondering...! enjoying the show like everyone else! Mark
By texasmark1 - 14 Years Ago
Hey Tim, I've got a free weekend coming up... should I reverse my exhaust manifolds too??!! Mark
By texasmark1 - 14 Years Ago
ah-so! I figured it was for "air brakes"!
By texasmark1 - 14 Years Ago
hey, just thought of something... how do you keep all those cool decals from coming off "at speed"?? Mark
By texasmark1 - 14 Years Ago
the BRAT and the THING... two only a mom could love!
By texasmark1 - 14 Years Ago
Tim, your project and esp the videos are the best defense for the existence of the internet and youtube! WOW!! Mark
By texasmark1 - 13 Years Ago
Love the radio speaker grille! Are your arms/wrists strapped down somehow? Looks like it in the video...?? Mark
By texasmark1 - 14 Years Ago
By texasmark1 - 14 Years Ago
bee-u-ti-full! question: what are the clips on visible on the outer edge of the valve covers? Mark
By texasmark1 - 14 Years Ago
I was waiting to see your big ole grin after that drive!!
By texasmark1 - 14 Years Ago
two questions: 1. can the sound of the engine be heard the entire run?! 2. what kind of station do you have the radio on when you are speeding down the salt? as others have already said, beautiful work... so glad I have come full circle and gotten into salt and hot rods after being away for so many years! Mark
By texasmark1 - 14 Years Ago
What magazine??!! Mark
By texasmark1 - 14 Years Ago
DANG! Tim... thought you were in beautiful California... the landscape in this vid could be lifted straight out of the Texas drought scene we're stuck in here! oh well, guess it makes the truck look that much prettier! thanks for sharing! its an inspiration. Mark
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
Amen to the long wheel base to help high speed stability. The brick only has 110" wheelbase and it was a handful even at my slower speeds. I also had a two hundred pound tractor weight bolted up under the bed which helped a great deal.
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
Great work Todd. You guys are going to have one exciting truck. Knowing Tim, it will be extremely fast as well.
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
You guys are doing some great work, going to be a shame to get it dirty. Perhaps you should do a few car shows first, that thing would really draw a crowd.
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
Nice work Todd. Seems like you might be feeling better, hope so. Everything looks soooo clean, I envy that.
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
Congrats, sounds like things are smoothing out some. See you at Eagle Field if not before (perhaps helping Tim at Bakersfield?).
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
The sound will be phenomenal.
By 57FordPU - 13 Years Ago
Tim sent some pictures to keep us up to date. Camping at the "Bend" and trying to get an early start to the pits and inspection on Thursday morning.
Waiting in line to be called to tech inspection.
Passed tech with flying colors. Now in the pits waiting for the first run on Saturday morning.
More to follow in the coming days..........
By 57FordPU - 13 Years Ago
Tim in staging waiting to run.

Saturday's only run................middle 130s
There was one other D/PP entry this year, an early 70s Chevy. The owner told Tim a Sprint car engine builder put his engine together and it had shown over 500hp on the dyno. He had made several runs on Saturday and Sunday with a best of 135. (See red pickup in the background.)

Tim's runs early Sunday were still in the 130s, then at 6:00pm the red Chevy rolled up to the line with Tim. One at a time, they went head to head. The Chevy ran 136...............Tim ran 140 and some change.
It was the first time Tim has gone over 140 and he was very excited about it. Besting the Chevy in the same class by 4mph was just icing on the cake.
By 57FordPU - 13 Years Ago
On Monday Tim wanted to start early to capture the cool dense morning air. The result was 141.3 mph. Congratulations on a job well done Tim.
I have to say that 141 mph in a vintage box with a bored 292 is an outstanding achievement. That's 50+ year old iron running around out there. The Chevy guys have new aluminum blocks and heads, roller everything and relatively cheap at that. Again, job well done.
By 57FordPU - 12 Years Ago
Congratulations Tim on a very successful event. 147 mph in a truck like that is just awesome. Everyone appreciates your efforts and speed, but I suspect not many really comprehend just how much effort it takes to make a truck go that fast with only 304 cu. in. Hats off my friend.
I too believe there is more in that motor. Looking forward to watching you find it at El Mirage.
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
Gary, The under hood air pressure management is really important. However, the rule book says "...pickups with full stock bed, unaltered in height, width, and contour, with all panels mounted in the original relationship to each other... They are pretty serious about this. They consider even the bed floor a panel. I once ran the exhaust up through the bed just behind the cab to blow holes in the low pressure area and the next year the rule book stopped that. In both production and modified pickup, there is no blocking of the grille. Some guys were blocking behind the radiator, but they stopped that too. My approach this time is to manage the air flow in the engine compartment by allowing the air to escape at the back of the hood into the low pressure area at the base of the windshield. You have seen the cowl vent hoods that are raised and open at the windshield area. I don't know exactly what my raised hood requirements will be with the turbos, but when finished, it will definitely be open at the rear. When the air has to slow down in any circumstance, it builds back pressure which will slow you down. I constantly think of ways to help channel engine compartment air to the windshield without slowing it down. Another problem is to also channel the air in such a way as to keep it from going under the race car at the bottom of the engine compartment. (no belly pans)
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
First, I was trying to say they will not allow any changes to the inner fender panel, but yes, if you could remove them, it would greatly help lower the pressure under the hood. If the escaping air made it's way from the fender well area to underneath the truck, that would be a negative. Some kind of vent would be needed to allow the air to make it's way from the fender well area to the outside of the truck. Consequently, holes for vents in the fender to allow the channeled air to the outside would not be allowed either.
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
Gary, that makes plenty of sense. I too have seen those pictures and they were just progress pics during the build and now the inner fenders are in place. Yesterday Chuck mentioned something very important. Starting and staying on the good side of the tech inspectors is a must. Pre inspections at Elmo like Tim did before the truck was finished and answering questions truthfully sure greases the skids on future inspections. However, not all inspectors have the same view point. Just like the racers interpret the rules differently, so do some of the inspectors and from time to time, they have to huddle and come up with a group decision. At Bonneville last month I saw one entry get sidelined until a change was made. It seems one inspector didn't like having a rubber boot on a shifter. When asked by another inspector why they ruled that way, the inspector in question said, "Well, they wouldn't let me run my car with a rubber boot and this one will not either". The car was pitted next to us and when we found out, we did a little shopping for him as we needed something for Jake at the local parts store. We came up with a questionable solution with a leather glove. I don't recall, so Tim will have to comment as to whether they used it or not, but they did run and if they did use it, I bet I know which finger they used to slide down over the shifter.
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
Frank, Thanks for the correction on the "high" pressure at the base of the windshield. One part of my brain knew that, and another part typed "low". Now if I could just introduce those two I know they would get along. There are so many thoughts rattling around in there it is amazing that I get things right from time to time. In production pickup, Tim isn't able to run an air dam so being lowered in the front is his only defence against air being pushed under the truck. In Modified pickup, I will use an air dam/splitter to move the air around to the outside as efficiently as possible. Yes, you are correct, no belly pans in either class.
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
I thought that was her on page 39. Was Charlotte there too?
By 57FordPU - 13 Years Ago
Congrats Tim, well deserved.
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
I should let Tim answer his own thread questions, but front and rear window retaining tabs or straps are not required until the class record is over 175 mph. If time permits before August, we will probably build these and other higher speed requirements into the cars so they will qualify for the higher speeds and in some cases only have to build something once. It's yet to be seen, and probably not this year, but we both plan to exceed 175 before we're finished.
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
Awesome, just awesome.
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
Looks great Tim.
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
That's so exciting Tim. Just two more weeks and we're off.
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
Charlie, I believe you are on the right track in trying to combine aero and downforce at the same time with the position of the tail gate. It is these kind of efforts while staying within the rules that make a difference. I am convinced that aerodynamics is a major player at any speed, just look what duct tape did for the coupe. With the bed covers we run, they reduce the large area of low pressure just behind the cab. Wouldn't it be nice to have a taller tail gate, angled back some and allow it to act as a spoiler? Think they would notice?
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
BTW Tim, thanks for letting us hijack your thread. All of the records that were set with the brick in 2008 were made with no bed cover and no tail gate. In 2009 I talked at length with Gail Banks about some of his wind tunnel testing that he did with his 200 mph GMC first gen mini pickup. He tried different bed cover lengths and said the best coefficient of drag (Cd) was obtained with the back 2/3rds of the bed covered and the tail gate up. He thought that with my full size pickup, the low pressure behind the cab would be greater than his and that with the taller cab I might try starting the bed cover at the middle and work forward. He also said to definitely have the tail gate up whether or not I ran a cover. Unfortunately, there were so many changes made to the brick in later events that it would be impossible to determine if the cover and tailgate up made any positive difference. However, you can bet I will have the Banks suggested bed cover and tailgate up on the new race truck. Chuck, all of your ideas make plenty of sense. Most are used in other classes, however, too bad none are available in production pickup. In addition, they are not allowed in my modified pickup class either.
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
You da man Todd. Looks great.
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
Yes, you were missed, but we talked behind your back...............all good stuff. We did have some great Y-Block representation there with Tim and Doug Thrasher. We also had Ed and his son who campaigned the Hegarty and Dozier Hemi powered streamliner at Bonneville along with John who retired from Flowmaster. With all that diverse expertise, all they wanted to talk about was Y-Blocks. I think Tim really jazzed them up when he lit up his FED. If we don't see you sooner, I look forward to seeing you at Eagle Field. I know your part is about done, but I have really enjoyed your work and reports.
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
Congrats again Todd, seems like anything you attempt to build, you do a great job.
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
Go Tim...........I saw the pictures and it all looks great..............very professional.
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
I can see the smiles on the tech guys faces now.
By 57FordPU - 14 Years Ago
I remember that.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
OK, now that the cat's out of the bag it's time to bring you up to speed. I must give Charlie Burns credit for this because he was the one that gave me a taste of land speed racing. Last Aug. after our not to stellar performance at Bonneville I realized that I wouldn't have another chance at the "Brick"as Charlie had told me of his plans for a new LSR truck using parts from the '57 F-100. Land Speed Racing bug had clearly got it's hooks into me so what could I do, I had to build my own. Bigredtodd had hinted at an interest in getting involved so with a little coaxing (not much) I had a new partner to build with.
The new truck is going to be a '62 long bed Uni that will first run in E class then move up to some bigger engines and faster speeds and hopefully to the 200+ mark. After building a 478ci Caddy engine for Todd's '60 we decided that no money would change hands if he could just find me a good base for the project. This is what he found.
Of course this is what we would like it to look like when completed.

The truck went back to Todds place for some suspension mods so I will let him take it from here and tell you what he did. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
I was hoping Todd would have posted by now, we've been working on this project since Oct. and Todd has done most of the work. I didn't want to get ahead and have him back track in posts but I guess what I have been doing wont mess up the order of things. Todd has already done the lowering and I went up to his place a couple of weeks ago to get the front and rear axles to rebuild them and then take them back for install, so I stripped everything and started cleaning parts.  

With everything dissmantled it all went into the hot tank.  
After cleaning I installed a new set of 4.11 gears in the rear, turned all the drums, installed new hard 3" studs all the way round and fit new king pins and bushings.  
bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
New Years Eve day was sunny for a change so I had a chance to get out and paint the pieces for the front and rear axles.  
New Years Day it rained again but I was able to do some assembly work in the garage. I was looking forward to a visit from Frank Rice who had just spent the night at Charlies but I got a call from him saying that he missed my turn off and was almost to Bakersfield already. Oh well, next time.  
bla bla, I'm still having trouble posting but I'm working through it. bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Good job Todd! Looks like we are "Go" for the 15th, I'll be up there with axles and then we can be off to look at the next project.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Pieces and stuff!   
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
yalincoln (2/7/2011) what heads are you using and what all has been done to them, port wise and valve size, what size headers, what cam, thanks, wayne. This is just a practice engine if you will, the heads are modified C1TE heads with 1.85" in and 1.54" ex I have done some port work and it will be going trough a set of home made headers with 1 3/4" primaries. The cam is a special grind and that is all I will say for now, this whole engine is a bit of an experiment to see just what can be done with a modest bunch of parts. Once I have a timing slip on the truck with this engine and it looks good I will share more details. The real "race" engine is coming together right now and will be 350ci, more details to come.  here's a link to the head work or something close to it, the heads on this engine have a little more time in them. bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 12 Years Ago
Some Australian footage from last year.
By mctim64 - 12 Years Ago
Forward from "Hot Rod Engine Tech".
Tim, Thanks for all the great build pix for the 2013 Y-block. Great to see real hot rodders out there doing it like it should be done. Congrats on the 147 mph blast and best of luck in the future. Your truck is bad to the bone, bud. Tell your friends to go have a look at the new story at JB
By mctim64 - 12 Years Ago
Here's the second best run of the week. 145 mph
By mctim64 - 12 Years Ago
Thanks guys! Having a "Y-Block Cheering section" makes it all worth while! It's your support that drives me.
By mctim64 - 12 Years Ago
The record in my class is 164.230 mph but any increase is good with me. Right now the main goal is to break the 150 mark. And for those that might wonder, the red '70 scrub (#403) that ran last year could only muster 135 mph this year with his 590 hp sbc. 
By mctim64 - 12 Years Ago
charliemccraney (8/16/2013) The red pickup had a whole year and ran slower. Were any changes made?
He did make some changes and it looked like it was set up better. The problem is he went to a higher gear ratio. Can't figure it, he had a 3.50 last year and had a little trouble pulling that. So he went to a 3.25?
By mctim64 - 12 Years Ago
pintoplumber (8/16/2013) Tim, thanks for the videos. Next time could you stand up in the truck and pan around the pits. Show us what it looks like.
You got it! 

By mctim64 - 12 Years Ago
A few more pix.

By mctim64 - 12 Years Ago
glrbird (7/22/2013) Don't you just love that big lift, big compression sound. Remind me what the record is.
Record is 164 held by a '92 scrub with better aero than I have. I'd already have the record if they would open up a "Classic" or "Vintage" class.
By mctim64 - 12 Years Ago
MoonShadow (7/23/2013) Hum, a late model slick aero scrub mobile with a killer Y-block?
You may see something like this sooner than you think.
By mctim64 - 12 Years Ago
aussiebill (7/23/2013)
Hmmm, triumph herald with y block power, good one tim!!
Actually I keep threatening to install a Flathead 60 in the Herald.
By mctim64 - 12 Years Ago
MoonShadow (7/24/2013) I wish I had about 20% of you energy.
PS I did put the Salt Flats on my bucket list so I hope to shake your hand someday.
You better get out there quick, my energy is fading. Been enjoying the "Street" build, it takes a lot of time and money to get to the salt. Been questioning if it's worth it all, although once I get out there I know it is.
By mctim64 - 12 Years Ago
Cleaning and packing. Uni goes on the trailer this afternoon and I leave for the "Salt" tomorrow morning. 
By mctim64 - 12 Years Ago
I'm back home now, can't stay all week as I have to get home to clean up everything before going back to work. Thanks for all the positive comments, I made 10 runs down the salt, five on course three and five on the combo course. I like the idea of the combo course but all I got was slower runs there so I went back to the number three. I feel that is where the best traction was. 147.19 on the first pass was the best we could manage. (5 mph faster than last year) The wind was a factor but in the end it was up to me and my tuning. I had one pass (#3) where two rockers backed off on me, I don't think it did any real damage but after I fixed everything I never did any better than 142. Bummer! Still had a good time, saw a lot of great people and came back alive. There is still more there I think and we will find it at El Mirage in the next few months. Anyway, here's the best run of Speed Week 2013. If you listen to me at the end you can tell even I was impressed. 
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Got a little press down under! Thank you to Geoff (HotRodDude) for sending the mag all the way to my door.    Cheers!
By mctim64 - 12 Years Ago
Been a little while since I've added to this thread but I do have a new engine going together for Speed Week and I thought y'all might want to know about it.
Same ci as last year just some different pistons and a different set of heads.

Bottom end is all new stuff for me too, didn't want to tear apart a perfectly good iron head engine that moved the Uni at 142 mph. Maybe it will end up in the dragster or the Model A one day. 
Cleaned up a "Stroked" 239 crank. "Knife Edged" a bit.


Cam with a little more lift than maybe I should have.

Assembled so far

OK, back to work! I only have three more weeks till Bonneville. More later.
By mctim64 - 12 Years Ago
Installed pistons last night, I'll degree the cam tonight and see what else I can get done. 

By mctim64 - 12 Years Ago
New one last year, new one this year. Who's counting?
By mctim64 - 12 Years Ago
By mctim64 - 12 Years Ago
Talkwrench (7/22/2013) Tim , I have to ask what sort of airfilter to you use when your racing it ?
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
If you want to have a 25th I think you better stay home. lol
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Off to El Mirage today! Weather looks good for the weekend although a little cold. No problem, I like dense air. God willing the old Y will pull the new 3.50 ratio and we will get close to that 150 mark.
Say a prayer and wish us luck!  
bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Everything went well at El Mirage this weekend, although it was very COLD! Truck ran great but just couldn't hook up at the top end. Still ran a best of 142.5 mph, one mile faster than last month. Tried some different things today that didn't work out, I think I leaned the carb. a bit to much and I know now that "short shifting" is not going to work for me. All in all we had a good time! Fun with friends is always best.
Made aother run of 142.2 that felt like it could have been a bit faster if not for loose dirt at the end of the course. We'll get our ducks in a row for next May. Only video I made of Jake for the weekend.
Bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
RB (11/13/2012) Awesome Tim, Closed my eyes and listened to the sound. It could have been a Rousch Racing in car audio. That Y Block sounds like a NASCAR engine going up through the gears. X pipe really makes a difference. Do you think you hit on the correct rear gear?Thanks Royce! The gears have to be correct if I ever want to get to 160. The engine has a little trouble climbing in fourth but I think with a little tweeking we'll get it. There's still a few tricks left. 
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
texasmark1 (12/3/2012)
Love the radio speaker grille! Are your arms/wrists strapped down somehow? Looks like it in the video...?? Mark Funny thing about that grill, it came with the truck and I didn't think anything about it so I left it in to cover the hole in the dash. Come to find out that they're knida sought after. Bonus! The truck also came with a "Dodge" AM radio so I found a "FORD" one from '63 to replace it.  Yes, we all have to wear hand restraints. They just barely let you reach the things you need to reach.
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
MoonShadow (12/3/2012)
What music do you listen to over 140MPH? Chuck  Sweet Y music! 
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Off to El Mirage again tomorrow! First meet since Bonneville. Say a prayer and wish me luck! bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Got back from Elmo yesterday. Went out there looking to top 140, it's a little harder to do it there than at Bonneville where we ran 142, when my first pass was done I had a timing slip that read 141.707! Not a bad day for me. 
Only thing different is the carb (quick fuel 750an) and an X-pipe. If the X pipe helps low and mid range it sure helped it climb through the rpm. It felt real strong.

 I'm happy! bla blabla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Not much to say about the Sedan as I've been busy with other things, but racing season is coming to a close and I will have some time to work on it soon.
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
569104 (10/23/2012) Great job Tim! Every time you seem to be improving. Can't ask for more than that. Keep up the good work.Thanks Greg! Still running those 113 heads you gave me. Thanks! 
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Getting ready for the last meet of the season at El Mirage this weekend, while checking the head gasket on "Jake" because I was getting a little water in #3 cylinder I found that the head gasket was holding perfect even with 13.5:1 compression, that's the good news. The bad news is I have a very smalll pin hole in the #3 cylinder. Don't have time to pull the engine and sleeve it so POR15 and a piece of cloth soaked in epoxy on the outside of the cylinder will have to make do for next week.
New "pumpkin" is in with the 3.50:1 ratio and it looks like my cylinder repair is holding. My speed calculator shows 149.2 mph @ 6400 rpm with the 3.70, I ran 141.707 so loosing about 8 mph in traction. With the 3.50 it shows 157.9, so everything equil I should get real close to 150 if I can pull it. Also got all the running lights working on the F-350, now trying to figure how to get running lights on the camper to work.Two day meet so I hope to get in a minimum of four runs, gonna be a good time.
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
The Master Cylinder (11/5/2012)
This weekend???  Dang, Would have be fun to come out and spectate. I only live ~100 SW of El Mirage. Good Luck we'll be there Sat and Sun, do you already have plans?
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Gary, the O2 sensor did give info that helped so I think it was a worthwhile investment. I don't have a flow bench but I think I have a pretty fair idea where to cut and smooth.  JD, it may sound different in the two videos but I always run third out to 7000 rpm so I can come into fourth as high as possable. First and second aren't so important but you really need the Rs in third if you want the top speed in fourth. Just ask Charlie. 
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Tman (8/27/2012) OK, I found it Tim! Is there an intro section here? Don't tell dad I am hanging out with you guys.You can just do it here and then start looking around. Tman is Trent who helps us out at Bonneville, we are working on converting him to Y-Blocks and I think he's leaning our way. He is second from the left. 
bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
jepito (8/28/2012) Are you allowed to run a bed cover or with the tail gate down?Yep!
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Here's a little something we are gonna try at Elmo next week see what it's good for. 

I also removed a lot of un-necessary hanging stuff underneath. bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Straight with 18" extentions.
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
The 18" extentions were on Ted's advice.
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Here's the one of me and the red Chevy. I think if he get's it sorted out it may run faster but my truck is deffinitly set up better.
bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Here's the first video to be edited, not the fastest run but a pretty good one.
bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Thought I'd add one of Keith's Y-Block powered coupe, it's running strong too. If my truck was as fast I'd have a record.
bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
YRAG32 (8/16/2012) Well done Tim.Cool! 
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Here is our best run!
bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
glrbird (8/17/2012)
Tim I think you are doing an outstanding job. You are building you own engines, I don't know who is doing the head work on your ports, you or someone else, but overall you are going fast because of your hard work. I have always liked this project from when it arrived at Todd's to now. Record or not you should be very proud of your project. Out running people with a bigger budget is icing on the cake. As far as drag racing, it is not as "laid back" as LSR but I met and made lots of friends doing it and they would all help you no matter what brand you were racing, in general "throttle jockey's" are great people. Thank you! and yes I do my own head work, so far anyway, still thinking about a set of Johns heads. 
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
OK! The final and IMO best run for the Uni of May 2012.
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
I installed an O2 sensor and a A/F ratio gauge, gotta keep up on mixture with how quickly the DA changes. I also installed some Dzus buttons to hold the bed cover down.
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Got a lot done this weekend prepairing for Speedweek! I'm feeling really good about this!
Chase/Tow truck; new cruise control, wired for new trailer, charged A/C, lubed chassis and u-joints and topped off all fluids. Truck feel ready to go!

Race Truck; re-torqued heads, checked valves, charged battery, heat cycled engine (ran it till 180* reved it to 7k sounds eager and angry ;-)) washed it and aired tires to desired pressure.
bla bla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Thanks guys. I'll be sending pix to Charlie and Todd, hopefully I can get them to post on this thread while I'm away. 
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
I am loaded and leaving this morning. I'll stop just west of Tahoe and spend the night at my sisters then across Nevada early tomorrow. Say a prayer for me and wish me luck! 
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
I'm having trouble posting. OK guys I'm back. I've been reading a lot of what you've been talking about and here is my take on the whole thing. Land Speed Racing is what I enjoy, more so than Drag racing, because of the comradery. Yes people will help you break thir recor whether Ford, Chevy, Chrysler or what ever you have. It's just all about going fast. As for the guy from PE Racing in Midland TX with the red step side Chevy, he had/has some things to sort out with his truck and I was fortunate enough to get to race with him this year. If his engine truely has 590 HP when he gets it sorted out he will be one to be recond with. as it was this year I think he ran too big a tire and to high a gear ratio (3.50) I did talk to him quite a bit in the pits and in stagging. Nice guy, he told me all as I did to him. As it turned out the one time we staged next to eachother he ran 136 mph and I ran 141 mph. At the end of it all I had a top speed of 141.846 (I rounded up to 142) and he had a top speed of 142.219. All things being equal I could have had the higher speed with a bit different condition in the air, surface or wind. But he was less than ½ mph faster than Jake with a high dollar engine that was built by someone else with non GM parts. I have nothing to regret with my Ford parts and we WILL go faster next year.
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Park Olson (4/29/2012)
Your stuff looks great, as usual, Tim, except for those dollar store jack stands,,,,  They are not your typical split pipe jack stands, they are a lot heavier than they look. I've had them for 30 years and they are not dollar store.
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Park Olson (4/30/2012) OK,,,,No biggie, just sayin'. 
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
El Mirage in two weeks! New engine is going in today right after I have lunch. I'll let you know how it went tonight.  
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
OK! New engine is in and tomorrow will be break-in time. I forgot how hard it is to seperate the engine from the trans. with the scatter shield in place. Oh well, it's done now.  
All done! 
bla bla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
OK! Here it is, 20 min. run time. Now to change the heads.
__________________ bla bla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
I think we did well for our first time out with a new engine. First pass the engine felt GREAT! and sounded great too. But when I got the timing slip the #s were the same as last year. I have a higher gear ratio and went through the traps at the same rpm as last year, should have been close to 140 but was 126. Traction problems again! We lined up for our second pass late in the day with no other changes than a little less air in the tires, we had a bit of trouble with the tow vehicle on the way down that had to be fixed so we got a lat start but that's another story, when we got to the front of the line they shut down for the day. No problem that means we get first run in the morning on a fresh course. Sunday morning we lined up after the drivers meeting, warmed up the engine, cleared for the course and we were off! The lake bed wasn't the best but since it wasn't tore up bay a bunch of cars before me we got 131 mph! not bad but still we want to go faster, duh. A third and final run is set up for this time I decided to run with the front half of the bed cover off, Charlie will like that. Well, with that the only change and out on a soft tore up lake bed again we managed 132 mph. I think we are on the right track. I need to add some weight to the back again and there is still some tuning to be done to the engine, timing and mixture but I think we can manage 140 before the year is out and 150 may just happen at Bonneville. The truck is still accelerating at the end on the 1.3 miles at Elmo.

We made the t-shirt and poster too! 

By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Did that do it all for you guys? If so I guess I'll just have to reload all the pix from now on, not too hard if I do it when I post. You could see the videos and text already though, right? Cheers! More to come this weekend. I'm finishing the balance on the crank tonight.  bla bla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Finished the balance work today. With the lighter pistons and extra weight taken off the throws when I ground them from 2 3/16" to 2" left some weight to come of the counter weights. 
Instead of just drilling into the counterweights I cut them down. This should keep the "windage" down. I also filled in the existing holes from the factory balance.
 Pretty happy with the results. For those that don't know the windows at the top of the screen represent the amount of weight that the crank is off at the front (left) or rear (right) in grams. the window below is the angle at which it is to be removed. I started with about 50 grams at both ends. factory balance is usually within 10 grams. I have seen some, engines from the 70s mostly, that are out as much as 25. I think this one will rev nicely. 

bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Here's a little engine assembly.
Bla blah
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Had the Girls out for a little "Photo Shoot" to promote my shirts Here's a few of the better shots. 

My Nephew Robert also came along, I think he had a good time. 

bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
The Tudor Sedan that My niece is standing in is mine, yes it will have a Y-Block in it and when more work is done there will be a thread here for it. as for the "Coupe" I think you mean the green pickup, Right? That one belongs to the guy who owns this shop and it is what got us acquainted. Someone installed a cam bearing incorrectly and he called me to fix it.
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Trying to get things ready for Elmo in May. Yesterday I did a little work on the engine, got it buttoned up on the bottom end. The heads are on the engine in the truck so I wont have them on till I pull the engine. That should be next weekend.

Also today I intalled the spool and 3.70 ratio, this will give 139 mph @ 6000 rpm, 151 @ 6500 and 163 @ 7000. That would give me a record at Elmo if I can pull 7k. We'll see.

Nothing but the best!
 bla bla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
landspeedy (3/4/2012)
I see them,looking good Tim. "Only" 160 days to go.......................... Keith You got that right Keith! Even less to Elmo and I hope to do some shakedown runs before "Speedweek"  I'm glad someone can see them, I know we had this problem before but I just don't know why some see them and others don't. 
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
We also degreed the cam yesterday. After "index grinding" the crank the cam read 6* advanced but we got that worked out with our Roll Master timing set. Here's a little video for you to enjoy.
bla bla bla __________________
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Can you see the pix if you go to the HAMB?
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
charliemccraney (3/7/2012)
mctim64 (3/6/2012) Can you see the pix if you go to the HAMB?Nope. I don't understand. I thought it might have to do with the file being in my HAMB profile (it's easier to load there then copy and paste) but if you can't see it there then what? Can you see my pix on FB?
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Let's try this. 

all the pix from post # 69237 bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
I've been editing pitures in each post although after three tries I can't do the last one.
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
I finally got that rusty old Y apart, not an easy job as it had been sitting for years outside. I had to pull the crank first then beat the pistons out, most of them lost their heads before exiting. It is a std. bore though and even with a few rust pits I think it will make .080" over. If not I have a back up block, also std. bore and in much better shape. If I don't use it for the Uni the second one will be made into a 309ci stroker (292 +.030" with a 312 crank) with ECZ-G heads that I will sell to help finance this summers racing.  Parts removed, the clean core had a very nice std. crank the other a .020"/.030" with wore out bearings. It also had the ever popular "top oiling kit". bla bla __________________
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
I've got both blocks cleaned up now and the rusty P.O.S. is not in too bad of shape. I did need to sleeve one cylinder but it was because of a crack not the rust. The crack may have come from me beating the piston out. One nice thing is when boring for the sleeve (1/8" wall) I went over 4" and never busted into water. This is a C2AE block.

After boring I relieved the block around the intake valves, the old gasket makes a nice mark to follow. Next I will align bore and "square" the decks to equal distance from the center line.

bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Decked the block. The jig I use squares each surface with the crank centerline and 90* from the other. It's amazing how far off some blocks can be. I also check to be sure each deck is equal distance from the crank center.  bla bla __________________
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Finished honing the block and align honed the mains. Took very little off the caps so as not to raise the centerline. I will check all four corners with the pistons in place before final assembly. 

I also had a chance to start on the balancing. 

bla bla __________________
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Lots of photos Greg, lots. Try refreshing your browser.
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Ground the crank for Jake yesterday. I'm staying with the stock 3.3" stroke but need to cut the rod journals down from 2.188" to 2.0" to be able to use the the "H" beam rods I have (6.320" length). Since I have so much material to work with I figured I would "blueprint" it. Normally when you grind a crank you just copy the old jounal and take it down .010", .020" or whatever size it needs to go. Using a dial indicator mounted in the "steady rest" you rotate the crank in the machine and adjust the chucks accordingly.So this time I set the stroke on the headstock and tailstock to exactly 3.3", centered on the #1 journal and as I moved to each other journal I just used the 90* index in the chucks. It was amazing to see just how far off the crank was from journal to journal, sometimes as much as .050" but since I had .188" to work with it was no problem to grind it true. I'm not sure if this is just sloppy production or if the crank has "twisted" a bit over the last 50 years of running but it seems a bit much although you would never see any real effect in a basic street engine.After rough grinding I reset the crank and did the same thing, ground on the 90* index, and sure enough it came out right on. I always dress the edge of each stone before grinding to get the proper radius in the journal, this is overlooked by many shops and is the reason for a lot of broken cranks.  292 crank in the 270 Van Norman Rough grinding the throw. Now finish grinding to 2" After the crank was polished I took it home and mocked up the engine to check the cam timing, piston to deck height, and see hoe close the index was. I was very pleased to see that it all came out near perfect. Decks are exactly 90* from each other, decks are equal distance from the crank centerline, and pistons are .003" - .005" from the deck @ TDC in all holes. But I was most pleased to see that when I found absolute TDC on #1 and checked the other three journals they were all at TDC exactly 90* from each other. This is pretty darn close to blueprint.Here's a little video of my finding, I'm not the best at explaining things so I hope you can follow. At least I know what I'm saying.  bla bla bla __________________
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Looks like We made it in another Mag! Classic trucks did a story on "Bonneville Trucks" and both Jake and the '58 mad it. 

It also says "watch for a feature on his Uni in an upcoming issue". 
 Bla bla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Thanks guys! You know it's your encouragement that drives me.
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Thanks Frank and Chuck! I was talking with Ted this week and thanks to him there should be something to watch for this year at Bonneville from both "Jake" and Keith's '32. Let's not forget Charlie Burns and his new "Yellow Thing". Exciting times!
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
landspeedy (1/22/2012)
mctim64 (1/22/2012)
Thanks Frank and Chuck! I was talking with Ted this week and thanks to him there should be something to watch for this year at Bonneville from both "Jake" and Keith's '32. Let's not forget Charlie Burns and his new "Yellow Thing".  Exciting times! Happy New Year everyone,havent been on in a while.Looking forward to this coming speedweek,been dong some updates to the coupe,while Ted is "checking out the 343 Y. Tim,if we bump into each other at the GNRS,maybe we can catch up over a $10 beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be looking for you Keith. I'll probably have on a Y-Block Guy Racing shirt. See ya there! 
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Gonna tear into this for Jakes new engine. It's a bit rusty but since I am boring .080" over I hope that wont be an issue. I will post more pix of the machine work as it goes along. I will look much better when I'm done with it.
bla bla bla __________________
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Got some more goodies for Jake, sent to me by Mr. Eaton. bla bla __________________
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Had a detailed responce all typed out then "LOCK UP"! I'll get back to it after work. Basic answer was "Yes" and Yes".
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
charliemccraney (11/16/2011) Did the traction device seem to work?Yes! I believe it did help some although I think I will need different tires for Elmo than I use for Bonneville. I made changes on all runs except for the #3 as the #2 run was a waste, the clutch didn't engage for fourth till I had lost my momentom and I only ran 115 mph. I ran 122 for the first pass with 40* total advance then backed off to 35* and ran 118 on the third pass. For the second day I bumped the timing back up to 40* and removed the mufflers, I also modified the "Air box" to work with the Mummert intake (the carb position is slightly different than the BT) then ran 126.01 mph. For the last pass I brought the timing up to 43* total and ran 126.5. That engine likes timing as did the "Brick". Also after the first pass I lowered the pressure in the rear tires from 50 psi to 40 psi.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Thanks Glen! I'm happy! It was a good weekend and a great year. New engine is going together this winter, been talkin' with Ted about pistons, and maybe 150+ next year.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Greg, It all added up to a great package. The heads will be on the next motor though.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Made Ford Freaks of Finland too.  

bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 13 Years Ago
Keep and eye out for this Mag! There is a nice four page article in it about Jake and I writen by Mike (Buick59) Harrington. Feb. '12 Car Kulture Deluxe.  
bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Got the new tow rig ready, should be good to go. Headed to Elmo tonight. __________________ "Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines."
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
BIGREDTODD (11/11/2011)
Just curious, but what are you using for the human fire hydrant?  This is a different one, I still have a scrub to use as an outhouse.  
Bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Had a real good weekend. Spent all of Friday getting the "new rig" ready, drove down to Elmo in the rain at midnight with no promise of good weather to race in then had one of the best meets ever! Less cars means more runs for me! Five passes, faster the second day than the first, with nothing broken. Good times. 

Jake and the "Brew 102" car. Two good ol' Fords. The '53 Customline is running a 262 Ford six, did a best of 120 in XO/PRO. 
This is Land Speed Racing! Modifying parts in the field. Jackie is doing her job also, note the tennis ball in her mouth. 
Now the air box fits the Mummert intake. 

"Brew 102" 
bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Now a little video for your enjoyment! bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
yehaabill (11/14/2011) Tim: SOUNDS awesome....What RPM's in the traps? What rear gear and tire diameter? Bill
Just a little over 6000, 3.89:1 and 30" Fallow this link and scroll down to see a sequence of photos showing the dust roll off the back of the truck going through the traps. bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
glrbird (11/15/2011)
Tim Did I miss the part where you told us how fast you went? Gotta love the patina on the 102 car, has he raced it a long time? 126.5 mph was the best I could do at Elmo this year, I was trying for 130 but at least I was faster than the last meet. The "Brew 102" has been racing El Mirage since 1980 I was told. Sposed to be the oldest continuous running car there. It's had different divers and engines over the years but it's been there. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Nice try guys. They have a photo of the finish for each car.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Charlie, they did use the glove and it did pass tech. The shifter went through the thumb though, that gave more base area to use as a boot.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
My cousin put together this little video of when we were testing out at the airport. I know it's a little after the fact but he just finished editing today. bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Mark, that's typical central Calif. Look's just like Texas.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Changed heads out today. These are the 113s that Greg Gordon donated to the "Cause". I hope I have done some of my better port work on these along with some work to the Mummert intake to make everything match up right. We'll see how it all works out in two weeks at El Mirage.  

I also took the advise of some of my scrub friends that said the only way to make it go fast was to install an sbc. I did! It makes for a good 240 lbs of dead weight for traction.  
Ted, you will get your parts back soon.  bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
RB (10/30/2011) Those exhaust ports look really nice Tim.Thanks! They are a pretty good match to the headers. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Well, I didn't put that in there. It's all part of the GM conspiracy.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
El Mirage Sept. 11 2011 we had a great time! The weather was nice, had a great light show Sat. night. We slept out under the stars in the back of the pickup and had a beautiful sunrise. Our first run at El Mirage was a good one but the rpm showed that I should have been doing 133 and the timing slip showed 124. There is definitly some traction loss on the loose dirt. I'm gonna add some weight to the rear for the next meet, 200 lbs to start with I think. bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
One other thing I would like to mention, as much as I like to drive "The Brick" just notice how straight and stable "Jake" is going down the coarse. Kudos to Todd for his suspension work!!!
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
57 ranchwagon (9/12/2011) Now after you Video I might try to hit Elmo in Sept and follow it with World of Speed the next week. What are your thoughts? I have heard at El Mirage you have to be a club member for records or run as a guest but you don't have as many chances to run. How do you join a club? (is it even a option) Just thought I might pick you brain. Great run sounded like you had a blast. Thanks SamYou have it all right! I'm sure there is a club that will take someone from out of state, as it is the club Charlie and I belong to is a ways away from us and we are lucky to attend two meetings a year. You can check into it, the clubs are all listed in the rule book. Look at what the class record is for your car, if you think it's within reach it might be worthwhile.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Ha Ha! I just noticed the length of the video, didn't even plan it that way. I think this is the second time it has happened.   Edit: I just noticed this one says 3:13 the other day it said 3:12. Oh well, I always tell people that the engine in the '58 is a 313 (+.060 292 with a 312 crank) 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
They might shoot me if I ran something like that on the lake bed.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
texasmark1 (8/18/2011) 1. can the sound of the engine be heard the entire run?! 2. what kind of station do you have the radio on when you are speeding down the salt? 1. I can certainly hear it.  2. I keep it on the oldies station, turned all the way up. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Well looks like the engine is coming out. I went to install a new starter yesterday and found the ring gear has come off the flywheel. Must have come loose when the bendix jammed and worked its way off on the three runs mad afterwards. I assume that is the roughness I felt on the last run, surprised it didn't make more noise than it did. Oh well, the fun of racing. Just gotta do it if I want to be ready for Elmo.Ted, I'll get the springs and the intake back to you soon. I think I'll clean up the Mummert intake to run and finnish up the 113 heads Greg Gordon gave me. That will be the combo for El Mirage.  bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Tim McMaster Tim McMaster

Tim McMaster
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
aussiebill (8/29/2011)
pegleg (8/29/2011)
Tim, I agree with Gary's critique of the photo, awesome photo. However in the photo before, your colors clash man!!! Tim, the pic of the truck would make great poster, make a few $ for the racng fund. That wouldn't be a bad idea but I don't own these pix. They will be in a magazine in a couple of months though. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
texasmark1 (8/30/2011)
What magazine??!! Mark Classic Trucks and Street Trucks. Don't know what month but I was told it would probably be after Christmas.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Here's a little slide show I put together of the "Uni" build. We pulled the truck out of a tomato patch in Stockton in early Oct. 2010 and it was on the salt @ 127 mph in Aug. 2011. The build took place in three different towns Modesto at Bigredtodd's, Visalia at My place and in Hanford at my friend Johns. I did a video like this for my dragster and it was less than 10 min, this one took a little longer so to get it on YouTube I had to split it into two parts. It's a little long but if you have the time I think you will enjoy the transformation.  part one part two bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
First I want to say how much fun I had at Speed week this year, didn't quite make the goal of 130 but I had a blast anyway. Met a few of the Ys guys from this forum out there and it was grand meeting you all, sorry I didn't have much time in the pits but we were always thrashing to get something done. Next time come talk to me in line I seem to have a little more time to chat if the staging lanes are full. Thanks Mike for the pins, that was great!  As most of you have heard by now the truck ran good and tracked VERY strait, thanks to Todd for some great suspension work. the speed felt great even if it was a little off from what I wanted, but you know no matter how fast we go we always want more. Keep an eye out I think we are in for some good runs at Elmo this fall.  Todd, I'm sorry but I have to correct you in your post. That is a sunrise not a sunset and we were not all present and accounted for, you needed to be there. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
charliemccraney (8/17/2011) Sweet! Video soon??This question makes me a little mad as I had ordered a camera mount for the truck, they sent the wrong item, drug their feet sending me the right item, never got it and Charlie couldn't find the one he used in the "Brick". So very little footage and NO in cab footage. I will have a mount welded to the cage for the future but nothing this time. Sorry. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Got lots of pictures though!  waiting to get on the salt at sunrise the first day. 
sunrise in the pits as we unload. 
moving to tech inspection. 
going over him with a fine tooth comb, three issues were found that were easly fixed. Not too bad for a new car.  
Ys guys Charlie, Ted Keith and Tim 
Our little corner of the salt all set up. 
Some more of the crew Trent, Tim, Kathy, Carl and Lance. 
Adding a little "Go" juice.  
Drivers meeting on Sat. morning. 
Waiting in the staging lane 
Bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
57 ranchwagon (8/17/2011) I was curious just for my future knowledge what were the three small items tech got you for? I also wanted to say congrats on what i defiantly view as a amazingly successful speed week. The truck came together beautifully and the performance was equally as impressive. Looking forward to your next accomplishments. Thanks Sam GableFirst of all there was a spot on the cage that the weld was not complete, about 1", that will be fixed today. (2) I didn't have my fuel tank vented properly. (3)and I had to move the nozzle for the fire extiguisher in the cab to a better location.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Here's some more pix!.... 

You meet some interesting people in the staging lanes, Leslie Porterfield the fastest woman on two wheels.  
Tman straping me in, he got pretty good at it, essential to the crew as I couldn't do it myself. 

Cold water after a sucsessful run. It's 90* outside, I have to wear a fire suit with all the windows up. By the time I wait in line and make a run I'm soaked with sweat. It feels sooooo good when I take off the helmet and jacket. 
bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
While testing in the pits our starter hung up in the flywheel and burnt up the bendix. After that we had to push off from the line. made our best run this way. The starter must have been slowing us down. LOL bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
MoonShadow (7/31/2011) Whats the thing that looks like a tow hitch sticking out the back? ChuckPush bar Chuck. You have to have a place to push in back and a place to pull up front, they don't let you drive your race vehicle anywhere but on the course.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Y block Billy (8/2/2011) If you would like to ship that thing this way, I would help you break it in at the next Loring meet the weekend of Sept 16th.Would love to make it out there some time, Charlie and I were just talking about that the other day. I am going to New England next summer but I don't know if there will be a meet at that time and I don't think "Jake" would be a carry on. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Had some fun pix taken tonight, here's a teaser, the pro. ones will come later. 

Bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Missouri Mike (8/3/2011)
Tim- If your "shotgun" attends Bonneville I have something for her, if not, then I might give it to you. Travelling with a Ford flathead racer Lucky Missouri Mike Washington, Mo. She'll be there, flying into SLC on Fri. and home on Sun. I hope it's not something bad from my past. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Here's a few of the pix from our photo shoot the other day. I think they came out pretty good.  

Bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Leaving tomorrow morning! Talk to you all when we get back.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Good run today!     bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
MoonShadow (7/30/2011) Great film Tim. Glad to hear you made a straight, true run. When will you shake it down at a distance or is it Bonneville? ChuckBonneville is next! Should get in several runs this year in different set ups. Next year we go after the record. 164.230. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Here's a few pix from yesterday.  

bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Looks a little different now. 

bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
texasmark1 (7/31/2011) I was waiting to see your big ole grin after that drive!!Don't worry, there was one. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
glrbird (7/31/2011)
Tim We used some old aluminum diving boards for ramps, they were long enough to keep the headers and suspension from hitting and still light enough to make them easy to lift. Just a thought. I just found out today that the ramps from Elwood's trailer will work for this one too, gives us a much better angle. Thanks though. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
OK! now for todays action. This truck with a "Funny Car" style cage has been seen as a bit tough to get in and out of, I kept trying it out as we built it so I didn't make it so as to not be able to drive it. Until today I have not tried to enter and exit with full suit and "head & neck" restraint. So for your veiwing pleasure I submit this.  bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
I think I have all the "legal" stuff done today. Now in the days to come I will do a few things that may make it a little faster.  Driveshaft hoop in. 
Safety cable on hood. 
Tow hook. 
Push bar. 
bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
MoonShadow (7/25/2011)
Tim, I hope you have Nomex underware to cover the gap between your jacket and pants! It looks like your back could be exposed in an emergency. One thing I just noticed although it might be left over tech from the 50's and 60's dirt tracks. We always welded ends or caps on the tubing in the cockpit so there were no open ends exposed (I noticed the ones behind your extingusher tanks). No matter how removed thay may be if you really get tossed around contact with an open pipe end can do some damage. Chuck, the jacket does overlap the pants but my butt wont keep the pants up. I may have to get suspenders. I never really thought of covering the ends on the bottle supports, although it would give it a more finished look I think if my body comes into contact with that area I'm pretty well tore up by then. lol
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Bill's half right, if you look close there is gasket sticking out.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
this time with the helmet on.
I had a little trouble with the latch across my chest for the head and neck restraint, I know I can do it in less than 20 sec.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Hollow Head (7/27/2011)
It's good to know that sfi 3.2A/15 TPP value 60 gives you 30 seconds of protection against 2nd degree burns. Keep practicing, you have 5 seconds left now  . How about if you are upside down and a little confused. Try that after six to ten beers and after half an hour waiting time... Sure would like to see that from youtube  . My suit is a 20. I don't think they will make us drink six to ten beers and flip our vehicle just to demonstrate a bail out but I'd pay a dollar to see that.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Piece by piece it's going together.  

bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
charliemccraney (7/21/2011) Is that a fire extinguisher?Two of them, one for the driver and one for the engine.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Not this time around Bill. I hope I never have to use either one of them.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Here's a little video just went around the block. It's not as loud with the mufflers (duh) but I don't want to open it up and piss off the nieghbors. I'll have a good test run out at the airport maybe next week.  bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
OK! Today was very productive although when you see the few things that were done you may wonder why it took all day. Well it's Saturday and I don't work that hard. :p Seriously it does take a bit of time to do the small stuff, I spent 3 hours just puting the doors together. Doors were the beginning of the day, new weather stripping and "anti-rattle" kits with windows and tint.
Also what my wife calls "ironing boards" (Door panels)
I also added more padding to the cage and plumbed the fire extinguishers.
One nozzel for me.
and two for the engine.
How come the engine gets more than me?
All in all a very good day, getting closer all the time. Might even be able to take Elwood to the Eagle Field "Lions Club Drags" next week if I get it all done.
Bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Glen Henderson (7/23/2011) BUTT CRACK!!!!.NO!... I watched it, close but no but no butt! 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
glrbird (7/11/2011) Your wife didn't get any shots of you crawling around trying to get all that tubing painted did she?No she didn't take any pix, kinda wish she did it was quite an ordeal. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Best I can do in the booth. I like it! 

bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
I am very pleased with how this truck is turning out but it would not have been possable if not for some good friends that want me to make a good showing at Bonneville. I am very blessed to have great people in my life!
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
just so we can remember.  
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
I'll look out for you Mike, bring me one of those cold waters the heat out there is the worst. Although you don't notice since you are having such a good time.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Home again! Time to reassemble. 

bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Latest video. bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
In a car/truck we have to ride the bad stuff out. Maybe bikers should be required to wear a nose cone on their helmet, projectiles is what they become when things go wrong.  Watch this.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Paint this week.  
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
I have that one. I have "To Please a Lady" also, love old race movies. Korny but fun.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
glrbird (7/11/2011)
Tim Check out a movie called "Thunder in carolina" Late 50's stock car racing. had it. Lots of other good Hot Rod and Racing movies. Yeah, I've bought from them before. They have a lot of stuff you can't find anywhere else. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Glen Henderson (6/12/2011) Good job Tim, looks like you were not the only one waiting to get pre-teched, is that a Henry J in the back ground. Love them J's, first project that I had at fourteen was a 51 Henry J. Never did finish it, but I had installed a 303 Olds and hydro. I traded it for a 55 scrub, sure wish I had that car back now.Dang Glen, you got that right off. Charlie and I had to go look at the tag before we figured it out. Not much there to go by. This guy is running a 276 (303ci) DeSoto. OK car but my cage looked a lot better. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
We looked around before heading home and Charlie thought he would try something different on for size. I almost didn't get him out of it, tight fit.  

bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
They liked my cage this last weekend but I was told to add a little to it, that is why I went down to have it looked at. Here's what had to be added, diagonal from the main hoop to lowere right hand corner, continue the diagonal behind the seat and hoop to keep my foot in if the body was completely ripped off. Cage is done now!  bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
charliemccraney (6/15/2011) But... where's the passenger going to sit? Also looks like it's missing the beer can holder.I could but some seats in the back like a "Brat" You'll just have to watch what has already been passed. 
bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Details, details, details! Other than some body work this last weekend I also was tying up some loose ends. Master disconnect, with alternator disconect. Enertia switch on fuel pump. Electric water pump with base donated by Ted Eaton. Patch panel where steering column was repositioned.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
been staying up late this week (9:00 pm ) trying to get the cage done to take to El Mirage on the 11th so I can have it inspected before painting is done. I think we have some pretty good progress. 

bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
The cage is part of the truck now! Just a few more pieces to add and we are off to Elmo for tech.

and yes, the fuel valve is coming out. Just haven't got around to it yet.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
yalincoln (6/5/2011)
hey, where's your neet nascar steering wheel that just pops off for easy access ? HA!HA! That one comes off. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Pretty much finished now, just got to get the OK from Kiwi Steve.  
bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
charliemccraney (6/7/2011) Where does the passenger sit??Funny you should ask. I was thinking about making mounts for a removable pass. seat for going to and from car shows, although if the fire bottles are in place there is no room.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Taking off for El Mirage now, hope the tech guys like what they see. Wish me luck.  
bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
The Master Cylinder (4/29/2011) Thanks Tim, It only makes sense to not have fuel lines inside the cab.well, I guess I don't have any sense. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
A little bit of header work today.   

bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
yalincoln (5/9/2011) i love those headers! what size are they?1 3/4" into 3"
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Been a little under the weather the last couple of days and working hard to get Elwood ready for Eagle Field but we did manage to get the header for the other side done and a scatter shield made. Still waiting on tubing for the cage but I'm told it's on the way. 

For those who want to know the primaries (1 3/4") came out 25 - 29" and I will be running 18" extentions on the 3" collectors.
 bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Finally got the tubing on Friday! We were waiting for 1 5/8" .134" wall mild steel for the last three weeks, found out that is was quite literally on slow boat from China. By last Tues. we had had enough and looked around at different suppliers, The short story is we found another place that sold us .095" wall chromoly for $.25 more a foot than the other stuff and it's made in the USA. Wish we would have went to this place first. Oh well we have got a cage started now and with a little work there should be something to show the tech guys at El Mirage in two weeks.     bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
charliemccraney (5/29/2011) That looks like a tight squeeze to get in.Trust me, it will be. They like you to be snug. The steering wheel comes off and gives you a little more room, ask Charlie, the "Brick" wasn't the easiest thing to get in and out of.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Just to let you guys know I have ordered grey 8mm plug wires with black 90* boots.  bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
He moves under his own power!! Does anyone know how to install a video player on this site? 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Thanks Charlie.  Can you send me simple directions how you do it, I can do it on the HAMB but haven't figured it out over here. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
One thing more I'd like to add. As much as I have always liked BG carbs their quality control must have been non existant towards the end. The carb I bought before this one for a customers engine had the wrong gasket on the power valve and was dumping way too much fuel till I found the problem. This carb was purchased the day they shut their doors (although I'm sure it was sitting on a shelf at Jegs for a while) it was jetted so lean that it would almost not run, watch the first run video and see how I have to feather the throttle to keep it going. Runs great now with 72's, it had 58's out of the box.
Point is they are good carbs but not right out of the box so if you have one don't be ready to through it away just cause it doesn't run right. bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
RB (4/25/2011) Tim that Y Block sounds healthy..and this is not even your "good engine".Royce, this is the "D" motor. Just a .060 292 (301ci) I want to do testing with this one then comes the bigger (350ci) "C" motor. If this one performs well I may try to push it to a record but the D record at El Mirage is 158+ mph, we'll see.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
The fuel shut off valve needs to be within reach of the driver and the "Brick" had a setup that was similar. That being said the new 2011 rule book states that no part of the fuel system is to be inside the drivers compartment unless pre-approved by the technical committee. This is a new rule for this year and I will probably be moving the shut off valve a few inches down with a push rod to operate it. Bill, the exhaust is temporary.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
glrbird (4/5/2011) Can we expect video next week?I hope to have some to share. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
After Famoso I even had a little time to work on Jake. Not driver yet but I did manage to fire the "D" engine, I have the radiator mounted better now and as soon as I get the fuel and wiring done you will see him drive down the street.  
Teaser video. bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
unibodyboy (4/12/2011) That thing really (and I mean really!) needs grey/black spark plug wires and boots. Other than that, it looks good.I agree 100% but that was all I could get in 8mm with 90* boots when I was at the parts store, color change to come later. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
texasmark1 (4/13/2011)
Hey Tim, I've got a free weekend coming up... should I reverse my exhaust manifolds too??!! Mark Old land speed trick, blows friction causing pebbles out of the way as you move forward. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Good job Todd! Like the hair color too!
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Spent most of Saturday running fuel lines. Glad to have that out of the way. Fuel tank in the bed with electric pump and regulator on the return line. Pressure line and return line exiting the boxed frame, inside the aluminum line is inside rubber hose to prevent rubbing a hole in the line. 725 Road Demon with pressure and return line. bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Looks great Todd! We missed you yesterday at Charlies, love to see the progress though.  bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
A little work was done this weekend, the truck now has working brakes and a transmisson. Brakes aren't really needed when going all out but we will want to bring it to a stop eventually.  
The flex lines had to be re-routed because of the frame boxing but this worked out well. 
Also before I hooked up the T-5 I decided on a different cam, plans to use the "D" motor (301ci) for just testing have changed a little and I wanted to make it more of a "Race" engine than a hopped up street engine. I have changed to high ratio rockers too. I am not thinking of setting a "D" class record but if we can get close to the 158 mph mark I may invest in some compression.  

New timing chain was in order too. 
I had to cut the front motor mount to fit the new modified "scrub" damper, but it worked out good too. 

Finally ready to go back in, with a new hyd. clutch. 

Now just have to make a hole for the shfter, XX always helps for a strait line.   
bla bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
glrbird (4/4/2011)
Tim Things continue to look very good, can you elaborate on the "modified scrub " damper? What did you modify to make it fit the crank. I know there is a thread here that covers it but the short version is the sbc and Y have almost the same dia. snout so if you hone about .002" out of the scrub damper you get a good press fit, .003 and it is almost a slip fit. Then what I did was just take and old Y damper and cut the end the seal rides on to the proper length to space it out. It helps to hone that piece to a slip fit so you can get it off and on easily. Kinda like an FE. You also need to broach a 1/4" key way in the scrub piece. I used a 6 3/4" dia. damper but a 6" might not need to modify the motor mount so much. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
texasmark1 (4/4/2011)
hey, that hairline resembles mine! and... can you place an "adult beverage" that close to a grinding wheel in motion? just wondering...! enjoying the show like everyone else! Mark I figured someone would coment on my head, should have had a cap on. The "adult beverage" can also double as a fire retardant if the sparks get out of hand. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Chuck, the pulley is an ePay special and as for the distance I just messured the length from the center of the groove to the back on the stock one, did the same on the scrub and the difference is the spacer. Simple!  Don, I think the cup holder should be in the arm rest. Soft drinks when I'm driving of course.  Charlie, I actually have a full head (maybe a little thin on the top) it's just grey and short so I don't know where that leaves my brain. BTW, thanks for the help with the clutch and I did get a very nice aluminum radiator, soon to be installed.  I think I may have this engine running this weekend although most of Saturday will be spent at Fomoso with Elwood. I should have a timing slip with the four barrel and Blue Thunder set-up. High 9's maybe? We'll see. 
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
It's official the Uni Jake will be #416. 
bla bla bla
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Thanks Daniel, you send the cameras and we'll put on the show.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
BIGREDTODD (2/20/2011)
. Landed a great job at a local utility company. Finally made my degree work for me... Cool!
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
Did a little engine work today, the 301 will be good for testing but I have a 350ci Y going together that will make some real mph.To start I have a 312 crank that was offset ground to make 3.7" stroke. The block is a B9AE that has been filled half way and bored to 3.875" Used "NASCAR" rods that are 6.25" and have a big end of 1.967" let me offset grind without welding I have some TRW pistons ment for a 307 Chebbie that will give me a 13.4:1 cr Engine turned out nice with piston just a couple thousands out of the hole, should make for a good quench. __________________
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
yalincoln (3/1/2011) i hope we get to hear it run when your done.Not to worry, you know how I like to make videos. Cam specs I like to keep to myself till I see how well it works out, you never know who is watching.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
yblockpinto312 (3/1/2011) Is that a Honda journal? Are the old TRW`s still around? Not exactly Honda, they are 1.888" that is what I have in the 338ci Y that is in Elwood right now, these rods use a 1.850" journal. I had to buy a special performance bearing that comes in std. only, little pricey too. The TRWs were NOS so I don't know how long they were sitting around, I thing TRW is now Speed Pro.
By mctim64 - 14 Years Ago
glrbird (3/7/2011) I am impressed how solid that truck is, was it stored inside? Looks good. Yeah, inside a tomato patch. lol Did a few things myself this weekend, not much but I did degree the cam and check valve to piston clearance along with the quench area.
quench is about .050 although with the piston rocking I believe it is more like .040 which is what I was shooting for.
with such a big relief in the pistons the valves didn't even come close.
Here's a shot looking down the exhaust with valve fully open (.585")
I also got some required goodies this week, these will be mounted when the cage goes in.
bla bla bla
By Missouri Mike - 14 Years Ago
Talking about bikers, did you see where, within the last week, a biker riding bareheaded in an anti helmet protest in Illinois crashed, hit his head.......................and died????? Missouri Mike
By Missouri Mike - 14 Years Ago
Well Tim, as others have said it looks great. Can't wait to see it run at Bonneville. I'm going with a Ford flathead racing team. Based on my skill set, I'll be holding the umbrella for shade, fetching cold water and taking tons of photos. So don't forget to smile. Looking forward to meeting you and seeing this Y block in action! Missouri Mike
By Missouri Mike - 14 Years Ago
Tim- Very cute, very cute, and your uni looks terrific! I can hardly wait to see it in person. If your "shotgun" attends Bonneville I have something for her, if not, then I might give it to you. See you at the salt flats and I'll have that cold water for you. Travelling with a Ford flathead racer Lucky Missouri Mike Washington, Mo.
By Missouri Mike - 14 Years Ago
Tim- Not at all, nothing that you won't like too I expect. Just a little "thank you" for handling all the "patch work". Mike
By Missouri Mike - 14 Years Ago
Hi Guys Tim, Charlie, it was nice to be able to put faces with the names. Like you said, there just isn't really time to talk much. I was either helping my owner, driver or you were thrashing on the uni. For those of you who haven't seen it or won't get a chance to see it. let me tell you the uni looks even better in person then in the photos. Racing story: I was with a guy running a chopped '40 coupe with a blown fuellie flathead. He holds his class record at 157 and was trying to break it. We worked two days getting the car tweaked to run. On the third day at the 2 and a quarter mile marker he was clocked at 161, however, shortly thereafter the valve seat in the number 5 cylinder exhaust let go. Did lots of damage but he coasted through at 157. But that's racing, When we get back to our pit area his usually very quiet 11 year old granddaughter comes up to him after the head has been pulled and the damage revealed and says, "Granddad, that was an awful lot of work for three minutes". What is it they say.......out of the mouths of babes............ Congrats to you Tim and everyone (especially the "Shotgun") who had a hand in bringing the uni together. Missouri Mike Just returned to Washington, Mo from Bonneville and tired
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Okay, okay...clearly I'm behind the 8-ball here... For those of you who are following elsewhere this will be a bit repetitive, but hey--it's a Y-block powered race truck, and you're kind of a weiner if you get tired of looking at Y-block powered anything on a Y-block site, right? As Tim showed you above, we started with an amazingly solid, rust-free CA truck that had been holding down a tomato garden. Only rust through was the front edge of the hood. Tim had already sourced a replacement when we went to pock up the truck. I have to warn you, there are a TON of pictures, as I wanted to document everything if any questions came up, and since Tim wasn't here to watch me butcher his race truck First was the lowering. The goal is a 6-7" drop in front, and a fairly aggressive rake. Here's where we start. Short block needs to stay for checking pan clearance, and eventual steering box clearance (I will be moving the box upward and forward to match new axle location). As a notch for axle clearance is more than likely, boxing plates will be required to maintain strength. I decided that tying them into the existing bracing would be the cleanest approach. Here you can see where I marked to trim some of the existing bracing for a straight butt joint. Then checked the fit, and also marked for the slight cureved cut at the bottom of the frame. I used 3/16" plate: Cut and tacked: Welded and ground: Same on the other side: As I go to work on the axle, here are the plates that I had made for the saddles that will be located underneath the I-beam. I only need 2 for the finished install, but I needed 4 for the mock-up process (you'll see): Started with the axle upside down, level and sitting squarely on stands:
Cleaned the areas that will be welded: I used long bolts to locate the aforementioned plates, and threaded nuts underneath the plate to build in and suport some additional caster angle for high-speed stability. You'll note that there's some space between the plate and the I-beam. With the 10 degrees of additional caster built in, the tie rod to leaf spring clearance was a concern, and it was an opportunity to safe guard against interference. Maintaining stock caster angle would make this a non-issue. Here's the plate located on the screws, before tacking it in place: 
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Continued... Anyone who has lowered a 1957-64 F-100, or a 1955-66 Chevy/GMC is probably familiar with this site. I will be moving the axle c/l forward 2 1/2". This will help with stability, weight distribution, etc. If it were no benefit, I'd still do it simply because it will look much better than this. The factory didn't do a very good job of locating the axle centerline, IMHO:
This is about where I finished off the weekend. There will be more to come as I have to finish welding the axle perch/mount, determine the final location and depth of the notches and install them, as well as move the steering box up approximately 6", and forward 2 1/2". This will cure any potential issues with bump steer, as the stock geometry will be maintained. If you've made it this far without posting a response already, that's probably what you were wondering about, right?
Here are a couple of shots of clearances as they stand right now. Keep in mind the weight of the front clip and a complete wet engine will drop the front another 1 1/4". I'll be fabricating new shock mounts (upper & lower to utilize shorty gas shocks) and installing notches and bump-stops:
May not look like it, but there's about 3" to the pan. This will increase when the axle moves forward, as the pan is sloped from front to rear:
 Keep in mind the after will be dropping another 1 - 1 1/2" after the engine is complete, the front clip is reinstalled, and the shorter front tires are installed. But so far we have gone from this:
To this:
Here's a few close-up shots of the perches and boxing plates welded in...


That should do it:

Just going to round the sharp corners of the mounting plate, and call it good.
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
I had mentioned that I was going to mover the axle c/l forward...well, 6 drill bits later, even after trying to step the hole size up I can say with confidence that drilling springs is not my idea of a good time. So I wised up, took the springs to work and introduced them to the mill. 10 minutes later (!!!) I had the holes relocated...just to clarify, I took the spring pack apart and used only the main, #3, and #4 leaf. I only drilled the main and located the subsequent leafs on the new hole so the support would be balanced on the axle. We'll see how everything settles in, I may trim the #2 leaf and reinstall depending on finished height. Totally worth the effort. Here is the wheel placement before:
Here it is after moving it forward 2 1/2":
Plenty of clearance from lock to lock:

By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Here's where the more serious stuff comes along...the beginning of the steering box/column relocation Here's the piece of the firewall I removed. Way more than was necessary, but I wanted plenty of room to work with, and a larger piece will be easier to modify & reinstall down the road.

Here's a ROUGH idea of how the box will be repositioned.

Changing the position of the box/column will "tilt" the column and wheel down somewhat, which is the explanation for the next step. There's a fair amount of interior room to be gained by sectioning the factory column drop a bit. This all has to be modified before the box is laid out and mounted, as the box mounts have no adjustment.

Marked out for removing 1 1/2" from the drop.

I use paint to mark things for cutting. In this case, you can see the bright silver paint, and how much shorter the drop is. This will move the column up closer to the dash a surprising amount.

Close up of sectioned drop. Note that I pie-cut the back to accommodate the new angle of the column.

Welded back together

That's more like it...something small that no one would ever notice but me, but it will make climbing into the roll-caged interior just that much less difficult.

Installed on the dash once again. Here you can see what this was worth. 1 1/2" removed from the drop, and remounted higher on the slotted mounts. Now the column is hugging the dash as it should, and the angle the column passes through matches the drop very closely.

 I laid out the holes for the new steering box mounting plate, using a carpenters square to locate the c/l on the frame, then transferred the measurements onto the 3/16" plate (which will be trimmed down and gusseted before final welding)

Checked the holes for alignment on the original frame holes. We're all good.

Here's the raw 3/16" mount plate, setting in place...(side/front view):

Rough shape marked for the cut out.

3/16" plate formed using the marked cut-out for a guide.

Plate marked to the actual shape of the boxing cap.

Here's how the 2 pieces will fit together around the box. They will be welded together, and the cap will have some material removed for clearance at the shaft/worm gear area.

Mount plate tacked in place

Boxing cap with material removed, following approximate contour of the box (side & top view).

Top & side view of new mount assembly tacked in place with the cuts smoothed out and blended in a bit.

Just in case everyone thinks this has been uneventful and exactly as planned, please see exhibit "A" below.
The cause of this issue was moving the box up, essentially "hinging" at the column mount on the dash. It changed the alignment of the pitman arm just enough to make the turning circles (left/right) asymmetrical. Perhaps not important for a competition vehicle that needs to go straight, but I wouldn't feel good knowing that I sent something out like that. I've known about this for awhile but am finally addressing the fix. The output shaft of the steering box isn't splined all the way around as I had first thought. Had it been fully splined, I would have been able to index the pitman arm as needed. A one-position mount for the pitman arm required sectioning the drag link. Not a big deal, just a process. Before anyone asks, There are no concerns with strength from doing this. Were this receiving a rotational force rather than a simple push/pull, I would have sleeved the connection for added strength as I've done successfully with steering shafts in the past. I use a 220V Lincoln PowerMig 200, and would not attempt welding this thick stock with a 110V MIG welder. That's just me. Enough chatter, on to the work.
The output shaft of the box. Note partially splined shaft:
So I cleaned up the (solid) drag link, and created an index mark down the longitudinal axis so they would be joined in exactly the same plane:
I mocked up the two ends after removing the required amount, and clamped them to a pices of angle iron to hold them perfectly in-plane. I should note that before doing any of this, I put the steering wheel in a straight position, and measured the front wheel locations to assure that everything was as straight & true as possible):
While still clamped together, I removed the assembly, double checked that the index marks were aligned and burned them together.

Somehow, I forgot to take any pictures of the pre-ground welds on the drag link. You'll just have to trust me. After the first grind, I filled a couple small low spots, and sanded smooth followed by a wire wheel. Here it is in place once again, as if nothing ever happened

By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
I'm going a bit out of chronological order here, in the name of continuity...I mentioned earlier that I was going to notch the frame for axle clearance. Well, here we go! Knowing that I needed more access, and also knowing that I didn't want to separate a stuck Y-block while the truck was on jack stands, I just yanked the whole thing out.
I recorded the installed angle, so I can make sure the mount for the new T-5 will place everything correctly. This will allow much easier access to the firewall and frame for final welding, etc.
Placement marked for notches, and 6" long notch sections cut out:
Typical notch fitment. I prefer to use a fillet weld on things like this, so I left approximately 1/2" of the notch exposed. A bit more on the inside of the frame to allow for bump-stop installation.
Both notches all welded in...
 A lot of you may be waiting for me to address the firewall issue. That is, I "butchered" the firewall to move the column & box up/forward.
Well, here you go. This is where we left off, and here is the piece that was removed:
And here's the exhaust section (from Kragen) that I used for the round top piece that will make the reveal over the column tube.
Old section relieved and clamped in place for fitment:
Here you can see the section of exhaust laid in for test fit.
Tacked in place:
And welded in...

By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
As I said, a bit out of chronological order, but here's what I did out back... First to go was the utilitarian bumper. Good riddance. (A fellow Unibody owner came down from Sacramento and scored a nice freebie with this...I hate throwing stuff away, and it was in really nice shape)

You can see how far the rear end needs to come down

In addition to a huge stack of leaf springs, there were these coil spring helpers. Actually a cool set-up if you needed something like that (I think Tim might try these for hauling his Alaskan camper). There's also quite a bit of room to modify the rear shackles for a few inches of drop as well.

I managed to salvage all 4 u-bolts, and drop the rear end down after removing the original shocks. I forgot to take a play by play on removing the leaf springs, but I removed all of the "flat" overload springs, as well as the bottom two arched leaf springs.

I set everything back down to check the height and I'm pretty pleased. Actually starting to look like something I'd refer to as a "stance". I'm looking for a couple more inches drop in back, as the front will drop an additional inch with everything bolted back on. There's currently about 4 1/2" clearance above the axle to the bottom of the frame, so it looks like the notch may not be necessary in back.

I added approximately 2 1/2" to the length of the shackles to get the last of the drop I'm looking for.
 To be clear, I didn't flip the rear end. Before lengthening the shackles we have about 4" +/- from c/l to c/l of holes:

Cut line:

Extended shackle tacked together (left) next to original. Extended with 3/16" stock. Will be fully welded and ground, and back side will be boxed, & welded.

6 1/2" from c/l to c/l of holes, thus lowering the rear the last 2 1/2" I was looking for.

Both shackles extended, and tacked:

Boxing plates tacked on the back of the shackles:

...and fully welded front/back. I generally like to grind welds for cosmetic reasons, but there's really no reason on items like this that will never be seen:

Here's the extended shackle reinstalled. If it looks tight on top with the bed floor, and to the rear with the bed x-member, it's really not. There's about 3/4-1" on top, and more to the x-member. with only 2-3" of travel, the shackle will only move back about 1/2". It moves forward when the spring droop (when the truck is jacked up):

And here is where we sit now. About 6 1/2" lower in front, and 5 1/2" in back. Have some room to go up on either end with the addition of leafs, but I think this looks pretty good. A drastic improvement. And a little tech tip: the open lifter valley on a Y-block is the perfect size to securely hold a jug of Fast Orange hand cleaner

By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Just curious, but what are you using for the human fire hydrant now?  mctim64 (10/30/2011) I also took the advise of some of my scrub friends that said the only way to make it go fast was to install an sbc. I did! It makes for a good 240 lbs of dead weight for traction.  
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
I'm sure Corinne saw her picture (via F/B) of her in the Ford Freak mag...surprised she hasn't said anything
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
57FordPU (11/28/2011) I thought that was her on page 39. Was Charlotte there too?She was...she was just hiding She wasn't quite ready to express the blinding enjoyment of another Ford in the garage like her mother, at the point
By BIGREDTODD - 13 Years Ago
Very cool...I'll grab some magazines at the bookstore today...
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Ahhh, the brick wasn't too bad  

By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Awesome! A lot has happened since I found that in the tomato patch & we drug it out about a year ago! All the "patina" fans can eat their hearts out!!! mctim64 (7/15/2011) Best I can do in the booth. I like it!

bla bla bla
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
awesome!! This has been perhaps one of the most enjoyable builds I've participated in. To watch this evolve from an idea to a race-ready effort has been an absolute pleasure. Wish I could be there in B'ville, but I'll catch it at El Mirage...looks and sounds absolutely beautiful.
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Well, I'll be acting as the middle man for the pictures and (hopefully) status reports on how the truck runs. I got to sit down for some quick eats and some bench racing with Tim & Charlie before they headed on down the road to B'ville. I hadn't seen the truck in persone since I finished the chassis/suspension mod's at the BIGREDTODD garage. It looked like this the last time I had my hands on it: 
Needless to say, it was pretty exciting to pull into the lot and see it looking like this (sorry for the crappy cell phone picture): 
Then on down the road they went... 
Apparently not much to do crossing Nevada other than take self portraits... 
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Now we're talking...all present and accounted for! 
Nothing quite like a B'ville sunset... 
...but this is really what we're waiting to see!! Final tech, then time to get down to business! 
More to come, as I get pics & updates... BRT
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Yeah, the truck is running & driving great. Especially considering it's not a "race" build, and the 120 MPH were clocked running through Tim's modified truck heads (and mufflers). Swapped heads, intake, & open headers and ran a 127 a few minutes ago
I'll let Tim give the full narrative when he gets back, but for now, how about an awesome picture?
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
mctim64 (3/20/2011) Looks great Todd! We missed you yesterday at Charlies, love to see the progress though.  Yeah, would have loved to have gone...I missed out, but did get a lot done here...
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Looking great Tim...we timed the hand-off pretty well, considering the recent arrival of my new long-term project 
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Thanks guys! OK, back to building y-blocks that make small children cry
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
mctim64 (4/24/2011) Just to let you guys know I have ordered grey 8mm plug wires with black 90* boots.  Thank goodness...
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Gave me goose-bumps to see it driving under its own power...looks killer
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Like a glove!mctim64 (5/7/2011) A little bit of header work today.   

bla bla bla
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Well, it's getting there. not too much of an update functionally, but it will be great for you guys who only look at the pictures in magazines
While I didn't get to this today, here's the makings of the roll cage "outriggers". The 4" x 4" tubing will be welded perpendicular to the trucks ladder frame, and the 2" x 4" tubing will gusset/triangulate the 4" x 4" tubing. Open ends of the 4" x 4" tube will be boxed for strength and completely sealed, to prevent salt & dirt storage.
While they aren't painted yet (had to brong them, and the paint inside to warm up) the factory shock mounts were marked to clear the c-notch in the frame. these, and a few other items will go back in when the truck goes back on stands.
At this point it was decided that it was time to mount (temporarily) the front clip, to get an idea of stance, clearances, and to start cleaning out the bed of the truck (former home for the front sheet metal). So I pulled the grill and inner fenders and set it on...Look at that, a nearly complete truck peeking out of the garage!
More to come this week if all goes even close to plan 
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Those pop-ups look mean!
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Quick little update from the weekend...
The notched factory shock mounts painted & installed with stainless hardware...
Building blocks for the cage outriggers, and assembly.
Outriggers as they will be positioned on the frame. Front outriggers only have one gusset, as they will be welded to a factory body mount on the frame.
The finished rear outriggers, ready to install. Should be enough beef there to do the job.
This picture will hurt all you guys that started with rusty trucks. We actually needed some big holes in the floor. Care was taken to avoid cutting through any structure, and locate the mount locations as close to the cabin corners as possible...
Trimmed a little more off the floor pan to provide as much access as possible to the top of the outrigger. Outriggers are simply tackd in place for now. Cage fabricator will weld in final location.
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Next Sunday (3/27) is the day the truck heads back to Tim's for the cage, and next stage of assembly, so it's time for all of my loose ends to get cleaned up, and finish everything I can before wife & I are also 2 weeks away from the due date of our first child on 4/3, so it's gonna be a crazy time around here.
To continue where I left off, the front outriggers had to be tweaked a bit to hug the front body mount, and clear the cab portion adequately. They will weld to the frame portion of the body mount in lieu of a forward facing gusset like I did in the rear. The pie cut out of the top of the 4x4 tube allows the outrigger to still project 12" from the side of the frame while at the same time clear the structural floor support at the front cab mount.
As they will be oriented in the truck, and a quick shot of the finished pair of front outriggers...
Just as before, I had to cut out the floor for access where the down tubes will connect...if it makes you rust belt guys feel any better I did cut through some surface rust on the passenger side
Passenger front:
Passenger rear:
Driver's front:
Driver's rear:
Here's a shot of the outriggers tacked in place. If you look close, you can see where they will weld to the front cab mount as I mentioned earlier.
Passenger side:
Driver's side:

By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Here's a picture/summary of how I modified the original u-bolt girdles to sit under the springs, and add protection by adding return legs to shield the u-bolts.
Original u-bolt/bump stop ass'y. Already cut to be reconfigured.
Tacked the cut-off pieces, to create return legs to add another level of safety, just in case...(these will protect the u-bolts that are now under the axle)...(I left the pieces long for ease of handling. I cut them off after they were tacked in place.
You can see what we're trying to accomplish here.
Here's the 2nd return leg tacked in place, and how the girdle will actually be oriented in the truck.
Flip side:
Fully welded, with a bead on the inside too...just for good measure.
All cleaned up, ready for paint and installation. I think they came out pretty well. More importantly, they do the job.
Revised u-bolt girdle installed. Maybe this picture helps make sense of why the returns are imortant. With the scrub line being tight, this is purely for safety...

By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Also decided that now was as good as any time to fill the gas filler opening...not nearly as exciting and reminded me why I like chassis work. You never know when you going to uncover an old repair...
Pretty straightforward, just cut a patch from a piece of sheet metal & formed it to the shape of the body. I then traced the patch to give myself a cut line. I like using a sharpie, and cutting through the line with my cut-off wheel. Usually gives me the gap I want. Then just tack tack tack, and stitch stictch stitch. I much rather have a few lows, then high spots. Makes filling, blocking, and priming much easier. In this case I made the patch about an inch wider so I could cut out the majority of the old slide hammer holes from a previous repair. Nothing like the smell of old bondo turning to dust.
Not as exciting in my book, but here's a few pictures of the process.

By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
I'd thought about that, but weight isn't really an issue, and with the changes of late effecting my schedule, I just can't take the 2-3 hours to go junkyarding. Instead of living 10 minutes from my office (being away from home between 6:45 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. each day) I now commute to the bay area (away from home from 5:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. each day)...
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
charliemccraney (2/6/2011) You're racing. Weight does matter. I might have one. I'll dig through my stuff tomorrow. If I have it, I'll send it. I don't think your current turn signal switch will work, if you're even using it and I know I don't have a spare switch.Thanks Charlie, but the column is already installed...don't waste your effort, thanks for the thought though. Wayne, I'll let Tim field your question about the heads. Seems like he did a post with the tech info. I'm just a fab grunt , he's the machinist...
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
OK...time for a little update
baby steps...PUN intended, because at this point I've been asked to leave, so Corinne's baby shower can go on unfettered
Definitely looks like it's starting to mean business.
...trimmed off the old shifter links...
Just about final steering geometry...the goal is to have just a bit of inlcine from the front to the rear. Should be just about right when reassembled and wet.
As planned, still plenty of clearance between the engine and relocated steering box. Oil filter clearance is fine, the angle of this shot is deceiving.
A bit over 2" of axle/pan clearance. Yeah, not much, but this is a race truck so no one gets to bitch about being impractical. Practicality is for your Toyota Camry.

By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
57FordPU (2/20/2011) Nice work Todd. Seems like you might be feeling better, hope so. Everything looks soooo clean, I envy that.Thanks Charlie... I'm feeling better, and while Corinne is about ready to pop (34 weeks along with BIGREDTODD's baby girl) she's feeling better too. I'm still 14 hours away each day, but only one more week of that. Landed a great job at a local utility company. Finally made my degree work for me...
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
glrbird (2/22/2011)
Tod You have shown your FAB skills, so are you going to bend and weld the roll cage or use some sort of prebent kit? And will your wife let you bring the playpen out in the garage when its your turn to baby sit!!!!!!!! Congratulations and hope all goes well. Gary, Thanks for the compliment...I thank my lucky stars that I'm not responsible for the cage work. While I really dig round-tube work, my shop (I use the term loosely) has very little room to get into the serious side of structural fab, like roll cages. ...and my wife has already accepted that my little girl will be spending time in the garage. Just need to find mini-sized ear & eye protection, as well as a welding mask 
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
glrbird (2/23/2011)
Tod Have you and your wife thought of names, how about "Y-netta." Haha...that one didn't make the short list...
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Charlie, Thanks for the vote of confidence. Looking forward to seeing your new project come to completion and fly down the track. Looks to be a slippery little combo! Steve, I built in 10 degrees when I fabricated the boxing assembly on the front axle. Charlie McCraney, It's pretty interesting how Ford continually used the "parts bin" through the years. I have to believe that '61 F-100's still had hydraulic clutch masters/slaves, or else there wouldn't be a need for a "delete" plate on the firewall. Also, the holes on the clutch pedal were still there for the push rod and return spring pin. I did drill another hole for a return spring, just to simplify. And we have a spare rod/clevis from the extra pedal ass'y that Tim brought up, and it can be lengthened or shortened as needed. We can get the measurements for you when we get to that point.
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
The plan of attack, as I see it, is to utilize a flange (just like what is behind the factory brake master) to adapt a '57-60 clutch master to the existing firewall/pedal ass'y. I'll try to grab a picture of what was installed behind the factory brake master. It adapts a 2-bolt brake master to the 4 hole firewall mount. I'll do essentially the same for the clutch master, except be adapting a 4-bolt clutch master to the 2 holes that are on center with the (now removed) delete plate.
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Tim is coming up again tomorrow, so I figured I'd better get this this ready for a nice-looking engine to be stabbed in, as well as the new axle assemblies shown above. It will be really nice to get this back to a roller.
Finally, the engine compartment looks like a worthy host...after a lot of wire wheel action and some fresh primer & paint it looks much better in my humble opinion

By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Guys, I think the pictures may be a little deceiving...don't get me wrong, this thing is soooo rust free compared to other Uni's that I looked at, as many of you can probably relate to. However, the "patina" that you are seeing is actually a chalky, 20 year-old repaint. Even a basic shiney 2-tone job on this puppy is gonna look waaaaaay better. 
glrbird (1/14/2011)
Tim and Tod I think you should leave the patina on the outside and paint some faded numbers and lettering for that "pulled out of the barn" look. With the Y-block, they would think its a vintage racer. MoonShadow (1/14/2011) Gee I think I really like that idea. Barn find racing! An old scrub beater revived. Chuck in NH
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Got a few pictures loading...
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
How about a little pre-Superbowl update?
First of all, thanks to all of you who are following this build...makes it all the more satisfying to have an audience that I can share with. Please forgive the fact that there are fewer pictures during the reassembly. Most questions can be answered by reviewing the fab/mock-up pictures. But, feel free to ask anyway.
As you saw below, last time Tim came up, he dropped off a pick-up load of goodies.
Unfortunately, I have had a hard time getting into the garage the past month due to a pretty serious series of events, including my Dad's health issues rearing their ugly head again, a job change, a bad round of the flu, etc...but that's another story.
A little clean-up goes a long way. And we're back on the axles! (Springs aren't yet painted, as I anticipate playing around with the pack a bit for final ride height once the front end is properly loaded).
As I mentioned early on, I built in 10º negative caster to the axle flip for stability at speed...
Relocated and re-mounted steering box, with steering tube running through the revised firewall reveal. Shift arms will be cut off the column as the 3-speed has been replaced with a T-5.
Front end will drop a few inches with the engine and front clip, but you can see how the geometry of the pitman arm/drag link are falling right into place. (please note the bolts and lower plates are for MOCK-UP. For those of you that only look at the pictures in a build thread, I'll anxiously await your comments on the matter )
I love it when a plan comes together.
Another view of the revised suspension layout.
I believe I'll refer to this as a milestone. First time it's rolled out of the garage since it rolled in...feels much closer now. Won't be long until it heads down south to Tim's for the repaint, roll cage, and other goodies.
The 301" Y-block (+ .080" 292, standard stroke) that will be the first test bed engine built, of course, by Tim McMaster. For those of you that don't know the story, this is the engine that I bought on Craigslist in Oregon. My firend Bryan picked it up for me and shipped it down to Turlock in a reefer. It was chilled to 40º when it arrived, but a great benefit to having a good friend with a family trucking company .
Turned out to be a great "sight-unseen" purchase. Engine was a beautiful virgin block in really clean shape. Tim worked his magic, and bere we are. I spent an 1 1/2 looking for the engine mounts that turned out to be in the solvent bath, or else this would have been in yesterday. Oh well.

By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
The week before Christmas, Tim & Kathy came up to Casa de BIGREDTODD... Kathy kept my wife Corinne company while Tim & I played out in the garage. We just had to mock up the racing wheels/tires to see how it was going to sit & look before we stripped the axles out for a rebuild. Pretty bitchin' in my humble opinion...
Tim seemed pretty OK with it, too!
The afternoon ended with the truck up on stands, as Tim took the axles back to rebuild. This should give you an idea of just how good the parts look now, that Tim pictured earlier:
He did deliver a fresh & clean T-5 / truck bell housing so I could get started on the tranny mounts, and finish the frame work:

By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Anyone else having that problem?
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
They do take a while to might want to check your computer settings, since the pictures are all linked to a photobucket account
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
It's tight, but there's enough room to get a squeeze bottle/tube for filling in there. There's quite a bit of room when you look at it from the side... charliemccraney (1/2/2011) Todd, I just noticed that the steering box fill plug appears partially blocked by the mounting assembly. It looks like you might want to cut a notch over the plug for more direct access.
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
John, Glad you could use the bumper...hard to beat if you need a heavy set-up to actually use as a bumper. Once we get the truck back to a roller, I'll measure the c/l for you. Todd
By BIGREDTODD - 14 Years Ago
Weird! Glad you can see them now...makes it a lot more interesting (I think)  I didn't do anything to the pictures...I did do a few thing on the truck though Everything that needs to be filled on the firewall is filled, and has been wire wheeled & wiped down...ready for paint.
Painted the firewall with bed liner paint (textured) as it should be more forgiving that conventional paint over all of the welded holes, and more durable against the salt at Bonneville
Next up is a healthy dose of POR-15 on the frame rails. Gotta get this area ready to party, or else it will look like a junkyard against the rebuilt & pretty axle assembly that Tim just got done with.
Also, the dash is now almost competely gutted, save for the wipers, the hack job radio, and a coupe final lingering items
While gutting the dash, I pulled the pedal ass'y out and removed the manual clutch arm, thus turning the pedal into a '57-61 version which will facilitate the hydraulic clutch.
My long weekend is now coming to a close, so a pizza & movie bight with the wifey is an appropriate way to puctuate the day 
By Park Olson - 14 Years Ago
I can see the smiles on the tech guys faces now. Speaking of such,,,are you required to have rear window safety straps?
By Park Olson - 13 Years Ago
Your stuff looks great, as usual, Tim, except for those dollar store jack stands,,,,
By Park Olson - 13 Years Ago
By 62galxe - 13 Years Ago
Looks good Tim. Good luck at Speedweek.
By JoeBob - 13 Years Ago
Interesting Vid... like the "Shop Cat". I can also see all your picture just fine.
By JJ - 14 Years Ago
You guys have been awfully quiet. How about an update?
By JJ - 14 Years Ago
Looking good, keep up the great work.
By dullchrome - 14 Years Ago
mctim64 (6/12/2011)
We looked around before heading home and Charlie thought he would try something different on for size. I almost didn't get him out of it, tight fit.  

bla bla bla He looks good in an Ford.
By dullchrome - 14 Years Ago
Looks great Tim...cant wait to see it in person
By 57 ranchwagon - 14 Years Ago
I was curious just for my future knowledge what were the three small items tech got you for? I also wanted to say congrats on what i defiantly view as a amazingly successful speed week. The truck came together beautifully and the performance was equally as impressive. Looking forward to your next accomplishments. Thanks Sam Gable
By 57 ranchwagon - 14 Years Ago
Nice Job on the videos Tim that is very cool. Good luck at Elmo this weekend keep us updated. Sam
By 57 ranchwagon - 14 Years Ago
Wow Tim Jake looked straight as a string. Your Video has inspired some Ideas. With the ECTA 2012 season up in the air due to losing there lease at Maxton we have been thinking about our salt debut next year. I was thinking about running Loring and then going to Speed Week. Now after you Video I might try to hit Elmo in Sept and follow it with World of Speed the next week. What are your thoughts? I have heard at El Mirage you have to be a club member for records or run as a guest but you don't have as many chances to run. How do you join a club? (is it even a option) Just thought I might pick you brain. Great run sounded like you had a blast. Thanks Sam
By 57 ranchwagon - 14 Years Ago
Thanks Tim I think you may have answered my question for me. Looks like the Elmo record for C/CPRO is 205 and some change not much of a chance in Hell of running 200 with a 55 ford Naturally aspirated. As a guest assuming normal turn out and the track and weather holding up would 2-4 passes for the weekend be feasible. Any how last question and I will un hijack you thread.
By 57 ranchwagon - 14 Years Ago
Well congrats Tim its hard for people to understand how difficult it is to get a extra 3-4 mph till you have tried it. My hats off to you on a great build and good year of racing. Looking forward to following your accomplishments in 2012. Thanks Sam
By unibody madness - 14 Years Ago
Todd , I have no problem with the pics on either site. My son brought down the bumper over the holidays from Sacramento,Wow it is in great shape Thanks Could you please post a measurement from the front of the frame horns to the axle centerline? I am puting the Gibbon/cordoba ifs on the truck I am working on, and although the swap is supposed to address the fender opening issue I would like to check before moving to much further along John
By unibody madness - 14 Years Ago
That should put an end to that age old argument for those who hate to see scrub motors in fords!!!! Well done I wish you would add this to your build post, on the slick60s site. John
By jepito - 13 Years Ago
Are you allowed to run a bed cover or with the tail gate down?
By 2188nrha - 14 Years Ago
Has been absolutely awesome following the build. I cannot wait to see the results.
Thanks again for your (and Charlies) advice awhile back while I was starting building my new motor.
Success on the flats!
By 2188nrha - 14 Years Ago
Just wanted to compliment you on your truck and first time results. It has been great following the process on the forum. We all know how hard it is to just get our projects done let alone document and post pictures to keep people informed along the way.
Thanks again, great job and a great looking & running truck. Hope to get to meet you and Charlie in person some time soon down the rode.
By YRAG32 - 13 Years Ago
Well done Tim.
By 569104 - 14 Years Ago
Maybe its me but I'm not seeing Todd's photos? I can see Tim's however? Any help?
By 569104 - 14 Years Ago
Todd, I can't see your photos on the Slick 60's site either???
By 569104 - 14 Years Ago
Poof! Magic...I can see the photos now. I logged in several times today and changed nothing but now is the first time the photos showed up. Thanks to whoever fixed it!
By 569104 - 14 Years Ago
Awesome job!...and way more impressive with photos! I wish you guys lived a little farther north...I can sure use some friends that have the skills you both have. Thanks for sharing here though!
By 569104 - 14 Years Ago
Great job Tim. Your truck looks and sounds great and I know it feels good to have it rolling under its own power! Keep up the good work. Todd, Great job on the lowering. I think the stance is absolutley perfect! Looks great. And congrats on the new baby!
By 569104 - 14 Years Ago
Break a leg! Can't wait to hear all about it next weekend.
By 569104 - 13 Years Ago
Tim, It's great to read about all the work your doing on the new engine....but it seems your posts should have photos. I do not see any photos....if you uploaded any?
By 569104 - 13 Years Ago
I still can't see them. I refreshed the browser and even changed computers with an updated browser and nothing. Seems I had this problem before earlier in this thread, then one day they just appeared...PFM. Hopefully there will be some PFM soon so I can see your photos.
By 569104 - 13 Years Ago
I can see them all now as well. Sorry to cause you all the extra work. But you know what they say a picture is worth. Thanks!!
By 569104 - 13 Years Ago
Great job Tim! Every time you seem to be improving. Can't ask for more than that. Keep up the good work.
By 569104 - 14 Years Ago
Looks great Tim! Bet you can't wait to get it dirty and salty!
By 569104 - 14 Years Ago
Tim, Awesome work. I know you'll acomplish what you want out on the flat's but if for some reason you don't you'll still have one Badass pickup! I like it a lot! I also like your precision driving. Just swing right into the driveway and are perfectly aligned with the wheel blocks. I think you should tow Elwood with Jake to Eagle Field. That would be a real show stopper! Have fun and break a leg. I won't be able to make Bonneville but will be sending you good vibes.
By 569104 - 14 Years Ago
Very Nice Tim! You do great work. I wish I could be there this coming weekend to witness your inaugural run. Have fun and go fast.
By 569104 - 14 Years Ago
Tim/Todd, Thanks for the updates and awesome photos. Sounds like things are going good or better than planned. I look foward to the details. Oh and Todd, if you ever decide to part ways with the Starliner count me as first in line to give it a great new home!
By 569104 - 14 Years Ago
Tim, Fantastic photos! I subscribe to Classic Trucks mag and can't wait to see you and Jake on its pages. That will be cool. Sounds like things went relativley well aside from the starter bendix and flywheel gear ring coming loose. I'm glad to hear you'll be putting the heads to use. I hope they add some mph to your next runs. After reading Keith's thread maybe you should bring some duct tape along as well. Anyway, keep living the dream and thanks for sharing.
By 569104 - 14 Years Ago
I know you made several changes which contributed to the extra speed. How much would you say the new heads helped in those gains? Or what was the biggest contributing factor? Just curious.
By Talkwrench - 13 Years Ago
love your work !
By Talkwrench - 12 Years Ago
Tim , I have to ask what sort of airfilter to you use when your racing it ?
By Talkwrench - 12 Years Ago
Shit careful you dont get sucked into it !!!
By Talkwrench - 12 Years Ago
By grovedawg - 14 Years Ago
I've been away form the site for too long. THIS IS RAD! Good luck dudes. With any luck I'll see you at the flats this year!
By grovedawg - 14 Years Ago
It was super cool to meet you and a bunch of the other guys from the forum. I'm sad I didn't get to see you make a run, but very glad you're working the bugs out. Good luck at Elmo.
By grovedawg - 14 Years Ago
PS. Love the video.
By grovedawg - 14 Years Ago
Nice pics. I especially like the James Dean in Red jumper out it front! LOL
By YBLOCKMERC - 13 Years Ago
Nice progress. Instead of thrashing to get the LSR truck ready you're able to take care of some of the support details. Must be fun getting ready for a second go 'round with all you've learned. Good luck!
By landspeedy - 13 Years Ago
mctim64 (1/22/2012)
Thanks Frank and Chuck! I was talking with Ted this week and thanks to him there should be something to watch for this year at Bonneville from both "Jake" and Keith's '32. Let's not forget Charlie Burns and his new "Yellow Thing".  Exciting times! Happy New Year everyone,havent been on in a while.Looking forward to this coming speedweek,been dong some updates to the coupe,while Ted is "checking out the 343 Y. Tim,if we bump into each other at the GNRS,maybe we can catch up over a $10 beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By landspeedy - 13 Years Ago
I see them,looking good Tim. "Only" 160 days to go.......................... Keith
By landspeedy - 13 Years Ago
mctim64 (7/8/2012)
OK! The final and IMO best run for the Uni of May 2012.
Now that got my blood pumping.......See ya in a few weeks. Keith
By landspeedy - 13 Years Ago
Tim, Great job, Sometimes I wish I lived closer to the west coast,so I could play in the dirt too!!!!!!!!!! Keith
By landspeedy - 13 Years Ago
Just finished watching the video. Great job Tim.Cant wait for August!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keith
By The Master Cylinder - 14 Years Ago
Sounds good Tim, I bet your neighbors just love you... haha
By The Master Cylinder - 14 Years Ago
[quote]mctim64 (4/24/2011)
By The Master Cylinder - 14 Years Ago
Thanks Tim, It only makes sense to not have fuel lines inside the cab.
By The Master Cylinder - 14 Years Ago
Yeh, but you do have a peculiar scent...
By The Master Cylinder - 14 Years Ago
Between Mctim and BigRed they are doing fantastic work. Will you guys adopt me?? Oh, wait. I'm older than you both. Can I at least volunteer to turn wrenches when you go racin'. I've had my shots, even had a TB test and live scan (fingerprints) this week in order to be a chaperone on a field trip for my grandson's school to Catalina Island. Hey, that's it!! I'll be your Chaperone to keep you in line while away Racin'  
All kiddin' aside, both of you are doing a good job.
By The Master Cylinder - 14 Years Ago
Nice video's McTim. I especially liked the ad...
By The Master Cylinder - 12 Years Ago
NICE!!! Thanks for sharing...
By The Master Cylinder - 12 Years Ago
pintoplumber (8/16/2013) Tim, thanks for the videos. Next time could you stand up in the truck and pan around the pits. Show us what it looks like.
Ha,ha. Maybe he could just spin out at ~ 150 per...
By The Master Cylinder - 13 Years Ago
mctim64 (8/16/2012)
Here's the one of me and the red Chevy. I think if he get's it sorted out it may run faster but my truck is deffinitly set up better. Tim, great job. Wow, if nothing else your Y-Block SOUNDS a whole lot healthier than the high dollar SBC. Thanks for sharing.
By The Master Cylinder - 13 Years Ago
This weekend??? Dang, Would have be fun to come out and spectate. I only live ~100 SW of El Mirage.
Good Luck
By The Master Cylinder - 13 Years Ago
Our 24th wedding anniversary, maybe I can get out of it...
Would love to hear Jake singing the high note on the Top End.
By The Master Cylinder - 13 Years Ago
I'll take that advice... Good luck, have fun and be safe.
By The Master Cylinder - 12 Years Ago
Love the "backyard" machine shop. Looks alot like mine. Ya even got lunch growing in the background.
By The Master Cylinder - 12 Years Ago
mctim64 (7/24/2013)
Actually I keep threatening to install a Flathead 60 in the Herald. 
Reminds me of a guy in High School, he had a Metropolitan with a V-8 60 in it. Fun little car.
By The Master Cylinder - 14 Years Ago
Tim, seen a couple pictures of you over on the HAMB taken by Doug;
Tim on the Top End.

Baked California...

By The Master Cylinder - 14 Years Ago
Chuck I was thinking the same thing. Those guys have probably seen almost any type of "cheat" that could be thought up already tried at some time. Just my 1¢.
And here's what Myth Busters has to say (My Grandson and I watch the show together before bedtime every night).

Of course they had an open bed, I believe Tim has a cover? I found on my '06 F-150 Screw that I do get slightly better mileage with a hard lid on the bed (not to mention it keeps the M/T's from flying out, haha.).
By The Master Cylinder - 14 Years Ago
Only thing I can tell you for sure is when my tailgate is down, my backup sensors detect it and the buzzer is on whenever I put it in reverse. Very annoying...
Maybe someone with a 40-50 yo truck should experiment... I'm not sure how much a difference it would make with the bed covered?
By The Master Cylinder - 14 Years Ago
Nice Vid Tim. Did you ever get your clutch thang straightened out? I once had a Corvair Corsa we road and drag raced and it would do that, not return. Turned out the travel was just a little to much and would push the 'ears' just past center of travel so the springs couldn't push it back. it was a three puck disc tho, probably something you wouldn't be using but everything else would be the same. Just curious what your problem turned out to be.
By The Master Cylinder - 14 Years Ago
Try diving into a corner, downshift expecting engine braking and the clutch pedal sticks to the floor!!! 
By The Master Cylinder - 14 Years Ago
mctim64 (11/16/2011) Had a detailed responce all typed out then "LOCK UP"! I'll get back to it after work. Basic answer was "Yes" and Yes".
I hate that when that happens. It has happened too many times. I used to say "The Heck With It" (not in those exact words) and not rewrite. Now I write everything in MS Word first, then Copy and paste to here so I don't lose it.
By dbird - 14 Years Ago
Nothing wrong with the hairline, I've been working 60 years to get one like that. I figured the Dos Equis was to measure for the cup holder. Nice work though. I look forward to seeing your progress.
Modesto, CA
By Jimz Bird - 14 Years Ago
Great pics and the whole process was quite motivational!
How about the caption for the pic where you are standing in front:
"scrub THIS!!!"
I want one
By yblockpinto312 - 14 Years Ago
Tim, I have a Pair of the late heads laying around that I`ve eyeballed for a while. They didn`t look to me to be "doorstops". I watched your video and it sparked my interest in working with a set of them. With my setup, it`s all about upper midrange torque. I would always rather have a snappy, torquey motor in the 3500-5500rpm range than something that is "high rpm peaky". I`ll Be very inertested to see how these heads work out for you, so keep me (us) posted. Thanks.
By yblockpinto312 - 14 Years Ago
Aha, yes Tim, a man after my own heart. Is that a Honda journal? Are the old TRW`s still around? Now you really got me to thinking. I`ve always thought the Y could use some more cubic inches, this looks like a perfect way. Surely keep us posted, (we`er on the edge of our chairs!)
By yblockpinto312 - 14 Years Ago
Tim, Looks real good. Take it from someone whos been though "the big one", more tubes are a good thing.
By scott5560 - 14 Years Ago
Hey Tim! Still workin on buildin my y-block thanks for all the advice a while back. Just checked this thing out. Man that is one sweet project. VERY NICE WORK. GOOD LUCK 2 thumbs up from CANADA Scott
By Richard Head - 13 Years Ago
Tim, I can see your videos and pictures here and on the HAMB just fine. Seems I always have had a hard time posting pictures here.
By jrw429 - 13 Years Ago
I can see the embedded youtube videos, but I can not see the embedded photos hosted on HAMB. Neither here nor on HAMB. I looked in the html source and found that a url for one of your photos is listed as:
However, this gives me a 1 pixel X 1 pixel gif image. So it seems that for some reason, their server does not send the correct image for some folks. And sends the correct image for others. Seems the problem is with HAMB.
By jrw429 - 13 Years Ago
Tim, I can see all of those images. Sorry you have to go to this extra effort, and I really appreciate the opportunity to learn from you and everyone else. Thanks!
By DryLakesRacer - 13 Years Ago
There is a photo of the truck in the inspection line on (forums>Speed week 2012) Looks like all is well...................JD
By DryLakesRacer - 13 Years Ago
I don't know if Tim will comment but after going to the Salt since 1974 I don't think you will ever find a group of better racers and competition. Running as fast as you can and if possible having that speed higher than the competition is just the icing on the cake and a week of racing is a long time. Sorry but if someone called my competition a "scrub" in my pit I'd escort them out and not welcome them back. At Bonneville I've loaned gaskets, clutches, intakes and more to my competition trying to break my records and have seen it time and time again to others. Bonneville just does that to people. Good luck and I hope the Unibody see closer to 150 before they need to leave..............JD
By DryLakesRacer - 13 Years Ago
Guess I just don't do that type of thing. I've never looked at calling any manufacturer anthing but their name. I personally don't like too see Toyotas win in NASCAR but they are still Toyotas. Happier when it's a Ford but they seem to be slow in coming lately. I tow my race trailer with a F-250 and sometimes there is a 1/2 mile dirt track Super Stock 77 Camaro on back which my son owns. . . . . . . .JD
By DryLakesRacer - 13 Years Ago
Hey Peg I definately understand your point and know how good on feels when you best the competition; we've been one step ahead at Bonneville since 1975 and not using a "C". I hope by the end of the week Tim still has the top speed in his class. Before the week started the speed in his class, D/PP is held by a C at 164. With a 305 cubic inch limit any showing like Tim has done is a major a accomplishment when you consider what is required to enter LSR venues with the safety rules that are enforce. I think the Dodge "Poly" engine would have a hard time going this fast using the same era truck. Of course no one would do that; they just go to a later truck same with the Fords. It does take a special guy to chase with "Y". Not so for the "C" word. An injected aluminmun headed 302 "C" could probably put out 600+ ponies without too much trouble which is a lot and much harder to do with the trust Y and it's all legal. Tough to beat if it's in a 58/59 fleetside long bed put right on the ground. I appauld all the guys here who are willing to race and enjoy Y-Blocks. and Hey at the "brackets" eveything is equal just not in LSR...........JD
By DryLakesRacer - 13 Years Ago
Tim it was great listening to those 2 runs.Seems like you rung it's neck in 3rd on the fist run and didn't on the 2nd one. Don't know if that was deliberate or not but I've found out that I always went faster when I was in high gear a little longer. Guess that lets the torque do it's work. I've never had any cameras inside with a run in my old coupe but riding along with you sure brought back memories. Roadsters are a bit different and someday maybe we will hear you for 5 miles and believe you me it it's a thrill to hold your foot in one that long..... JD Can't wait to get there in October.
By DryLakesRacer - 13 Years Ago
Our anniversary is August 20th....normally in the middle of Speedweek at Bonneville. She chooses not to go anymore. Oh Well!...Still married after 47 years..........................JD
By Nighthawk756 - 13 Years Ago
Going the X pipe route huh?....I might have missed it but were you using just straight duals before?
By Nighthawk756 - 13 Years Ago
It'll be interesting to see the results. Especially with Ted's results on the dyno showing that some type of mid-pipe as close to the headers/manifolds as possible produces better results than straights. Keep us updated! Good luck! 
By Tman - 13 Years Ago
OK, I found it Tim! Is there an intro section here? Don't tell dad I am hanging out with you guys.
By slick56 - 12 Years Ago
I have seen these carbie pad lifting hooks advertised recently.
I thought that the weight of a Y-block would place a huge amount of strain on the carbie studs?
By slick56 - 12 Years Ago
Great clips Tim, excellent interview, and love the soundtrack.
Well done, Al.
By ian57tbird - 12 Years Ago
Some nice pics there.
By ian57tbird - 12 Years Ago
Sounds sweet taking off into the distance.
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
unibodyboy (1/1/2011) Do have one question though, why the long wheel base? Don't get me wrong, I love the looks but I'd imagine you are gaining a few hundred pounds and some additional drag.
High speed handling. A long wheel base is easier to keep straight.
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
Todd, I just noticed that the steering box fill plug appears partially blocked by the mounting assembly. It looks like you might want to cut a notch over the plug for more direct access.
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
The hydraulic pedal also has a fitting for a return spring, much like the brake pedal has. I can post a picture of an original 61-66 hydraulic pedal if needed but I'm sure you'll figure something out. It's pretty much the same as the manual pedal, minus one thing and plus another.
When you have you clutch cylinder, you'll probably find that the lid won't come off with the cylinder mounted. The replacements come with plastic lids. Originals lids are metal and thinner and may be a solution. Alternatively, the clearance can be made with a little grinding.
If you don't already have a pushrod, a trip to the junk yard should provide a brake push rod and eccentric bolt. The length is different, I think you'll have to shorten it, but the pedal end of that hardware is the same for the clutch and brake.
Also, when you have the cylinder, would you measure the bore and mounting hole centers. I tried doing this conversion a few months ago and ran into all kinds of problems. It looks like the stock brake master cylinder, but it's not the same, or at least they have different part numbers.
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
To the best of my knowledge, small trucks were not fitted with a hydraulic clutch in the 61-66 model years. The firewall is the same on the larger trucks which did use them, so there is no need for different tooling and that's why the smaller trucks have the provision for it. I have seen them in salvage yards with hydraulic setups, but after 50 years, it really offers no insight as to whether it rolled off the line like that.
On mine, I had to knock out the hole in the firewall, and then make a delete plate once I decided it will be more work than I want to put into it at the time. I went through all the work like you did on the clutch pedal. When I was done, I ran across a dump truck at a salvage yard which had the hydraulic pedal, so I grabbed it.
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
If I remember right, you will be using a 5 speed. You can get rid of that column shift stuff. It will save you a few pounds. A trip to the junkyard, and you can get a collar assembly from a 4 speed truck up to 1977 which will directly replace the shift collar to clean it up.
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
You're racing. Weight does matter. I might have one. I'll dig through my stuff tomorrow. If I have it, I'll send it. I don't think your current turn signal switch will work, if you're even using it and I know I don't have a spare switch.
By charliemccraney - 13 Years Ago
To be quite honest, I think the Chevy just needs some tuning, maybe a gear change, more weight in the rear. The Yellow brick is also a stepside so if the Chevy guys claimed power is not BS, he has nearly double the power Charlie had so I think he has the power to be a serious competitor in the class. One thing we don't know is the intent of the truck. Jake is built with land speed racing in mind which can give it an edge. Is the same true of the Chevy? Another unknown is the aerodynamics. We can guess all we want but the fact is no one knows how good or bad all three of these trucks are. It is possible that the Chevy has such bad aerodynamics that that extra power isn't really helping. It's also possible that the whole package just is not yet set up right but it has the best aerodynamics.
I got an email from Ted a couple weeks ago. He says he keeps learning things to squeeze out more power.
By charliemccraney - 13 Years Ago
Since you're getting rid of unnecessary stuff, do you want to get rid of the 3 speed shifting tube in the column? It'll save a pound or two. I think I have some 4 speed collars lying around or you can go to a salvage yard and get one off trucks up to '76. It will bolt directly in place. You're going to need everything you can get.
By charliemccraney - 12 Years Ago
It's going to be effen fast.
I thought you had already built the new motor for some reason.
By charliemccraney - 12 Years Ago
The red pickup had a whole year and ran slower. Were any changes made?
By charliemccraney - 13 Years Ago
I don't see any either.
By charliemccraney - 13 Years Ago
I still don't see any pictures, using two completely different computers. Even tried different browsers. It's probably not related to individual computer configurations if several of us are experiencing this. Maybe the recent forum "fix"
I see the videos and everything before the March 3 postings.
By charliemccraney - 13 Years Ago
mctim64 (3/6/2012) Can you see the pix if you go to the HAMB?
By charliemccraney - 13 Years Ago
I do see them on Facebook and I see the ones you just posted.
You may need to be a member of The Hamb and be logged in to see them. I'm neither. Some forums are like that.
By charliemccraney - 13 Years Ago
I see them all now.
If you use something like photobucket, you can upload once and share them many places. That's what I do. The last time I tried, I could not upload pictures here.
By charliemccraney - 13 Years Ago
On facebook, it was indicated that the Chevy had a dart block and heads. At almost 2hp/ci, if you want to get technical, it's a Chevy truck with an aftermarket engine which I'd bet does not have one Chevy component in it. You can get whatever power you want with an aftermarket engine.
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
That's about what I was thinking, maybe just some sort of dirt tire.
Is there anything that can be determined about the aerodynamics by the dust trail? Maybe have someone take some hi res photos during your next run to see if there may be anything you can adjust while keeping within the class rules.
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
I just noticed that it looks different than it does with the Yellow brick which means there is definitely something different about the way the air flows around it. You can see that there is a low pressure area behind the tailgate - which makes sense. It makes me wonder if shimming the tailgate hinges or simply moving the tailgate in a subtle way might have a significant effect on the downforce to increase traction without adding static weight.
To take it further, you can photograph the faster or streamlined vehicles to study the dust trails they leave and see if you can apply any of the tricks they use to the uni. Then you have a picture of something that definitely works to use for reference.
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
What's that got to do with anything? If it passed tech, it passed tech, right. It's going to look the same at the finish as it did in tech.
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
I thought that I've read or heard somewhere that newer trucks are designed in such a way that it really doesn't make much difference whether the tailgate is up or down. This makes sense when the demanding economy requirements are considered. If this is true, then how applicable is it to a truck 40 or 50 years or older, when aerodynamics was of little concern?
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
Did the traction device seem to work?
By charliemccraney - 13 Years Ago
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
Where does the passenger sit??
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
But... where's the passenger going to sit? Also looks like it's missing the beer can holder.
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
I wish mine looked like that. The colors are backwards and the turquoise looks lighter.
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
Is that a fire extinguisher?
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
mctim64 (8/8/2011)
Leaving tomorrow morning!  Talk to you all when we get back. 
Awe, come on, the fastest internet is at Bonneville.
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
Sweet! Video soon??
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
Let me know if you change your mind. I'm almost certain I have one laying around here somewhere.
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
I'm acquiring that hairline. I had my first sunburn on my head several years ago. So now I wear a hat whenever I'm in the sun. It means we're more intelligent. Our brain requires more blood than average and the hair follicles suffer.
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
Absolutely. With my mom's history of cancer, I try to remember to always wear sunscreen if I'm going to spend any significant amount of time outside. Women use the sun for "beauty." You can always tell a woman who tanned a lot in her youth. She looks like a dried up piece of leather by her 30s or 40s. I think guys just try to be tough. I see it all the time at the races, guys with no shirt, red as a lobster. It makes me wonder if they realize what they're doing to their self.
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
mctim64 (4/24/2011)
Does anyone know how to install a video player on this site? 
You mean like this?
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
Daniel Jessup (4/25/2011) How do you guys get video posted,,,,, er,,,, embedded in the forum to where it will play in the box?
In the case of YouTube videos, there is the option to share, click on that, in the box that drops down there is an option to embed, click on that, another box drops down with the code that you simply copy and paste into the forum.
By charliemccraney - 14 Years Ago
That looks like a tight squeeze to get in.
By Ted - 14 Years Ago
Tim. Thanks for the posts and keeping us up to date.
By Ted - 14 Years Ago
Tim. Thanks for posting the video. Now that I’ve driven down the straightaway at Bonneville, I can definitely relate. Great video. Keep ‘em coming.
By Ted - 13 Years Ago
Tim. I’m also in the group that could not see the pictures. Whatever you just did has the pictures coming up now. Thanks for going the extra mile in getting the pictures posted here on the site.
By Ted - 12 Years Ago
Tim. Great write up. Thanks for including the link.