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Now thats a good story! Thanks for the explanation.
Gary Ryan San Antonio.TX.
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Charlie, they did use the glove and it did pass tech. The shifter went through the thumb though, that gave more base area to use as a boot.
God Bless. Tim
350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor Visalia, California Just west of the Sequoias
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Charley, I think you will find the base of the windsheild is a high pressure area. We often use that area for intake air. But, it's probably not as high as the air under the hood. If you can run an air dam under the front bumper, that will create low pressure under the engine. Otherwise it's probably pretty high under there. That'd be the reason for "belly pans" which I'd bet you can't run. I'd guess Tim has the nose down to create some low pressure under the truck. Kills lift and helps the engine cooling.
Frank/Rebop Bristol, In ( by Elkhart)  
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Frank, Thanks for the correction on the "high" pressure at the base of the windshield. One part of my brain knew that, and another part typed "low". Now if I could just introduce those two I know they would get along. There are so many thoughts rattling around in there it is amazing that I get things right from time to time. In production pickup, Tim isn't able to run an air dam so being lowered in the front is his only defence against air being pushed under the truck. In Modified pickup, I will use an air dam/splitter to move the air around to the outside as efficiently as possible. Yes, you are correct, no belly pans in either class.
Charlie Burns Laton, Ca (South of Fresno)
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[quote] 57FordPU (9/16/2011)
Frank, One part of my brain knew that, and another part typed "low". Now if I could just introduce those two I know they would get along. There are so many thoughts rattling around in there it is amazing that I get things right from time to time. My problem is similar I'll get the right answer, but then I have to "correct" myself. Then I forget both answers and start all over again........... The truck's starting to look close to being ready. Should be one heck of a ride.
Frank/Rebop Bristol, In ( by Elkhart)  
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My cousin put together this little video of when we were testing out at the airport. I know it's a little after the fact but he just finished editing today.bla bla bla
God Bless. Tim
350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor Visalia, California Just west of the Sequoias
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DANG! Tim... thought you were in beautiful California... the landscape in this vid could be lifted straight out of the Texas drought scene we're stuck in here! oh well, guess it makes the truck look that much prettier! thanks for sharing! its an inspiration. Mark
"God Bless Texas"location: Houston,TX
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Mark, that's typical central Calif. Look's just like Texas.
God Bless. Tim
350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor Visalia, California Just west of the Sequoias
The Master Cylinder
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Nice Vid Tim. Did you ever get your clutch thang straightened out? I once had a Corvair Corsa we road and drag raced and it would do that, not return. Turned out the travel was just a little to much and would push the 'ears' just past center of travel so the springs couldn't push it back. it was a three puck disc tho, probably something you wouldn't be using but everything else would be the same. Just curious what your problem turned out to be.
"The Master Cylinder" Enjoying life at the beach in SOCAL 
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Darn I had forgotten about that issue. Yes you can have too much travel and overcenter the pressure plate fingers. I han't had a stick shift for so many years it had slipped my mind. Chuck
Y's guys rule! Looking for McCullouch VS57 brackets and parts. Also looking for 28 Chrysler series 72 parts. And early Hemi parts.
  MoonShadow, 292 w/McCulloch, 28 Chrysler Roadster, 354 Hemi) Manchester, New Hampshire