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1962 Unibody LSR

Posted By mctim64 14 Years Ago
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Missouri Mike
Posted 14 Years Ago
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Hi Guys

Tim, Charlie, it was nice to be able to put faces with the names.  Like you said, there just isn't really time to talk much.  I was either helping my owner, driver or you were thrashing on the uni.

For those of you who haven't seen it or won't get a chance to see it. let me tell you the uni looks even better in person then in the photos.

Racing story: I was with a guy running a chopped '40 coupe with a blown fuellie flathead. He holds his class record at 157 and was trying to break it. We worked two days getting the car tweaked to run.  On the third day at the 2 and a quarter mile marker he was clocked at 161, however, shortly thereafter the valve seat in the number 5 cylinder exhaust let go. Did lots of damage but he coasted through at 157. But that's racing,

When we get back to our pit area his usually very quiet 11 year old granddaughter comes up to him after the head has been pulled and the damage revealed and says, "Granddad, that was an awful lot of work for three minutes".  What is it they say.......out of the mouths of babes............

Congrats to you Tim and everyone (especially the "Shotgun") who had a hand in bringing the uni together.

Missouri Mike

Just returned to Washington, Mo from Bonneville and tired

I'd rather be lucky than good.................

    but good ain't bad!!

Posted 14 Years Ago
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57 ranchwagon (8/17/2011)
I was curious just for my future knowledge what were the three small items tech got you for? I also wanted to say congrats on what i defiantly view as a amazingly successful speed week. The truck came together beautifully and the performance was equally as impressive. Looking forward to your next accomplishments. Thanks Sam Gable

First of all there was a spot on the cage that the weld was not complete, about 1", that will be fixed today. (2) I didn't have my fuel tank vented properly. (3)and I had  to move the nozzle for the fire extiguisher in the cab to a better location.   God Bless. Smile  Tim                 

350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor  Visalia, California    Just west of the Sequoias

Posted 14 Years Ago
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A Great job to all of you who participated in putting the y-block back into the limelite, you really make us all PROUD!BigGrin

-Gary Burnette-

Posted 14 Years Ago
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Here's some more pix!....

You meet some interesting people in the staging lanes, Leslie Porterfield the fastest woman on two wheels.

Tman straping me in, he got pretty good at it, essential to the crew as I couldn't do it myself.

Cold water after a sucsessful run. It's 90* outside, I have to wear a fire suit with all the windows up. By the time I wait in line and make a run I'm soaked with sweat. It feels sooooo good when I take off the helmet and jacket.

bla bla bla   God Bless. Smile  Tim                 

350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor  Visalia, California    Just west of the Sequoias

Posted 14 Years Ago
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While testing in the pits our starter hung up in the flywheel and burnt up the bendix. After that we had to push off from the line. made our best run this way. The starter must have been slowing us down. LOL

bla bla bla   God Bless. Smile  Tim                 

350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor  Visalia, California    Just west of the Sequoias

Posted 14 Years Ago
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It was super cool to meet you and a bunch of the other guys from the forum. I'm sad I didn't get to see you make a run, but very glad you're working the bugs out. Good luck at Elmo. Smile

Heber City, UT (15 mins outside of Park City- basically it's in the mountains)

55 Effie
Posted 14 Years Ago
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PS. Love the video. BigGrin

Heber City, UT (15 mins outside of Park City- basically it's in the mountains)

55 Effie
Y block Billy
Posted 14 Years Ago
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Great job, You do make us all proud!

55 Vicky & customline

58 Rack Dump, 55 F350 yard truck, 57 F100

59 & 61 P 400's, 58 F100 custom cab, 69 F100, 79 F150, 82 F600 ramp truck, 90 mustang conv 7 up, 94 Mustang, Should I continue?

Posted 14 Years Ago
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two questions:

1. can the sound of the engine be heard the entire run?!

2. what kind of station do you have the radio on when you are speeding down the salt?

as others have already said, beautiful work... so glad I have come full circle and gotten into salt and hot rods after being away for so many years!


"God Bless Texas"location: Houston,TX

Posted 14 Years Ago
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texasmark1 (8/18/2011)

1. can the sound of the engine be heard the entire run?!

2. what kind of station do you have the radio on when you are speeding down the salt?

1.  I can certainly hear it. Tongue

2. I keep it on the oldies station, turned all the way up. BigGrin   God Bless. Smile  Tim                 

350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor  Visalia, California    Just west of the Sequoias

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