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1962 Unibody LSR

Posted By mctim64 14 Years Ago
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Glen Henderson
Posted 14 Years Ago
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Last Active: 9 Years Ago
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BUTT CRACK!!!! That is cool Tim, looks great. One of you computer geeks have got to teach me how to do videos. I have access to a camera, but I don't know about this "you tube stuff". Juess I need to get my 5yr old grandaughter to show me how.

Glen Henderson

Freedom is not Free

Letohatchee, AL
Posted 14 Years Ago
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OK! Today was very productive although when you see the few things that were done you may wonder why it took all day. Well it's Saturday and I don't work that hard. :p Seriously it does take a bit of time to do the small stuff, I spent 3 hours just puting the doors together. Doors were the beginning of the day, new weather stripping and "anti-rattle" kits with windows and tint.

Also what my wife calls "ironing boards" (Door panels)

I also added more padding to the cage and plumbed the fire extinguishers.

One nozzel for me.

and two for the engine.

How come the engine gets more than me? Rolleyes

All in all a very good day, getting closer all the time. Might even be able to take Elwood to the Eagle Field "Lions Club Drags" next week if I get it all done. Very Happy


Bla bla bla   God Bless. Smile  Tim                 

350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor  Visalia, California    Just west of the Sequoias

Posted 14 Years Ago
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Glen Henderson (7/23/2011)

NO!... I watched it, close but no but no butt! Tongue   God Bless. Smile  Tim                 

350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor  Visalia, California    Just west of the Sequoias

Posted 14 Years Ago
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Awesome work.  I know you'll acomplish what you want out on the flat's but if for some reason you don't you'll still have one Badass pickup!  I like it a lot!  I also like your precision driving.  Just swing right into the driveway and are perfectly aligned with the wheel blocks.  I think you should tow Elwood with Jake to Eagle Field.  That would be a real show stopper!  Have fun and break a leg.  I won't be able to make Bonneville but will be sending you good vibes.


1956 F100 Big Window 309ci Y-block,  1956 F100 small window 272ci Y-block

Greg.  Mountains of North Eastern CA

Posted 14 Years Ago
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Last Active: 6 Years Ago
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OK! now for todays action. This truck with a "Funny Car" style cage has been seen as a bit tough to get in and out of, I kept trying it out as we built it so I didn't make it so as to not be able to drive it. Until today I have not tried to enter and exit with full suit and "head & neck" restraint. So for your veiwing pleasure I submit this.

bla bla bla   God Bless. Smile  Tim                 

350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor  Visalia, California    Just west of the Sequoias

Posted 14 Years Ago
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I think I have all the "legal" stuff done today. Now in the days to come I will do a few things that may make it a little faster.

Driveshaft hoop in.

Safety cable on hood.

Tow hook.

Push bar.

bla bla bla   God Bless. Smile  Tim                 

350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor  Visalia, California    Just west of the Sequoias

Glen Henderson
Posted 14 Years Ago
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Last Active: 9 Years Ago
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Tim now you know why all NASCAR drivers weigh 130 lbs. I talked the wife into getting in the Falcon the other day to help bleed the brakes. I thought that I was going to have to rig a sling and use the engine hoist to get her out!

Glen Henderson

Freedom is not Free

Letohatchee, AL
Doug T
Posted 14 Years Ago
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Tim The truck looks great the workmanship is beautiful. Just little things like the bends of the extinguisher tubes are a pleasure to see.

Glen The Falcon looks super too but I hope your wife doesn't read this thread. Engine hoist? thats what I call living dangerously!

Doug T

The Highlands, Louisville, Ky.

Hollow Head
Posted 14 Years Ago
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Tim, why only one hoop? If it breaks from the front, that seems to be ok, but if it breaks from the back, can it possibly hit the ground or do other interesting things? Just curios Smile. Otherwise looking too good Wink.

I almost had to hit Jyrki to our dragster with a baseball bat and to take him out we had to spray some oil to his driving suit BigGrin. Next time I will spray him first and to take him out I just set the fire under the seat... BigGrin. Seppo from Järvenpää, Finland (just click the hole in the head to proceed)

Posted 14 Years Ago
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I hope you have Nomex underware to cover the gap between your jacket and pants! BigGrin  It looks like your back could be exposed in an emergency. One thing I just noticed although it might be left over tech from the 50's and 60's dirt tracks. We always welded ends or caps on the tubing in the cockpit so there were no open ends exposed (I noticed the ones behind your extingusher tanks). No matter how removed thay may be if you really get tossed around contact with an open pipe end can do some damage. The guys at the Salt Flats surely know a lot more about todays rules than I do.

I really am not being critical, the truck is beautiful and watching the build has inspired me to get some work done on my own stuff. Can't wait to see the truck go! Chuck in NH

Y's guys rule!
Looking for McCullouch VS57 brackets and parts. Also looking for 28 Chrysler series 72 parts. And early Hemi parts.

MoonShadow, 292 w/McCulloch, 28 Chrysler Roadster, 354 Hemi)
Manchester, New Hampshire

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