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Y-Block Powered FED Project

Posted By mctim64 15 Years Ago
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Posted 15 Years Ago
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Last Active: 6 Years Ago
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Well I've been talking about building a dragster for some time now and have been gathering parts for a month, so now that I've actually got some work done on it I thought I'd share some pix of the process with you guys.  I want to thank Charlie Burns for all the help he has given me acquiring parts for the car and I want to say thank you to Ted Eaton for his help with advise and sending me his Y/Powerglide adaptor template, although I've decided to go with a C-4 since the Eagle Field rules now say "no two speed transmissions" but we didn't know that when he sent it.  I'll be getting that back to you soon Ted. Smile The C-4 bell I got from John Mummert, a very nice item indeed. Smile

Anyway here is a look at what's going on and there will be more to come.  The work is proceeding nicely now and I hope to have a running car for the May 22nd meet, well we'll see. BigGrin   God Bless. Smile  Tim                 

350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor  Visalia, California    Just west of the Sequoias

Posted 15 Years Ago
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Hey, and check this out!  I was leaving the shop on Tues. when two guys went flying by me with this old beat up trailer, so I followed them all the way to the scrap yard to see what they were doing with it, when they said they were just going to sell it for scrap I offered them the same price and now I have a $100 trailer with a title and everything. BigGrin  I think it will make an excellent Dragster trailer. Wink   God Bless. Smile  Tim                 

350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor  Visalia, California    Just west of the Sequoias

Glen Henderson
Posted 15 Years Ago
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Looking good Tim, I have been following your HAMB post, but it is much easier here without all the extra BS that goes on over there. Thanks, for posting it here.

Glen Henderson

Freedom is not Free

Letohatchee, AL
Daniel Jessup
Posted 15 Years Ago
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Tim - NICE...

what is the deal on your sleeves? Looks like I cannot see them in the other photo of the block...and is that a fabbed up oil pan or what?


Daniel Jessup

Lancaster, California

aka "The Hot Rod Reverend" w00t
check out the 1955 Ford Fairlane build at

Hollow Head
Posted 15 Years Ago
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Wow Tim! You really have but your energy moving! May feels so close, but I hope you get there in time. Your project is now 5% done BigGrin. And how thick is your engine plate?  I think half of that would have been enough, or is that your adapter plate w00t

Keep on going and send more pics. Are you going to Tig weld or Mig weld your frame?

And that Strange steering gear... what was the price for that and where did you get it? We tried to get Strange too, but with no luck... Seppo from Järvenpää, Finland (just click the hole in the head to proceed)

Posted 15 Years Ago
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Daniel Jessup (2/11/2010)
Tim - NICE...

what is the deal on your sleeves? Looks like I cannot see them in the other photo of the block...and is that a fabbed up oil pan or what?


The block in the frame is just an old rotten 312 out of a boat, which is where I got the pan and front cover, the sleeved block is the one that I will be using.  I sleeved the whole block so I could go with a 4.0" bore, I want a big bore and a short stroke so I can wind it up tight. Wink  4.0" x 3.2"  322ci.  I have also filled the block to keep it all stiff and will be cooling the heads only.  For the heads I have a set of posted "G's" and I will run flat top pistons,  I have the ability to go with pop-ups but for now just flat tops. (Eagle Field limits Tongue)

This is Johns car (the guy who is helping me with the chassis) it is powered by a 510ci Chrysler, he also has a dislike of the scrub product. Wink as noted on the locker in his shop.   God Bless. Smile  Tim                 

350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor  Visalia, California    Just west of the Sequoias

Posted 15 Years Ago
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Hollow Head (2/11/2010)
Wow Tim! You really have but your energy moving! May feels so close, but I hope you get there in time. Your project is now 5% done BigGrin. And how thick is your engine plate?  I think half of that would have been enough, or is that your adapter plate w00t

Keep on going and send more pics. Are you going to Tig weld or Mig weld your frame?

And that Strange steering gear... what was the price for that and where did you get it? We tried to get Strange too, but with no luck...

5%?  I was thinking more like 7%. Tongue  The motor plate you see is 1/2" and was for adapting the Powerglide, we have since started a new one made of 1/4" material.  I think that is close to half. Wink  we are TIG welding and the box came from S&W, the cost? well it was a lot. Wink


$500   God Bless. Smile  Tim                 

350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor  Visalia, California    Just west of the Sequoias

Posted 15 Years Ago
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Last Active: 10 Years Ago
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Tim, that's 10 different kinds of bad-ass...and only 7% done!!

Cannot wait to see that in May...just corious, how tight can you wind something like that with the big-bore, short stroke combo?

Did I mention bad-ass?

Todd in Central California...about half way between Fresno and Sacramento

1956 Thunderbird - 1960 F-100 - 1961 Starliner - 1961 Imperial

Hollow Head
Posted 15 Years Ago
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Tim, 500 is nothing BigGrin. We had to pay over 600 euros, to get ours here. But, that's life Smile up here... Our very limited budget slows us to July or further. No hurry, no worry Tongue. Seppo from Järvenpää, Finland (just click the hole in the head to proceed)
Daniel Jessup
Posted 15 Years Ago
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Tim, I like both of the bumper stickers on your buddy's locker! Wink We'll be following this build closely. I already bought some things from Charlie to help finance his build -- what you got for sale??? Tongue Is this motor going to be blown or naturally aspirated?? I assume naturally aspirated with the G heads right? Any goals for compression numbers? 

Maybe now would be the time we could get a couple of blogs going on the Y blocks site. Jim and Ted could chime in here, if they like, but I have always thought it would be good to have separate pages for viewing where fellas that are working on a particular build/project could show off what they are doing, how they got it done, etc. Sort of an ongoing idea. It would really help when Ted gets going with all of his test runs, he would have a good place to put all of that information up on the site.

Once this snow breaks (my road was just plowed of another 14" tonight - we AIN'T used to this I tell ya) I have got to get going on my VS57 blown build for the display stand! Cool

Daniel Jessup

Lancaster, California

aka "The Hot Rod Reverend" w00t
check out the 1955 Ford Fairlane build at

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