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Posted By Skyliner57 Last Year
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Skyliner57 (1/7/2025)
Is the 4160 too big for a 312 engine? Thanks

No.  If both the engine and carburetor are in good condition and the ignition timing is set correctly, then the engine is expected to idle just fine.

Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)

Posted 2 Months Ago
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is the 4160 too big for a 312 engine? Thanks.
Posted Last Year
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Supercharged (6.7K reputation)Supercharged (6.7K reputation)Supercharged (6.7K reputation)Supercharged (6.7K reputation)Supercharged (6.7K reputation)Supercharged (6.7K reputation)Supercharged (6.7K reputation)Supercharged (6.7K reputation)Supercharged (6.7K reputation)

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With the 4160 you have now, you should have the 57 and up distributor  .  Any upgrade will require the same distributor. With the 4160 on it now, you need not change the intake if you use an  Edelbrock, other Holley , Summit   carb as the intake you have has the later bolt pattern.

te]Skyliner57 (12/14/2024)
Thank you. I currently have a Holley 4160. I had it rebuilt. I am not happy with the idle and would like more vacuum?
Do I need to replace the Distributor if I have a 4160 now, with an upgraded Hiolley or Edelbrock?
Thanks. Harold

54 Victoria 312;  48 Ford Conv 302, 56 Bird 312
Forever Ford
Midland Park, NJ

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Back when I had my old '55 Club Sedan with 292, I swapped to the newer distributor and ran an adaptor for the smaller ECZ-A and stuck an Edelbrock 500 on top and it was great.  

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It depends on what style intake is on the engine, and is it a restore/driver and how you want it to perform.

You can use a H4000 or WCFB (ECZ-A INTAKE) but the LOAD-O-MATIC DIST has to go (save it). The H4000 can be modified to work with a later DUAL ADVANCE DIST.

If you want a later style carb, you will need a ECZ-B or aftermarket intake or a carb adapter. Be advised the 'B' carb pad bores will be 1 1/2". This will restrict which carb you choose as to the carb throttle body bore size. You can buy a throttle bore transition spacer.


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Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)

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Thank you. I currently have a Holley 4160. I had it rebuilt. I am not happy with the idle and would like more vacuum?
Do I need to replace the Distributor if I have a 4160 now, with an upgraded Hiolley or Edelbrock?
Thanks. Harold
Posted Last Year
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Skyliner57 (12/14/2024)
What carb should I put on my 56-312 engine. The manifold is set up for a 4 bbl.Thanks.

I feel like there's a helpful youtube video about this topic
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If your 56 is stock, it should have an ECZ-A small-base intake manifold and a Holley 4000 "Teapot" carburetor. It should also have a "Loadomatic" vacuum-advance-only distributor. The distributor cannot be used with a 57-up carburetor. If you install a modern carburetor, you will have to replace the Loadomatic distributor with a 57-up distributor that has both vacuum and mechanical advance. The Teapot carburetors are rated approximately 390 cfm. The 57 carburetors were rated approximately 407-415 cfm. If your engine is stock, I would look for carburetors in the 450-500 cfm range that have vacuum secondaries.  
Posted Last Year
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Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)

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What carb should I put on my 56-312 engine. The manifold is set up for a 4 bbl.Thanks.

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