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New 4V Intake

Posted By charliemccraney 2 Months Ago
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Posted 2 Months Ago
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Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)Supercharged (9.8K reputation)

Group: Moderators
Last Active: 9 hours ago
Posts: 6.1K, Visits: 423.0K
I saw this on Facebook, an aluminum copy of the B intake.  Says it should be available in a few months, about 450 AUD (Australia).  Will see if I can get more info.
Should be a nice alternative to stock when the capability of Mummert or Blue Thunder is not required.

Lawrenceville, GA

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