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55 T-Bird 12 Volt, Turn Signals Not Working

Posted By 312YBlock 2 Years Ago
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I was out for a drive when both L & R turn signals failed to work. I pulled over and checked lights, turned on/off parking lights tried turn signal again and both L & R began to work. Several turns later both failed again and remained out. Could it be the flasher itself that’s the problem part 13350?

1955 312 T-Bird Warwick, NY
Posted 2 Years Ago
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If the stop lights still work but the turn signals do not, then the flasher would be a good place to start looking.  If the stop lights also do not work, then it’s potentially a problem within the turn signal mechanism in the steering column.

Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)

Posted 2 Years Ago
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The stop lights work, thanks Ted 😊

1955 312 T-Bird Warwick, NY
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Check the fuse you show on the print….. mine looked good but was not making good contact. Drove me crazy for a week and like the Thunderbird tough to lay on my back to find and change. I actually had to change the complete holder. I also had a defective flasher and it took 2 different ones to get them working. I don’t have the #. 

56 Vic, B'Ville 200 MPH Club Member, So Cal.
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Check for a loose wire(s) at the junction block (14448 C) and the flasher.

IN the limited experience I have with signal light problems, if the flasher is bad the lights will go on but will not blink

54 Victoria 312;  48 Ford Conv 302, 56 Bird 312
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I changed out the flasher and no luck; it doesn’t fit the into the pronged retainer so i let it hang. The old unit was dented on one side to allow it to fit into the metal retaining bracket, I’m wondering if it has to be grounded by the retaining bracket in order to work?

1955 312 T-Bird Warwick, NY
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Attach a temp ground and see if that makes it work.

312YBlock (6/17/2023)
I changed out the flasher and no luck; it doesn’t fit the into the pronged retainer so i let it hang. The old unit was dented on one side to allow it to fit into the metal retaining bracket, I’m wondering if it has to be grounded by the retaining bracket in order to work?

54 Victoria 312;  48 Ford Conv 302, 56 Bird 312
Forever Ford
Midland Park, NJ

Posted 2 Years Ago
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I put a test light on the hot then the cold side of the flasher with the key on accessory and have power to and through the flasher. With the TLight on the blue (cold wire) the TL will dim when the signal lever is raised or lowered (right/left). But still not working 😣, once again I turned on and off the parking light switch and everything began to work again.

1955 312 T-Bird Warwick, NY
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Sounds like bad contacts. If you rarely drive at night the contacts need cleaning or at minimum making and breaking. I was told by and old dealership line mechanic when he found an electrical light problem on a very low milage older car to pull the light switch off and on 8-10 times rapidly to wipe the contacts. May not be it but worth a try. 

56 Vic, B'Ville 200 MPH Club Member, So Cal.
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Interesting, I wouldn’t think the parking/headlight switch would be involved although it was curious that the turn signals woke up after I turned the parking lifts on off on two occasions, will also work turn signal. Thanks DLR I’ll give it a shot.

1955 312 T-Bird Warwick, NY

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