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PARTS - Oil pan gasket and throw out brg

Posted By FORD DEARBORN 2 Years Ago
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I think 2721955Meteor has a reinforcement kit for the Y-block oil pan.He posted it, but it didn't generate much interest. At least one member said it either wouldn't work or it's not necessary. Anything that will help our Y-blocks to leak less is an improvement. 
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FORD DEARBORN (2/9/2023)
Thanks Ted, that explains why the gasket is cork as opposed to the usual black fiber combination. I may have the opportunity to arrange fabrication  for a 1 piece steel rail with holes that completely covers the entire under side of the pan flange, attempt to straighten out the gasket surface of the pan, hunt for a quality gasket and put the pan weeping oil issue to bed for good.   There is a rubber gasket now on epay but I've seen rubber gaskets react to modern motor oil. Hopefully the switch back to the black fiber material doesn't take too long. 

My search for a neoprene pan gasket came up empty.  I’m puzzled that the same system that has worked so well with my valve covers (RTV/grease) isn’t also common for the pan (?), thus halving the surfaces that could leak, and allowing easy removal/gasket reuse.

Posted 2 Years Ago
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Maybe the trouble is, these pans have been grossly over torqued so many times the screw holes are all pulled up. Putting a good long straight edge on the rail shows this. Maybe the cork material of today isn't as firm as it once was? This is the only leak demon I have yet to conquer except for about 7 or 8 months, then it begins to show signs of weeping again. Retorquing  helps but for a shorter period until the raised holes are touching the engine block. At this point, no more compression can be added to the gasket between the bolt holes. It's not just the area at the rear main seal either. Maybe my pan is in worst shape than most? Every where else on my engine has been dry for years except the weeping oil pan. I'm going to try hammering out the raised up holes or devise a screw press like I use for extracting suspension bushings to level the pulled up holes. . Was disappointed to learn the "Best" gasket is just cork. NPD sells cork pan gaskets for $10.  So, level the pan rail and make a gasket from a sheet of silicone material?  If a gasket becomes too thick, there will be trouble fitting the oil pickup tube in the oil pump. 

64F100 57FAIRLANE500
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Here is the post by 2721955meteor (Cliff) giving details on the oil pan support rail that he is producing.


Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)

Posted 2 Years Ago
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Ted, do you know if Best Gasket is again using the fiber material in the oil pan gasket?  I'd welcome coments from anyone regarding making a pan gasket from hi-temp silicone or neoprene. Thanks........... 

64F100 57FAIRLANE500
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How does the pan rail support affect the alignment of the tube running from the pan to the oil pump?

54 Victoria 312;  48 Ford Conv 302, 56 Bird 312
Forever Ford
Midland Park, NJ

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Thanks for the reply.  The sump pickup tube to oil pump is fine - never a leak there. Ted brought up the fact the Best Gasket has/had a supply issue obtaining fiber material for their pan gaskets. Until I learn Best Gasket now includes the fiber material as they normally have used in the past, there is only two choices but not committed to anything yet: 1)Make my own from another possibly better material. 2)Purchase the pan/gasket kit from forum member 2721955lmeteor. I pulled the pan yesterday and spent time today attempting to straighten the pan rails. The rail profile resembled a sine wave but it is now much better after some pressing, clamping, squeezing etc..  The lower seal retainer bolt holes are dry up in the holes where the bolt heads are but I thought the two studs were not as snug as they should have been but weren't loose either and did have sealant on the threads. The RTV applied to all other areas was well formed into all the parting seams. Typically after replacing the pan gasket it takes about 8 months or so before the weeping starts then it's down hill after that. 

64F100 57FAIRLANE500
Posted 2 Years Ago
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I just found this advertizement although this particular ad is for an FE engine oil pan. Why not for a Y-block? Exactally what I believe is needed for out engines. I had experience with this exact silicone gasket material as used for rocker covers on aircraft engines and they last a life time and don't leak. I'll try calling the company tomorrow but doubt I'll hae any luck with just one gasket.

64F100 57FAIRLANE500
Posted 2 Years Ago
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FORD DEARBORN (4/17/2023)
I just found this advertizement although this particular ad is for an FE engine oil pan. Why not for a Y-block? Exactally what I believe is needed for out engines. I had experience with this exact silicone gasket material as used for rocker covers on aircraft engines and they last a life time and don't leak. I'll try calling the company tomorrow but doubt I'll hae any luck with just one gasket.

Just one?  I would expect EVERY Y-Block owner should want one. 
BTW: I was initially puzzled re: why the successfully permanent/reuse procedure used on my T-Bird valve covers (neoprene & RTV) wasn’t also standard with oil pans, until I considered the ‘cast alum. vs. steel’, & ‘bolt hole’ issues. My unwarped NOS pan should eliminate one aspect, but all those little holes are a complication.

Posted 2 Years Ago
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Today I spoke to the folks at Real Gasket TN..and agreed to send them a new Ford Y-block pan gasket for reference.  They agreed to produce 2 silicone gaskets and send them to me. I'll send one to Ted so he can evaluate it and the other one I'll install on my F100 for evaluation also.  My experience with silicone gaskets on aircraft engines has been excellent. You mentioned Y-block valve covers  which would also, IMO, be another candidate for silicone gaskets. 9 years ago I purchased neoprene valve cover gaskets from John Mummert. They are still in great shape even after being reused over and over and never leak. I have the old style pre '58 steel valve covers. 

64F100 57FAIRLANE500

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