PARTS - Oil pan gasket and throw out brg
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By FORD DEARBORN - 2 Years Ago
Last week my new throwout bearing arrived. This was just the bearing, hub not included. I try to purchase top quality part, Timken, made in USA #1625. The outer steel shell had a large burr at the lip where it is rolled on to the front race. Tried to turn the bearing with my hands and at first it rotated with a gritty feeling then became impossible to rotate any further.                             Today I received a new oil pan gasket "Best" brand #24026E with not a single bolt hole punched out.  WTH?    Sorry fellas, I just needed to let off some steam.................
By Deyomatic - 2 Years Ago
Damn...Maybe call up Best.  They're supposed to be, well... you know.  I wonder if they'll just send you one.  Their dealer network doesn't make purchasing their products very easy.  
By 55blacktie - 2 Years Ago
Just goes to show you that not everything with a "Made in USA" label is gold. Made in USA with imported materials?
By FORD DEARBORN - 2 Years Ago
I have an idea the pandemic caused a lot of changing of the guards and will take some time to get the wheels oiled and turning again. Sent back the bearing, now waiting for another one and will deal with the gasket tomorrow. Frustrating but "we'll fix it."
By FORD DEARBORN - 2 Years Ago
I was wrong about the "Best" pan gasket. My son visited us today and was able to see the outline of the punchings with his much younger eyes. He also bent the gasket further than I dared and one punching popped out. I have bought these gaskets in the past where I had to push out the material at the holes but missed seeing them in this case. The throwout bearing was definitely defective though. Sorry for the false alarm with the pan gasket.
By Ted - 2 Years Ago
Black fiber or cork on the oil pan gasket you received?

With the pandemic, Best Gasket could not source the black fiber material and switched to cork for both the oil pan and valley cover gaskets.  The holes (aka punch-outs) are really hard to spot on the oil pan gaskets using the cork material versus the black fiber material.  I am currently waiting on the gasket material to be switched back to the black fiber material before placing a ‘stocking’ order of those gaskets.  Have had some oil leakage issues with the cork oil pan gaskets in the rear seal area which has required some RTV in the rear oil seal retainer bolt holes.

By FORD DEARBORN - 2 Years Ago
Thanks Ted, that explains why the gasket is cork as opposed to the usual black fiber combination. I may have the opportunity to arrange fabrication  for a 1 piece steel rail with holes that completely covers the entire under side of the pan flange, attempt to straighten out the gasket surface of the pan, hunt for a quality gasket and put the pan weeping oil issue to bed for good.   There is a rubber gasket now on epay but I've seen rubber gaskets react to modern motor oil. Hopefully the switch back to the black fiber material doesn't take too long. 
By DANIEL TINDER - 2 Years Ago
Ted (2/9/2023)
Black fiber or cork on the oil pan gasket you received?

With the pandemic, Best Gasket could not source the black fiber material and switched to cork for both the oil pan and valley cover gaskets.  The holes (aka punch-outs) are really hard to spot on the oil pan gaskets using the cork material versus the black fiber material.  I am currently waiting on the gasket material to be switched back to the black fiber material before placing a ‘stocking’ order of those gaskets.  Have had some oil leakage issues with the cork oil pan gaskets in the rear seal area which has required some RTV in the rear oil seal retainer bolt holes.

I’m curious re: the recesses/grooves in the oil pan’s rail.  I assume they are there to provide some traction, and hinder gadget displacement when tightening (?), though they seem rather deeper than needed.  The pan that I have has had the grooves on one side filled previously with what looks like black RTV (old/crumbly now), and wonder if I should bother to clean them out before installation (?).
Could you shed any light on the issue?
By Daniel Jessup - 2 Years Ago
DANIEL TINDER (2/9/2023)
Ted (2/9/2023)
Black fiber or cork on the oil pan gasket you received?

With the pandemic, Best Gasket could not source the black fiber material and switched to cork for both the oil pan and valley cover gaskets.  The holes (aka punch-outs) are really hard to spot on the oil pan gaskets using the cork material versus the black fiber material.  I am currently waiting on the gasket material to be switched back to the black fiber material before placing a ‘stocking’ order of those gaskets.  Have had some oil leakage issues with the cork oil pan gaskets in the rear seal area which has required some RTV in the rear oil seal retainer bolt holes.

I’m curious re: the recesses/grooves in the oil pan’s rail.  I assume they are there to provide some traction, and hinder gadget displacement when tightening (?), though they seem rather deeper than needed.  The pan that I have has had the grooves on one side filled previously with what looks like black RTV (old/crumbly now), and wonder if I should bother to clean them out before installation (?).
Could you shed any light on the issue?

Ted can chime in most certainly, but it is my understanding that the channels in the oil pan rail are there to keep things rigid along the rail and to keep it from flexing between bolt holes. 

I am thankful for Ted's 2 cents on the cork gasket for the oil pan - I thought it was my "user error" that had caused my gasket to leak a little at the rear. Now I know otherwise. I do like to use some of mama's thread to keep the gasket in place, but she is always good about that and knows I will put the spool back when I am done. Wink

By FORD DEARBORN - 2 Years Ago
Evidently filling in the pan rail groves didn't help much either.  I have been kicking around the idea of purchasing the rigid piece that surrounds the rear of the pan  or fabricating my own. Have you folks tried this? The provider of this rigid clamping aid has advertised on this site in the past. Did it help? Maybe if one was made to surround the entire pan would be the asswer  Modern pan rails are flat and make use of a steel reinforced silicone gasket with inserts in the bolt holes to limit the amount of crush.  Unfortunately, that technology, or any part of it, has not spilled over to our engines yet.  
By 55blacktie - 2 Years Ago
I think 2721955Meteor has a reinforcement kit for the Y-block oil pan.He posted it, but it didn't generate much interest. At least one member said it either wouldn't work or it's not necessary. Anything that will help our Y-blocks to leak less is an improvement. 
By DANIEL TINDER - 2 Years Ago
FORD DEARBORN (2/9/2023)
Thanks Ted, that explains why the gasket is cork as opposed to the usual black fiber combination. I may have the opportunity to arrange fabrication  for a 1 piece steel rail with holes that completely covers the entire under side of the pan flange, attempt to straighten out the gasket surface of the pan, hunt for a quality gasket and put the pan weeping oil issue to bed for good.   There is a rubber gasket now on epay but I've seen rubber gaskets react to modern motor oil. Hopefully the switch back to the black fiber material doesn't take too long. 

My search for a neoprene pan gasket came up empty.  I’m puzzled that the same system that has worked so well with my valve covers (RTV/grease) isn’t also common for the pan (?), thus halving the surfaces that could leak, and allowing easy removal/gasket reuse.
By FORD DEARBORN - 2 Years Ago
Maybe the trouble is, these pans have been grossly over torqued so many times the screw holes are all pulled up. Putting a good long straight edge on the rail shows this. Maybe the cork material of today isn't as firm as it once was? This is the only leak demon I have yet to conquer except for about 7 or 8 months, then it begins to show signs of weeping again. Retorquing  helps but for a shorter period until the raised holes are touching the engine block. At this point, no more compression can be added to the gasket between the bolt holes. It's not just the area at the rear main seal either. Maybe my pan is in worst shape than most? Every where else on my engine has been dry for years except the weeping oil pan. I'm going to try hammering out the raised up holes or devise a screw press like I use for extracting suspension bushings to level the pulled up holes. . Was disappointed to learn the "Best" gasket is just cork. NPD sells cork pan gaskets for $10.  So, level the pan rail and make a gasket from a sheet of silicone material?  If a gasket becomes too thick, there will be trouble fitting the oil pickup tube in the oil pump. 
By Ted - 2 Years Ago
Here is the post by 2721955meteor (Cliff) giving details on the oil pan support rail that he is producing.

By FORD DEARBORN - 2 Years Ago
Ted, do you know if Best Gasket is again using the fiber material in the oil pan gasket?  I'd welcome coments from anyone regarding making a pan gasket from hi-temp silicone or neoprene. Thanks........... 
By paul2748 - 2 Years Ago
How does the pan rail support affect the alignment of the tube running from the pan to the oil pump?
By FORD DEARBORN - 2 Years Ago
Thanks for the reply.  The sump pickup tube to oil pump is fine - never a leak there. Ted brought up the fact the Best Gasket has/had a supply issue obtaining fiber material for their pan gaskets. Until I learn Best Gasket now includes the fiber material as they normally have used in the past, there is only two choices but not committed to anything yet: 1)Make my own from another possibly better material. 2)Purchase the pan/gasket kit from forum member 2721955lmeteor. I pulled the pan yesterday and spent time today attempting to straighten the pan rails. The rail profile resembled a sine wave but it is now much better after some pressing, clamping, squeezing etc..  The lower seal retainer bolt holes are dry up in the holes where the bolt heads are but I thought the two studs were not as snug as they should have been but weren't loose either and did have sealant on the threads. The RTV applied to all other areas was well formed into all the parting seams. Typically after replacing the pan gasket it takes about 8 months or so before the weeping starts then it's down hill after that. 
By FORD DEARBORN - 2 Years Ago
I just found this advertizement although this particular ad is for an FE engine oil pan. Why not for a Y-block? Exactally what I believe is needed for out engines. I had experience with this exact silicone gasket material as used for rocker covers on aircraft engines and they last a life time and don't leak. I'll try calling the company tomorrow but doubt I'll hae any luck with just one gasket.
By DANIEL TINDER - 2 Years Ago
FORD DEARBORN (4/17/2023)
I just found this advertizement although this particular ad is for an FE engine oil pan. Why not for a Y-block? Exactally what I believe is needed for out engines. I had experience with this exact silicone gasket material as used for rocker covers on aircraft engines and they last a life time and don't leak. I'll try calling the company tomorrow but doubt I'll hae any luck with just one gasket.

Just one?  I would expect EVERY Y-Block owner should want one. 
BTW: I was initially puzzled re: why the successfully permanent/reuse procedure used on my T-Bird valve covers (neoprene & RTV) wasn’t also standard with oil pans, until I considered the ‘cast alum. vs. steel’, & ‘bolt hole’ issues. My unwarped NOS pan should eliminate one aspect, but all those little holes are a complication.
By FORD DEARBORN - 2 Years Ago
Today I spoke to the folks at Real Gasket TN..and agreed to send them a new Ford Y-block pan gasket for reference.  They agreed to produce 2 silicone gaskets and send them to me. I'll send one to Ted so he can evaluate it and the other one I'll install on my F100 for evaluation also.  My experience with silicone gaskets on aircraft engines has been excellent. You mentioned Y-block valve covers  which would also, IMO, be another candidate for silicone gaskets. 9 years ago I purchased neoprene valve cover gaskets from John Mummert. They are still in great shape even after being reused over and over and never leak. I have the old style pre '58 steel valve covers. 
By FORD DEARBORN - 2 Years Ago
Greetings everyone - I purchased a Fel-Pro oil pan gasket that has been shipped to Real Gasket TN.  They are going to use it as a pattern to make the die for producing the new silicone gasket. All thoughts and comments welcome. 
By Daniel Jessup - 2 Years Ago
I would be interested in purchasing two oil pan gaskets.
By FORD DEARBORN - 2 Years Ago
Dan, at this point it's still in the planning stage. I will try to reach out to the folks at Real Gasket TN and make sure this is going to move forward.  One very good thing is Ted offered his valuable time to evaluate one of the silicone gaskets and I will install another one on my 64 truck then go from there. I'll do my best to ro report to the forum all progress, good or otherwise, as it becomes available. 
By 2721955meteor - 2 Years Ago
try my kit, plate is for the rear of the pan, gasket is thicker than best by double.kit is 100 us including frt to us. have 2 left and do not intend to make more cliff at
By FORD DEARBORN - 2 Years Ago
Ah-ha!  Thanks for the heads up and memory jogger.  I totally forgot about the Y-block silicone gasket as life got in the way of things with me this summer. I'll try contacting the folks at Real Gasket TN next week to find out if they are still willing to produce a silicone gasket for our engines. 
By darrell - 2 Years Ago
the oil seal retainer is a rough area as ted said.i always put some gook os some kind here before installing the get a leak here the first think your going to think is rear seal.

By FORD DEARBORN - 2 Years Ago
Received word today a silicone gasket prototype has been produced. They need an evaluation as to form, fit etc. before production.  Ted, would you have time to evaluate this gasket? I could send it to you after the Thanksgiving holiday.  Your valuable input would be very much appreciated. Thanks, JEFF........
FORD DEARBORN (8/25/2023)
Ah-ha!  Thanks for the heads up and memory jogger.  I totally forgot about the Y-block silicone gasket as life got in the way of things with me this summer. I'll try contacting the folks at Real Gasket TN next week to find out if they are still willing to produce a silicone gasket for our engines. 

By FORD DEARBORN - 2 Years Ago
By Ted - 2 Years Ago
FORD DEARBORN (11/17/2023)
Received word today a silicone gasket prototype has been produced. They need an evaluation as to form, fit etc. before production.  Ted, would you have time to evaluate this gasket? I could send it to you after the Thanksgiving holiday.  Your valuable input would be very much appreciated. Thanks, JEFF........

If all I need to do is examine the gasket for a non-installed evaluation, I can do that.  That’s the easy part.  Actually testing the fit of that gasket on an engine and then running that engine in a variety of conditions would be the more difficult part.  While I can do that on the dyno mule, it would take some time to determine if and when a failure point occurs.  The dyno mule is scheduled to go back on the dyno late this year for some testing of parts in early January.  That would be an opportune time to also run that gasket on the 312 dyno mule.

A more suitable test would be for someone to actually put it on their daily driver Y for a period of time.  That daily driver ideally needs to be one that does not have any oil leaks before installing the gasket just to ensure that any leaks that show up during the test were not because of a pre-existing problem.

By FORD DEARBORN - 2 Years Ago
Thanks Ted for your offer and time. I agree a wet run on the dyno would be a better test than a visual and would be worth the wait.  Winter is around the corner in Michigan so by the time I can install it on my truck I'm afraid there won't be much apportunity to put on miles.  I have confidence this Si gasket should be a good thing....
By FORD DEARBORN - 2 Years Ago
Ted, I received the prototype silicone gasket and sent it USPS to your shop Friday Dec. 1st so shoud arrive one day this week. The gasket does look very good, thanks again, JEFF..........
By Ted - 2 Years Ago
The oil pan gasket has arrived.  Plans are to first just lay it on a pan and check the overall dimensions.  Once that is performed, then install the gasket on the 312 dyno mule and run the engine during the Christmas holidays.
By 2721955meteor - 2 Years Ago