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Here's a picture of my 57 Bird, it just sits, about 3000 miles on the engine (20 years ago), it's a B9EA block, Bryant did the crank, Isky RPM300 and kit, 471 cylinder heads (home porting), Spalding Flamethrower, all good stuff in the engine.
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Dave C
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Cliff, Enjoying your progress so far.. But gotta ask. Why didn't you make your mid plate and adapter out of the same piece? I ran a mopar with a glide and used a TCI adapter it was 1/4" plate aluminum. I have another made from 1/2". Almost finished with the one for my Y block and I am making it from 1/2" aluminum. A question about the flywheel/flexplate. Since you are using the Wilcap adapter you must be using their flexplate. I was under the impression that the flexplate bolted directly to the Y block without an adapter. If it doesn't then I'm gonna have to rethink my setup.
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Well, the flex plate is a sb scruby 168 tooth (needed to be SFI), I was originally going to have a motor plate to mount the engine and the adapter, it turned out that the crank to flex plate adapter had to be thicker than planned (.990), so not wanting a 7/8" thick steel adapter (to heavy), I went with a 1/2" steel adapter and a 3/8 spacer (aluminium), as it is that thing is heavy. I also had a problem mounting the starter, if I used a thick motor plate it would move the starter to far from the ring gear, so I am mounting the starter to the motor plate at the bottom. (I don't like the weight).
Dave C
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Got ya. I built mine for using a 130 tooth mopar. The Wilcap setup looked to be about 1 inch thick, and according to Patrick McGuire when I asked if they would sell just the flexplate I was told it was a 130 tooth mopar. So thats what I built mine to. I didn't think to ask if an adapter was required. So after seeing your pictures I got to thinking, and had one of those Oh Crap moments.. I have to drag out one of my out of date sfi flexplates and see what I'll have to do. This was next on my have to do list anyway..
Thanks for sharing..
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Dave C
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Ya got some skills there Cliff.  Dave
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John Mummert
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Cliff we just machined a few tunnel ram bases. Possible back up plan for you. Lookin' good so far. 20 miles east of San Diego, 20 miles north of Mexico 