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Mid America FORD meet Sat. June 14th

Posted By bird55 17 Years Ago
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Posted 17 Years Ago
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Supercharged (1.5K reputation)Supercharged (1.5K reputation)Supercharged (1.5K reputation)Supercharged (1.5K reputation)Supercharged (1.5K reputation)Supercharged (1.5K reputation)Supercharged (1.5K reputation)Supercharged (1.5K reputation)Supercharged (1.5K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 2 Years Ago
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 58.8K
Sure would like to see as many yblock powered cars at this since it's my neighborhood!
Ted Eaton has contacted me and is going to be there as well as The Church Brothers. Haven't heard from Pat Fleischman as yet, but have seen him there at past events as well as Jerry Christenson.
Let us know and maybe we can the yblock guys together. The track is really great.

here's the link
       A  L  A  N   F  R  A  K  E  S   ~  Tulsa, OK    

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