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Posted By Rowen 9 Years Ago
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Posted 9 Years Ago
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Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 4 Years Ago
Posts: 435, Visits: 29.3K
Howdy folks, my name is Rowen n I am here ta say that I have finally got my 1955 Crown Victoria!! Just joined the crown victoria association and have been surfing the net lookin for any and all the places . to discuss my love of this car!! I live in woodland ca, about 20 mi north of sacramento. I bought her, my wife and I have named her Diana cause she's a princess, from consignment at the california automobile museum. Previous owner had her for 23 years and I will have her for the rest of my life!! In sure I will have lots o questions later, but for now I am just so happy to have her that I feel like im 16 again!! She's buckskin brown over snowshoe white and as pretty as the day is long!! She's all original save for the dual exhaust someone put on before the last owner got her. 272 2bbl auto. Well folks just had ta post something (like I said, I LOVE this car)!! Hope ta hear from others that love their babies as much as I love mine!!! For now, all have a lovely evening n ill chim in when I can.

Woodland, Ca
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Last Active: 7 hours ago
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Welcome Rowan,
You have found the best Y-Block site on the internet. Lots of knowledge and people that can help you source information and parts in needed. How about a picture of your new ride? Chuck

Y's guys rule!
Looking for McCullouch VS57 brackets and parts. Also looking for 28 Chrysler series 72 parts. And early Hemi parts.

MoonShadow, 292 w/McCulloch, 28 Chrysler Roadster, 354 Hemi)
Manchester, New Hampshire
PF Arcand
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Last Active: 7 Months Ago
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Rowan: Welcome, as already stated, this it the best technical site for the Ford Y-block engine & driveline related stuff on the internet. Bar none!  There are people on this site that know virtually everything with respect to the engines. And there has been a renascence of interest in the engines in the last few years, plus several new or replacement parts developments.. Stay tuned.... Also, you may know this already, the std 272" engine in your car was single exhaust, but the Power Pak option had dual exhaust, different heads & a 4 Bbl carburetor..  

Posted 9 Years Ago
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Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 4 Years Ago
Posts: 435, Visits: 29.3K
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. I've been wanting a Crown Vic for a long time!! I think they are one of the most beautiful cars ever ta come out of Fords design studios. In my babies case, she was born in San Jose. I understand she's been a west coast car her whole life. Well time ta get ready fer work, so long till later. Here's a couple pics

Woodland, Ca
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Welcome to the Forum, Rowen.  Congratulations on obtaining your '55 Crown Vic, Diana!  Internet sites like this can be invaluable to maintaining the love affair with our rides.  In working with 60 year old iron, other enthusiasts can be a life support system for supplying accurate technical information and advice as of where to turn for quality new and used components.

As you get to know the personality of Diana, you may find that she came with some quirks or develops some through use that you want to eliminate to maintain or improve your driving enjoyment. 

As Paul mentioned, the '55 Ford 272s did have a Power Pak option that included different exhaust manifolds that eliminated the front cross-over pipe that routed the exhaust down just the passenger side of the '55 engine.  One of the first modifications I made on my '54 Ford Mainline business coupe at the age of 16 was to retrieve a set of '55 Ford dual exhaust manifolds from a 'junk yard' to install on my 239 engine.  Yikes!  That was a while ago.  Yeah, I wish I had kept that car!  Hehe 

Our Forum has participants with a wide range of  interests and approaches to owning, equipping, and setting-up y-block Ford equipped vehicles.  We have 'purists', street rodders, 'weekend warriors', some SERIOUS racers, and those of us who tweak, massage, or modify them in different ways for street and highway improved drive-ability, performance, reliability, and personal enjoyment. 

As you join with us, you'll soon glean that while the '55 Ford product was good, one of the significant changes Ford made in production year '57 was to eliminate use of the earlier Loadomatic style ignition distributor design.  The Loadomatics had a spark advance curve solely controlled by the vacuum signals from different locations within the carburetors that came with those distributors.  A Loadomatic distributor's ignition advance curve is prone to malfunction and is often replaced with '57 and up Ford units to assure reliable performance of the earlier engines.  Suggested changes like this are easily made and will not compromise the integrity of the originality of what you're driving while insuring trouble free operation.  Smile

Again, welcome!

a.k.a. Charlie Brown
near Syracuse, New York
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Last Active: 4 Years Ago
Posts: 435, Visits: 29.3K
Top o th mornin to ya Mr. "NoShortcuts" aka Charlie Brown, (not sure how ya preferred to be called)! :0)
Thanks for th info on her distributor. Sounds like a good upgrade. Will that also improve her starting ability. Are there any more things that must be done to achieve this upgrade? I must admit, I am NOT AT ALL familiar with the Y-block. I hope to change that over th summer as I drive her and issues come up that I have to deal with. Again thanks for th great info, and I hope to hear from you soon! Bye bye for now and ill chat with you later. (On a quick break at work n have ta get back it!!) th toils of a workin man........ :0)

Woodland, Ca
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Your Crown Vic looks GreaT, Rowen.  Diana having been around for awhile, you best determine what you've got before setting out to do too much of changing anything.  At an earlier time, if engines needed overhauling or other problems arose, it was common to swap parts at the local junk yard.  The economics of installing a good used engine from a car that had been in a wreck rather than having your original engine rebuilt spoke volumes.  Too, there was the time factor.  Rebuilding an engine can take time, swapping engines or cylinder heads if a valve job was needed saved down time.  With the y-block Fords, many components can be interchanged between '55 and '64.  Notice that I didn't include the '54s in that statement.  '54 being the first year of production for the Y engine, some components do not interchange depending upon whether they were early or later year production.

Besides parts getting exchanged for repair purposes, there have always been the Charlie Brown types in this world who were setting out to 'improve' their ride.  Sooo... engine-wise... stock, later year or different model FoMoCo cylinder heads with bigger intake valves or offering a higher compression ratio, better flowing exhaust manifolds, engine blocks with bigger pistons or longer strokes, intake manifolds with four barrel instead of two barrel carbs... the list goes on.  ALL of this 'stuff' was easily exchanged and as the cars got 'older' the availability of donor vehicles in the 'junk yards' increased and the cost to purchase the used, improved performance, O.E.M. FoMoCo parts decreased.
The bottom line is that with an attractive, sought after model like your Crown Vic, it will be a bit unusual if you don't have some parts that have been easily swapped for either 'improvement' Or repair purposes of one type or another over the last 60 years of others having owned it.

One of the most common swaps from a practical standpoint on the '55 or '56 FoMoCo y-blocks is the ignition distributor.  However, IF you swap distributors to one from a '57 through '64 y-block you have to either change carburetors to a later year one that provides the appropriate vacuum signal for your later distributor OR make a modification to your original '55 (or '56) two barrel (or '55 or '56 four barrel IF you were to move in that direction).  Don't misunderstand, there's nothing wrong with your '55 two barrel carburetor.  The point is that the '55 and '56 Loadomatic distributors on all Ford and Mercury vehicles had two barrel or four barrel carburetors designed to provide different vacuum signals to the distributor that come from more than one location within the carburetor as the engine operated at idle, under load, at higher speed, and while at cruising speed.  In contrast, in the later carburetors (post '56) the vacuum signal comes from a single location within the carburetor to modify the spark advance intended to improve gas mileage when the engine is operating at a constant cruising speed.

IF your ignition distributor has NOT already been changed to a later style unit by a previous owner, and if you do change distributors, you need to make the modification described on the web address below to make the two devices work together appropriately.  NOTE: If someone has already changed your engine to a later distributor and did not make the modification to the original '55 or '56 two barrel carburetor, they have created a performance (proper ignition advance) problem, too.

In response to your question about starting difficulty (excessive cranking being required)... I'd check the tune-up of the engine before doing anything like changing distributors.  Spark plug gaps, ignition point dwell angle, vacuum line connections between the carb and the distributor, and ignition timing are the most likely problem.  Your two barrel carb is down the list of possible issues compared with if your '55 had an original '55 or '56 Holley 4000 4 barrel.  A defective vacuum diaphragm on the ignition distributor or the advance plate inside the distributor not moving freely or the distributor cap contacts and rotor having surface oxidation are other things to look at if the basic initial tune-up check doesn't yield results.

IF you do move to a later '57 - '64 ignition distributor (these have the spark advance curve controlled by a centrifugal advance mechanism and a vacuum advance diaphragm) see this web address for the modification to your '55 or '56 two barrel Holley or Ford made carburetor . . .

Hope this helps, Rowen.  Smile   Hey!  This stuff is supposed to be in the 'Technical' section.  You've graduated from 'This-N-That'!  

a.k.a. Charlie Brown
near Syracuse, New York
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Welcome to the group. I have to agree with you on the '56 cars. I think they are one of Fords best looking.

Durham Missouri
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Welcome to the site and for sharing pictures of your ‘Crown’.  My ’55 Club Sedan was the same two tone color scheme as yours when new but had already been repainted red and white when I took possession of it.  Seeing yours makes me want to put mine back as it was originally painted rather than the Mist Green and Snowshoe White that I was considering.

Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)

Posted 9 Years Ago
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Last Active: 4 Years Ago
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Hiya Ted, yes sir,admittedly I AM just a lil biased, but I too think its a great looking color!!! Tomorrow im taking her out to take some more pics and ill get some of her interior. You might be surprised how nice it is for 30+ years since the redo!! I sure was. Ill try n get em posted tomorrow afternoon. Have a great evening - RL - and Crown Vics Forever!

Woodland, Ca

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