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Electric Power Steering 56 Fairlane

Posted By kevink1955 10 Years Ago
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I screwed up Photo posting so badly last time so I hope I do better this time

I have installed Electric power steering From an 08 Totyota Yarus in my 56 Fairlane. The Yaris unit is column mounted and drives the steering box worm shaft based on the amount of torque you put on the steering wheel. I will say it has plenty of power as I was tuning the wheel lock to lock with 1 strong finger while sitting on a concrete floor on underinflated radials. (I have the black marks on the concrete and flat spots to prove it LOL)

I finally got to take the car for a ride now that the roads are free of slush and salt, I almost lost it on my first turn out of the driveway as I am used to grabing the wheel with both hands for the tight turn. Lets just say the wheel can now be palm steered, it returns to center just like it always did, I like it so far but only drove about 10 miles as the roads are not completely clear and my inspection is expired.

I am going to try 1 picture first and see how it goes, the pic is of the Yaris EPS unit, Will follow up with what I did to install it. The end you are looking at is the output end

Next is a Photo Of the modified Shifter shaft, 56 Worm shaft shortened with spline coupler to mate with the Yaris Output and the upper shaft with spline coupler to mate with the Yaris input

Next is the lower Column tube with a flange welded on the end to mount the Yaris unit, note the worm shaft with coupler inside the tube.

Next is the unit bolted up to the flange and coupled to the upper column tube
Next is what it looks like looking thru the wheel
And a view looking up under the Dash

I have it running in full power mode right now but with the proper Vehicle Speed Sensor it could be made Speed sensitive, less boost at highway speed, more at low speed. At this time I am putting together a list of what Yaris units will work, the unit requires an Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and as far as I can find out so far the ECU has to be 2007 thru 2009 Yaris without ABS. The motor is a little less critical 2005 thru 2011 Yaris and Prius work 

Posted 10 Years Ago
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By the way this was not my idea I got it from Vintage Mustang Forum, A user there named SlowPoke started this thread, look at the link below

They are using a unit from the Saturn Vue, that unit would not work in my 56 as the housing had clearance problems with my Clutch Linkage, the motor would have had to be on the left side. The Totoya units have the housing reversed so I could clock it up and to the right, My user name over there is sons67, go have a look. A month ago I knew nothing about Electric Power Steering, 1 month later it's installed and working in my Fairlane, Thanks Slowpoke and VMF!1
Posted 10 Years Ago
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Looks good. The reason they need a ECU & other sensors in the system is to give the unit a "road feel" while your driving it. It will feel over sensitive or steer like a boat without it. Ford came out with that type system on some cars before I retired. Their's was a "drive by wire" system. No column shaft going into the unit, just a sensor in the column that told the ECU how much to turn the wheels. Looked pretty strange under the dash without a steering shaft running through the firewall.

Dan      Kingman Az.      86409
Posted 10 Years Ago
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This bloke here has fitted a unit to his Cobra,

and he has a variable controller available on eBay, instead of an ecu

Great idea...

South Australia

Lord Gaga
Posted 10 Years Ago
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I know some of us are thinking, why bother ?  So the "little woman" can drive the car ?  Smile
Toyoga parts on a Ford is worse than chivy parts  !  

Banzai  !

Posted 10 Years Ago
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LowRider, I have the Yaris ECU and it has an input for a Vehicle Speed Sensor, All I need is a sutiable VSS that I can put in the speedometer cable to generate the pulses. I have bench tested the unit with the ECU on the bench using a Square wave generator and find the ECU has 3 levels of assist.

At 5 pulses per second it has full assist, at around 45 PPS it changes to a lower assist and mildly dampens rapid movments, at around 75 PPS it changes to a very mild assist and greatly dampens rapid movments.
The damping goes away of you jerk the wheel as in an emergency lane change.

Lord Gaga, I am 1 to agree that you should keep your Ford all Ford, where everyone else is using GM alternators I stuck with Ford but in this case Ford does not apear to have anything that will fit or operate on only VSS input so Totoya it is. I would like to drive and enjoy this car and considered installing original PS but the price of good/rebuilt units is way out of my price range. I also looked at Borgenson but with 3 on the tree you would have to shorten the column so much that the shift linkage arms would be inside the car.
'60 Fairlane
Posted 10 Years Ago
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Kevink1955, this is interesting. Let me make sure I'm understanding. You still have your OE box and the Yarus piece is sandwiched, or spliced, into the OE column. Correct? And, you kept the three on the tree shifter. Very interesting. Thank you, -Dave.
Posted 10 Years Ago
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Yes, that's it just cut out a section of the original steering box shaft and column and weld in some spline adapters. The shift rod is cut and a 1/2" steel rod is bent to hop over the steering motor gear box. It worked out fine, no changes in the way it shifts, infact it shifts better with all the old hardened grease cleaned out.
You will require an ECU from a Yaris without ABS and a way to fool the VSS input into thinking the car is moving.
I used a flashing LED (the fake alarm type) between the VSS input and ground, the pulse every time the LED blinks generates a Square Wave to the VSS.

Someone mentioned the Saturn unit and ECU witha box with a Pot from E-Bay, while that seems to work for the Mustangs it will not clear the clutch linkage (pedal stop) without having the motor hanging out under the dash and I think in that position the emergency brake would have to be moved also. The Yaris unit has the worm gear slung on the other side so it clears every thing but the shift rod,

As I understand the E-Bay box it is providing GM bus (2 wire digital addressed signal) to fool the GM ECU into thinking the Cars ECU and ABS modules are sending it commands that are adjustable by the Pot, I like the Yaris 1 pin square wave as it can be created easier
'60 Fairlane
Posted 10 Years Ago
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Kevink1955, I followed your link to the vintage.Mustang thread. Interesting indeed, I would never even thought of such a swap/upgrade. One more question. Is there a "fail safe", if the motor should fail can the vehicle still be steered? Thanks, -Dave
Posted 10 Years Ago
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Yes it can still be steered if the unit fails you would just be turning the motor as well as the steering shaft. The unpowered motor takes very little effort to turn, during my testing of the unit on the bench, the weight of an 8" Vice grip on the shaft would rotate it.

Now if the electronics failed and commanded the motor right when you wanted to go left it would be a fight I do not know who would win. Hopefully the engineers who designed the ECU built in a fail safe for that!!
Ever reverse the ram hoses on a ford power steering, scary

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