F-Code Clone
Posted 11 Years Ago
Hitting on all eight cylinders
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You only show the date code on one of the heads and that date code is located under the rocker arm shaft. Don’t be alarmed if the date codes are different by a few days as that’ pretty normal. I decipher that particular date as June 10, 1957. The ‘D3’ and ‘D14’ numbers on the lower outer edge of the heads are simply mold identification numbers. I would suggest disassembling the heads and checking them thoroughly for any cracks before considering using them. If selling them, having them crack checked beforehand will also help. The carburetor is likely the most valuable part of your package if it hasn’t been on fire. Look at the primary side venturi fuel boosters closely for any damage. Some of the others on this site can likely be a better judge of the value for these parts both as a package and/or individually.
 Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)
F-Code Clone
Hitting on all eight cylinders
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If your considering selling any of those parts I have an interest. Contact me at
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Do those valve springs have internal dampner springs? Is there a second set of springs inside the outer valve springs? Cant quite tell from the pictures.
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87B or 87R on the other head? Hard to make out the last letter but that head based on the first number makes it a 1958 casting. While both heads are the same casting number, they were made about a year apart from each other. Not a biggie as long as both heads prove to be usable.
 Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)
F-Code Clone
Hitting on all eight cylinders
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Last Active: 11 Years Ago
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Yes there is a second set of valve springs inside the outer set. They seem to have green paint on them:
F-Code Clone
Hitting on all eight cylinders
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Last Active: 11 Years Ago
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Does anyone have any input on what this stuff might be worth? I know it always comes down to what someone is willing to pay, but I have heard a bunch of numbers and I don't know what is realistic. Ive heard tell of $5,000+ for the heads alone, Ive also seen them go as low as $4,000. The intake on the other hand I have no idea. I have been offered $1500 and $2,000 but I couldn't say if that is low or about right. And now Ted mentioned that the carburetor might be the most valuable part and now I don't know what to think. I would really appreciate any guidance you guys can offer. I am not trying to inflate the market into outerspace but I also want to get a good value for the parts with out either party being ripped off. Any wisdom you can share would be incredibly helpful!
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Hi, I just paid $4300.00 for parts like these and I think I got a deal, a complete VR57 setup, however it is missing the fuel pump, the heads have just been rebuilt and the air cleaner is a repo.
F-Code Clone
Hitting on all eight cylinders
Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 11 Years Ago
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Cliff, what all did you get for the $4,300?