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Still cannot access forums when logged in

Posted By jrappl 10 Years Ago
You don't have permission to rate!
Posted 10 Years Ago
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Supercharged (78 reputation)Supercharged (78 reputation)Supercharged (78 reputation)Supercharged (78 reputation)Supercharged (78 reputation)Supercharged (78 reputation)Supercharged (78 reputation)Supercharged (78 reputation)Supercharged (78 reputation)

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Last Active: 3 Years Ago
Posts: 43, Visits: 152
The site or my account or both are broken! I cannot reply to any thread but I can add a new topic but button labels are missing - sorry, it's the only way I can post anything.

When not logged in I can browse the forums without problems. Once I log on the forum threads disappear as do many labels. For example in the drop down on the gear button upper right next to username - it has 6 lines broken into 3 sections but none of the labels are visible. I believe the last one is logout. It I hit logout the threads show back up.

I'm running win7 ultimate. I have tried Chrome and IE. I have cleared all history and cookies in both and tried refreshing I have tried two other computers - they get the same result. I do not have any virues or other problems with my computers. I am a software developer and know what I am doing.

In addition I don't see anyway on site to search for a specific topic. All other forums I am a member of (Ranchero forum, Corvette forum, etc..) provide search options. Sure I can use google but it is not easy to confine it to y-blocksforever...

Since others seem to be able to use the forums I'm guessing it has something to do with my account. I can log in (no password or login errors) and my profile info on posts is correct including how many posts, etc... I cannot get to my profile or delete my account so I will try to make a new one and see if that works.

Posted 10 Years Ago
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Co-Administrator (12.8K reputation)Co-Administrator (12.8K reputation)Co-Administrator (12.8K reputation)Co-Administrator (12.8K reputation)Co-Administrator (12.8K reputation)Co-Administrator (12.8K reputation)Co-Administrator (12.8K reputation)Co-Administrator (12.8K reputation)Co-Administrator (12.8K reputation)

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Your thread has been moved to this section as it’s a better fit here.  Here are the links to past threads regarding login problems.  Sounds like you simply need to do a ‘refresh’ to clear out some old cookies that are getting in your way. 

Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)

Posted 10 Years Ago
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Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)Supercharged (126 reputation)

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Posts: 50, Visits: 122.4K
Go to explore to search,you have to pull grey bar on right down to expose search.

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