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Looking for a set of heavy duty truck rods. Thanks, Lancer Facebook Instagram
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I would think that by the time you buy a set of rods and add the expense of arp bolts and resizing you would be at the price of new rods from john.
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Hmmmm... Clarification, Lancer.
The C2AE rods were used in the '62-'64 292 Ford Ys and are the same center-to-center dimension as the earlier '54-'61 EBU rods used in 239, 256, 272, and 292 Y engines. The C2AEs are said to be stronger than the EBUs.
The CITE rods were used in the '61-'64 Heavy Duty truck application 292s that had the forged steel cranks. However, this 292 engine used a rod that has the same center-to-center dimension that the 312 ECZ rod had. The piston pin hole in these 292s was moved to allow the use of the shorter rod. The CITE rods are said to be stronger than the 312 ECZ rods.
Are you using a 292 or 312 crank?
Consider looking at the new Probe rods that John Mummert is offering on his web site These rods are available in both of the center-to-center lengths referred to above. I view John's connecting rods as being unbreakable.
NoShortcuts a.k.a. Charlie Brown near Syracuse, New York
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Here is a link to previous discussion on the HD truck rods. advice on buying John's Probe rods is right on.
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_____________________ Marv's posting on this subject from January 30th of 2013 is well worth the read. He does an excellent job of explaining WHY John Mummert's rods are the more reliable and more cost effective way to go than using the Ford used OEM HD components.
NoShortcuts a.k.a. Charlie Brown near Syracuse, New York
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