The Master Cylinder (12/1/2013)
..... But what happened to the icons for posting pictures and links and the ability to EDIT your post if you want to add or correct something??
They have all disappeared from the POST REPLY page...While I’d much rather use the site’s picture posting feature for inserting pictures within a thread, this option disappeared along with some other features sometime after November 15th. It would seem that the code for the site has been corrupted and as such, the icons that were available while posting or editing are now gone which includes the picture posting icons. Editing capabilities were also compromised.
I’m thinking that reloading this site’s software would fix all this but we’ll wait and see what Jim’s computer guy does to fix the problems. Without having access to the code, I’m clueless as to what the problem is or what caused it.
Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)