While the Y powered Thunderbirds had tach drive distributors, some of the 272/292 Y-Block equipped HD trucks also had them. I thought I could go down to the shed and put my hands on one for a picture, but I’ve apparently given them all away as they seem to be a popular item for the truck restoration guys. If I come across another, I’ll post a picture as the tach drive distributors I do come across for the trucks are completely different in design from the Thunderbird distributors. As has been brought up, try to avoid the vacuum only (Load-O-Matic) distributors that came in the 1955 & 1956 Thunderbirds as there are a bunch of those on the open market.
As Chuck mentions, Mallory offers a tach drive distributor in the Unilite line for the Y. Here’s a picture of one sitting in an engine awaiting its turn for dyno testing.

Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)