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312 engine

Posted By carl 17 Years Ago
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Posted 17 Years Ago
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Supercharged (2.4K reputation)Supercharged (2.4K reputation)Supercharged (2.4K reputation)Supercharged (2.4K reputation)Supercharged (2.4K reputation)Supercharged (2.4K reputation)Supercharged (2.4K reputation)Supercharged (2.4K reputation)Supercharged (2.4K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 2 days ago
Posts: 1.2K, Visits: 20.5K
i looked at a 57 merc.  engine today that was supposed to be a 312 but it didnt have the raised bump on the rear of the crankshaft like the other 312 engines i have.  the question is did all 312 have this raised bump or was some without it.  carl 

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