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Plasma Booster

Posted By GREENBIRD56 12 Years Ago
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Posted 12 Years Ago
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Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Last Month
Posts: 1.7K, Visits: 102.7K
Does any of our group have experience with an add-on gadget called a "Plasma Booster"? Creates a multiple strike at the plug regardless of the firing system you use.  

It adds some heat to the secondary of a coil - by using an electronic "piggyback" device. And there are some test results in one of the Mustang rags that show a few extra horses when it's hooked up. It attaches to the coil - and to ground - and utilizes the (inverted) energy of the inductive system to cause some additional sparks. Self contained device is pretty much "invisible". 

It reportedly doesn't add much of anything to an ignition system that's already working well (firing every time, on time) - but if misfires are common, it reduces the tendency. Supposedly has shown a lot of effect on supercharged / turbocharged arrangements. 
 Steve Metzger       Tucson, Arizona

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