Tech – factory dual quad intake
Here’s the updated list for the 32 ECG-D 2X4 intake manifolds that have dates. No November intakes posted yet. It would appear that there are still ~5,467 dual quad intakes left to document.
10-15-56 (JH)
12-5 (JH), 12-5 (RH), 12-6 (Marc), 12-13 (JH), 12-14 (Ted), 12-14 (EP), 12-17 (TD), 12-28 (JH)
1-9 (DK), 1-9 (NoShortcuts), 1-18 (JH), 1-22 (Ted), 1-22 (Genuinerod)
2-4 (JH), 2-28 (JH), 2-28 (EP)
3-6 (JH), 3-7 (JH), 3-8 (JH), 3-13 (JH), 3-13 (EP), 3-26 (Mike), 3-29 (Ted), 3-29 (EP)
5-28-57 (fakirone)
4-3 (JH)
6-3 (JH), 6-5-57 (Ted), 6-6-57 (JH), 6-6-57 (Flatrod), 6-10 (JH)
No date (CL),
Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)