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Tropical Storm Irene

Posted By LON 13 Years Ago
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Posted 13 Years Ago
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Supercharged (604 reputation)Supercharged (604 reputation)Supercharged (604 reputation)Supercharged (604 reputation)Supercharged (604 reputation)Supercharged (604 reputation)Supercharged (604 reputation)Supercharged (604 reputation)Supercharged (604 reputation)

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Last Active: 2 Years Ago
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Mike ,I agree with you 150% .Stop foreign aid . Charity begins at home .Lets fix our own backyards to begin with .???Our country is the same as yours .  Our own people need help in our country .All those SOB politicians are tarred with the same brush . They couldn't run a 2 door outhouse or organize a booze up at a brothel .


PS .Don't get me started !!!!!!!!!


Posted 13 Years Ago
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Supercharged (658 reputation)Supercharged (658 reputation)Supercharged (658 reputation)Supercharged (658 reputation)Supercharged (658 reputation)Supercharged (658 reputation)Supercharged (658 reputation)Supercharged (658 reputation)Supercharged (658 reputation)

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Don't worry, Mike, we'll send our politicians over to you to help sort it it out. They are still arguing about what happened here almost 12 months ago and still are not prepared for this seasons storms. It's a bit like watch this space.

Hope you are all getting through your weather extremes safely.


Rick - West Australia
Do Y Blocks Downunder run upside down? Gravity Sucks!!
Missouri Mike
Posted 13 Years Ago
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Supercharged (212 reputation)Supercharged (212 reputation)Supercharged (212 reputation)Supercharged (212 reputation)Supercharged (212 reputation)Supercharged (212 reputation)Supercharged (212 reputation)Supercharged (212 reputation)Supercharged (212 reputation)

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You got that right Lon. This has been an unbelievable year for natural disasters in the US. The estimate of damage caused by just Irene jumped from $8 billion last night to $20 billion this morning.

FEMA (our disaster agency in the US) is now holding less than $1 billion. Aid has been halted to places like Joplin and others while FEMA tries to save lives on the east coast. The politicians are already starting to argue about where the money will come from to help all those affected by this huricane, the fires, tornadoes, earthquake and floodingthe US has experienced .

Gosh, here's a crazy idea, let's immediately stop a lot of the foreign aid and use it to help Americans. Right now there are a lot of Americans with no more and no better off then those in third world countries.

I've been donating and contributing (same thing, right?) but there are so God awful many that need basic things NOW, cut the BS get it done.

I'll get off the soapbox and believe it or not, I'm not any kind of a do  gooder but seeing all this has wound me up.

Missouri Mike

Washington, Mo where we've only had an earthquake and mild drought.

I'd rather be lucky than good.................

    but good ain't bad!!

Posted 13 Years Ago
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Supercharged (604 reputation)Supercharged (604 reputation)Supercharged (604 reputation)Supercharged (604 reputation)Supercharged (604 reputation)Supercharged (604 reputation)Supercharged (604 reputation)Supercharged (604 reputation)Supercharged (604 reputation)

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Last Active: 2 Years Ago
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I know we had a bit of a battering early  this year with floods & a cyclone on the East coast of Australia ,but after watching CNN & FOX news over the last few days ,you guys sure have got it bad .Hopefully all our Y-Block family members  have escaped without too much damage ???Our thoughts & prayers are with you .



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