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Racing automatics

Posted By mongo 17 Years Ago
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Posted 17 Years Ago
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Supercharged (385 reputation)Supercharged (385 reputation)Supercharged (385 reputation)Supercharged (385 reputation)Supercharged (385 reputation)Supercharged (385 reputation)Supercharged (385 reputation)Supercharged (385 reputation)Supercharged (385 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Last Month
Posts: 224, Visits: 555
Out of all automatics out there, which one can take the most beating under racing conditions only ? I am a stick person, but I am leaning  towards a C4 , don't want a c6 , size and wiegh . Is anything else out there  ,  for a high power , low wieght car ?

Po ol Davie

Sparta , Tn.

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