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Exhaust test to end all tests?

Posted By Ted 14 Years Ago
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Posted 14 Years Ago
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Guys.  Thanks for the accolades.  Much appreciated.  As far as a book goes, I’m lucky to just find the time to write the regular articles for the Y-Block Magazine much less sit down and write a book.

MoonShadow (2/12/2011)
Ted,  Is one of these the headers I sent home with you last year? I think they were pickup style. You had once said you thought they would flow very well. Also how is my project going? Chuck in NH

Chuck.  The chrome pickup headers you sent back with me are labeled as “Tri-Y pickup headers firing order specific-CC” on the chart.  They actually performed quite well.


As far as your engine goes, the 471 heads are ported and are currently getting the finished valve work done to them.   Still debating on which way to go on the valve springs but that will come to me when the time comes.  Block work is finished.  The short block just needs the crankshaft balanced and it will then be ready to assemble.


Larry.  The headers in the test labeled as “Shorty 1.625” w/box collectors – DC” are those that David and Robin loaned me when I visited y’all last year.  They were actually the best sounding of the lot and made a considerable amount of noise when the load was applied to the engine.  The difference in sound was quite noticeable from the moment the engine was started with them on it.  Something about those square collectors just made an exhaust note that was much different from the rest of the headers that were tested.

Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)

Posted 14 Years Ago
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Here’s my favorite picture of the engine taken during the exhaust testing.  It’s of the engine with the single exhaust using the crossover pipe on the dyno.  I get a funny feeling that one of these crossover pipes hasn’t been on a dyno since Ford did it’s preliminary testing back in the very early Fifties.  Burned arms anyone?

Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)

Y block Billy
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Ted, Thanks a bunch for all the great work!!! We all owe you!!

55 Vicky & customline

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First and foremost thank you for the testing, I was impressed with the level of detail in the chart and the explanation of the testing.

Are the JC 4 tube headers available? Seems like we don't have a lot out there commercially to choose from in a passenger car.

Thanks again,


Posted 14 Years Ago
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Richard (2/13/2011)
Are the JC 4 tube headers available? Seems like we don't have a lot out there commercially to choose from in a passenger car.

The JC headers are built by Jerry Christenson.  You’ll have to give him a call and check on the availability.  His phone number as well as some of the header information is listed at the following link.

Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)

Posted 14 Years Ago
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Firstly I'd like to follow on with kind comments that other members have. I realize that your time is worth money and that any time that you spend on projects like this could be spent on your own projects or personal life. I don't think that I have seen a more comprehensibly tested engine with information on so many components. Thanks for a great effort.

Please could we have more information on what the individual headers are and if they are available commercially?


Warren Adams Grizzly (Aussie Mainline)

Posted 14 Years Ago
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i see that the ram horns would make good street exhaust on a pick-up. excellant work ted, thank you.

 lincoln/merc. y-blocks &mel's                                                               bucyrus, ohio.
John Mummert
Posted 14 Years Ago
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Wow! That's a lot of work and a lot of great information. Thank you Ted!

Did you paint the ported iron heads silver or are you testing a cross-over system with aluminum heads?w00t

I am surprised to see good results with 1-1/2" headers. When I tried some we got pretty poor results. I admit I didn't try different extension pipes.

I don't want to say too much just yet but there are some passenger car headers in the works. I don't know how long they will take or even what the final configuration will be. The builder is a name you will recognize if they come to the market.

I can only hope that he stays after the project and the results are worth the wait.

Thanks to Paul for the loan of the clutch linkage to help things along. 

20 miles east of San Diego, 20 miles north of Mexico

Posted 14 Years Ago
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Another big thank you!  That is a lot of work and a lot of great information!


1956 F100 Big Window 309ci Y-block,  1956 F100 small window 272ci Y-block

Greg.  Mountains of North Eastern CA

Posted 14 Years Ago
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John Mummert (2/14/2011)
Did you paint the ported iron heads silver or are you testing a cross-over system with aluminum heads?w00t

I am surprised to see good results with 1-1/2" headers. When I tried some we got pretty poor results. I admit I didn't try different extension pipes.

The heads being used for the exhaust test are just glass beaded with some clear over them to keep them from rusting.  Several sets of heads were tested prior to the exhaust test and each set was colored differently to help differentiate them during the test.  There will be more on the head tests in an upcoming article for the Y-Block Magazine.

Extension pipes made considerable difference on some of the systems.  Although I had messed with extensions on the drag cars in the past, I started working more extensively with them on the dyno with the EMC project.  With this exhaust test, I simply took those learnings and tried to apply them to a variety of the systems that were being tested.  A good example was the Maxton Mile headers.  They were way down on power when tested straight out of the collectors with no extensions but with 32” and 40” of 3” diameter extension, the power levels jumped straight up to the top.  As became evident during the course of this test, exhaust tuning is too often overlooked.

I don't want to say too much just yet but there are some passenger car headers in the works. I don't know how long they will take or even what the final configuration will be. The builder is a name you will recognize if they come to the market.

I can only hope that he stays after the project and the results are worth the wait.

A commercially available header for the chassis cars is long overdue.  Be sure to post information on those headers as the information becomes available.

Currently working on getting the pictures of the various headers that were tested posted to the site.  The USB ports on the computer where the pictures are located have gone dead so I’ve got to get the pictures moved around before I can post them.  Looks to be a mother board issue but with Jim’s help, I should have that resolved before long.

Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)

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