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Differences in 57 T-Bird intake and Fairlane Intake Manifold ?

Posted By Gary 15 Years Ago
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Differences in 57 T-Bird intake and Fairlane Intake Manifold ?

Posted 15 Years Ago
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Gary (6/9/2010)
Thanks to everyone for your responses. What about differences (lower height) in the bellcrank bolt on holes (in the mainfold) that requires 4 washers to elevate the 56 bellcrank so it will fit?Has anyone seen this? It makes me think the manifoldis from a 57 T-bird and the bellcrank needs to be lower in order to have a lower profile.??


There is a height difference in the 56 intake and 57 intake as far as the linkage mounting bolts. I ran into this helping a friend put a 57 intake on a 56 TBird. Not sure that the cars were different from the TBirds as far as the 57 intake is concerned.

The linkage on a 56 TBird is different from the 57 TBird linkage although they look the same at a first glance. It probably has to do with the change in carbs in 57.

54 Victoria 312;  48 Ford Conv 302, 56 Bird 312
Forever Ford
Midland Park, NJ

Posted 15 Years Ago
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Hi Paul.If you are interested in one of those choke kits I mentioned there is one on Ebay now.Item # 350365000200.Shows how they fit in the exhaust manifold.
Posted 15 Years Ago
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As far as I’m aware, all the ECZ-B 4V intakes have the same machining specs.  Same heights at the carburetor and linkage mounting pads for the Thunderbirds, cars, and trucks as factory supplied.  Only differences I’ve seen have been in the choke tubes and whether or not they had the firing orders cast on them.  The factory blower manifolds are of course an exception and were based off of the ECZ-B intake.

Lorena, Texas (South of Waco)

Posted 15 Years Ago
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Thanks to everyone for your responses.  What about differences (lower height) in the bellcrank bolt on holes (in the mainfold)  that requires 4 washers to elevate the 56 bellcrank so it will fit?  Has anyone seen this?  It makes me think the manifold is from a 57 T-bird and the bellcrank needs to be lower in order to have a lower profile.??



PF Arcand
Posted 15 Years Ago
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Mark: Thanks for the choke retro fit info. I wasn't aware of those kits. Still puzzled though, because while the "B" intake has no choke heat tube, it does have in the same location as the "button" found on say a 2 Bbl late intake, a hole of about 1/4" which on my intake has a bolt screwed into it. However, there is no upper outlet for a choke heat tube. I wonder if someone tried to make shift a choke heat setup ? Or what could it be?

John "H"; the "B" intake I have here does not have a vacuum port anywhere except at the very back vertical area, apparently for power brake cars or trucks?

Hoosier Hurricane
Posted 15 Years Ago
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Would the truck B manifold from maybe '62 on have a vacuum connection in front of the carb for the PCV connection?  The 2 barrel PCV manifolds have it there, so if the 4 barrel ones also had it there then the same plumbing could be used on both.

John - "The Hoosier Hurricane"
Posted 15 Years Ago
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Paul!  There  is an aftermarket kit which puts the heat stone in the exhaust manifold like the choke tubes on the 60's Fords.Ford actually used that style as the "service replacement"for the one in the intake manifold.These kits show up un Ebay quite often.
PF Arcand
Posted 15 Years Ago
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Ah!, truck "B" intakes have no choke heat provision. That likely explains why I can't find a choke heat tube in the crossover of the intake I have on hand here. Live and learn. Since I'm "up North", is my only option then, an electric choke conversion?

John Mummert
Posted 15 Years Ago
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I know of 3 versions of the ECZ9425B intake. None have a vacuum port in front of the carb. Maybe you're seeing the port for the heater control valve.

The early version from 8-56 to approx 4-57 does not have the firing order. Around 4-57 the firing order was added in front of the carb. The Truck HD 292's used the ECZ9425B as late as 1964 but these do not have provision for the choke heat connection. 

20 miles east of San Diego, 20 miles north of Mexico

Posted 15 Years Ago
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ECZ 9425 B is a 57+ intake manifold.If the one on Ebay has a vacuum fitting in front MAYBE someone driiled and tapped for a PCV for instance.On my 56 I also had to raise the bellcrank to get it aligned properly.The ECZ-B has a vacuum fitting at the back for hooking up power brakes.Its not recomended that the PCV be hooked in there because the rear cylinders would get a leaner mixture because of the PCV.

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