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YBM Alum Head photo's

Posted By yehaabill 17 Years Ago
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Posted 17 Years Ago
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Guess I am a little techno challenged.  I tried to attach a picture of the bike and all I got was a link to the photo.  If you click on the link it does show the bike??? Can anyone help me get photos in the post?  Thanks............ 

Charlie Burns Laton, Ca (South of Fresno)
Posted 17 Years Ago
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I see your bike photo. Very cool. I was never a rider or a racer. But I still always lusted for them. Parents were dead set against it. + at that time I was too young anyway.

I came across mine thro a bother in law deal deal and enjoyed trying to recreate something more than anything else. And I also convinced myself I could sell it when done to fund my yblock project. I had done it on others and I could do it on this one. (WRONG!)

Here's a little one I did knock a home run on. $100 invested, sold at 1800. Should a kept it!.

Long live steve McQueen.

       A  L  A  N   F  R  A  K  E  S   ~  Tulsa, OK    

Posted 17 Years Ago
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Alan, Here's a shot of my T'Bird Sport (2003) at an antique M/C show in Ohio. They've changed a lot since the 60's. This is a 3 cyl, water cooled 900cc, with 6 speeds. There's a Sprint directly behind it, same motor, hard bags and fairing. The Yello bike in the back is an earlier Sport. Straight back, against the silver van is a new Bonneville. The Bonnies are still twins although they're completely new OHC, 4 valve, 890 cc enginges.


Bristol, In ( by Elkhart) 

Posted 17 Years Ago
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I just love the old Triumphs.

Here is the only motorcycle I have left its a '70 SL100, I had one when I was a kid and rebuilt it in my parents garage one winter. When I went away to school I sold it to buy a set of tires for My MG. This one I bought from a guy for $300 in 1983 it's been bored out to 122cc, WOW Tongue   God Bless. Smile  Tim                 

350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor  Visalia, California    Just west of the Sequoias

Hoosier Hurricane
Posted 17 Years Ago
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Since all these bikes are showing up on the Y Block site, am I to assume they will all soon be Y powered?  Jus' wonderin'.


John - "The Hoosier Hurricane"

Posted 17 Years Ago
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     Probably not, we are a bit off the subject of Y-blocks here. I do notice Tim has a Triumph Herald and an MGB-GT, neither of which will have Y's in them either.w00t


Bristol, In ( by Elkhart) 

Posted 17 Years Ago
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pegleg (11/29/2008)

     Probably not, we are a bit off the subject of Y-blocks here. I do notice Tim has a Triumph Herald and an MGB-GT, neither of which will have Y's in them either.w00t

I think a Y-Block would crush the front suspention on the little Herald, I know it would shred the diff. BigGrin   God Bless. Smile  Tim                 

350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor  Visalia, California    Just west of the Sequoias

Posted 17 Years Ago
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By the way Tim, I have a '74 Six, has a 3.0 Ford V6 and a Nissan 300zx rear end. I suspect that will eliminate me from the Triumph Club.


Bristol, In ( by Elkhart) 

Posted 17 Years Ago
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I tried to send you a PM about the Herald but it said your box was full.  My wife loves it, I don't mind maintaining it, and it is the only one around so we get more attention in that thing than any other car we have. They don't have to be perfect to be fun and interesting. Tongue   God Bless. Smile  Tim                 

350ci Y-Block FED "Elwood", 301ci Y-Block Unibody LSR "Jake", 312ci Y-Block '58 F-100, 338ci Y-Block powered Model A Tudor  Visalia, California    Just west of the Sequoias

Posted 17 Years Ago
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talk about a hijacked thread.

where's the new Y head pics?

This ain't no L-Kamino!

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