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12 years and a couple of months in the shed

Posted By gyrogary Last Year
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Posted Last Year
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Normally aspirated

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Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 1 hour ago
Posts: 9, Visits: 358.6K
Finally out of the shed and into my lockup and seeing the light of day. Been a long adventure and finally working towards being certified to be on the
1956 Mainline Ute
'55 Canadian 272 block
1/8th over 3.75" bore
312 crank offset ground 3.6" stroke
Mummert heads and intake 750 Summit carb
First cam Isky S-652 grind 242 @ .050 Wiped a lobe off. Did everything as you should but just a horror story.
Same grind number cam reordered but turned up intake 244 @.050 exh 253 @ .050
It's a lot of cam. Idles with 6 in hg @950 rpm. I'm half way around the world so have to live with it. Just driven for the first time today.
It's more than just alive it honks.
Also went for Trend tool steel lifters which meant another set of push rods.
10.22:1 static compression and 8.24:1 dynamic compression. Right on the ragged edge of our petrol.
C4 trans. Shift kitted and eventually a Broarder reverse pattern manual shift.
Unknown T/C stall speed but it's real loose.
'66 Mustang 9" with 4.11 gears and Detroit locker. Home made Caltrac look a likes
A big thank you to John Mummert for what you do to make y-blocks rule the world and Ted Eaton
for sharing some of his secrets

Gary- Havelock, New Zealand.

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