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6-12 conversion

Posted By B-rad Last Year
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I'm starting a new post for the 6-12 conversion. There will be many questions. My car is a 54 Lincoln Capri . Ot has factory ac, p seats and windows. I know there are older posts out there but I will be wanting small bits of info at a time.
I searched for reducers for the dash gauges and found some that said they're for blower motors. What size reducer will I need for the dash? I plan to change out the bulbs to 12v so it should be just for the gauges, right?
Will the fuel sending unit need a reducer on it? What else will need reducers and what size? Also, can I go to a slightly brighter bulb for dash and other interior lights?

Sierra Vista Arizona
1954 Lincoln Capri
Posted Last Year
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Supercharged (4.0K reputation)Supercharged (4.0K reputation)Supercharged (4.0K reputation)Supercharged (4.0K reputation)Supercharged (4.0K reputation)Supercharged (4.0K reputation)Supercharged (4.0K reputation)Supercharged (4.0K reputation)Supercharged (4.0K reputation)

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The factory 57 ford voltage reducer should run the gauges, it’s just fuel and temp right? Or possibly one of the modern electronic ones, I haven’t heard of them not working with the King Seely’s.

All lights, dash, interior, headlights, turn/brake, and parking, just change the bulbs. If you can find a brighter bulb that fits, fine. The 6 volt wiring is larger. But even if it fits the socket, it may not install, especially in the dash. Some of the space is pretty limited.

My bird is still using the oem 6 volt motors on the seats and windows. Just don’t run them steady, you can overheat them. But in normal use they’ll be fine.

Same with the starter. Dropping a 6 volt starter into an 11.5:1 Yblock lets it crank very nicely. Just don’t crank it too long. Once the ignition, fuel and timing are sorted out it won’t be a problem. Mines going on 25 years.

The blower motor will need a resistor, and you’ll just have to research what size. I’ve always been able to find a 12 volt unit that interchanged. You may find either a Ford or Mercury unit is the same as the Lincoln (the Capri was the Mercury platform wasn’t it) or a 56 Lincoln unit if they were 12 volts.

I don’t know about the a/c. I know some had electric clutches, but some of the early units had unloader valves or other designs. Classic does restoration work on those, or they used to. I put one of their modern units in my bird. It’s not as good as a Vintage air, but it works. But they claim to restore the old compressors. I’d at least call, they’d probably have a better answer on the blower too.

55 bird, 32 cabrio F code
Kent, WA
Tucson, AZ
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Supercharged (811 reputation)Supercharged (811 reputation)Supercharged (811 reputation)Supercharged (811 reputation)Supercharged (811 reputation)Supercharged (811 reputation)Supercharged (811 reputation)Supercharged (811 reputation)Supercharged (811 reputation)

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This is the ac compressor. Looks like it came off an old Harley.

Sierra Vista Arizona
1954 Lincoln Capri
Posted Last Year
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That’s just cool. If it can be restored for any reasonable price and made to work effectively on the modern refrigerants (which is a question worth asking in Sierra Vista in the summer), I’d have to keep that. Bet it weights much as a whole new system-condenser, evap, blower, air handler, dryer etc. But so cool.

55 bird, 32 cabrio F code
Kent, WA
Tucson, AZ
Posted Last Year
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In changing the bulbs, if you like a nice bright dash go with LED's.  In my 54 Ford, I used BA95S-5050-SMD that I got on ebay.  I don't know if LED's are dimmable.

54 Victoria 312;  48 Ford Conv 302, 56 Bird 312
Forever Ford
Midland Park, NJ

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