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Any day would OK with me , but I don`t think 1 day would make a difference . I do like dragway 42 maybe they would have another weekend available Harry
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I agree with Charlie. one day won't make the difference. For me, it's not a fathers day thing anyway. I could not attend due to other conflicts last time. For me it needs to be a worthwhile BIG FORD event, I can go to a drag race about anywhere. It's got to be worth the drive.
A L A N F R A K E S ~ Tulsa, OK
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It shouldn't be a problem for me. But I also think it is plain and simply the weekend. Shifting things by one day may not be compelling enough for people who have plans for father's day, particularly people who are farther away. I think it would be better for Fast Fords to be another weekend and they plan some other smaller event with more of a local appeal for Father's day weekend.
Lawrenceville, GA
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Since I'm retired I can attend any days you guys choose but not all of our members have that ability. I'm not sure if they could pick a different weekend for the event but that had crossed my mind. I guess its really up to the Fast Ford guys its really their race.
Y's guys rule! Looking for McCullouch VS57 brackets and parts. Also looking for 28 Chrysler series 72 parts. And early Hemi parts.
  MoonShadow, 292 w/McCulloch, 28 Chrysler Roadster, 354 Hemi) Manchester, New Hampshire
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Tony Fritz, the man behind the Fast Fords racing event in West Salem, Ohio, for the past two years, called me this morning to ask me to pose a question to the Y Blockers. The Y Block Shootout has piggy-backed onto the Fast Fords weekend the last two years, but Tony and the other FE racers who organize the race believe that having the race on Father's Day the past two years has been a detriment to attendance. What they want to receive is feedback on whether or not the Y Blockers would be able to run on Friday and Saturday instead of Saturday and Sunday. Thursday night would then be test and tune. I know that Dave Fuszner and one other Y Blocker has said that Father's Day Sunday is not conducive to attendance, but are there any more that participate, or would participate if the racing was on Friday and Saturday, giving Sunday over to Father's Day?
Daniel JessupLancaster, California aka "The Hot Rod Reverend"  check out the 1955 Ford Fairlane build at